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안영하세요 smile.png

The topic title means hello, just in case:) Hi, I am new to this forum and very pleased to be here. well i started in the good old days of the 2nd Edition. First a Blood Angel Army, but the false Emperor wasn't the right god to believe in, so i switched to a more suitable pantheon of gods. chaos had me and i played a all in nightlords legion. but i left the hobby about 13 years ago, but now i am back:)

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Welcome to the B&C!


I'm actually kind of curious about what the 40k scene is like in Korea. I have a friend in Seoul who doesn't play but at the very least loves the Eldar aesthetic and has a few models (and owns something like four Ezekiel models because he keeps leaving them at previous places he's lived at and gets a new one to paint every time he moves).


Again, welcome to the community!

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Welcome to the B&C!


I'm actually kind of curious about what the 40k scene is like in Korea. I have a friend in Seoul who doesn't play but at the very least loves the Eldar aesthetic and has a few models (and owns something like four Ezekiel models because he keeps leaving them at previous places he's lived at and gets a new one to paint every time he moves).


Again, welcome to the community!


I only know of one store, although I've heard of others, I don't know if they exist any more. There are a few groups, but they often involved foreigners who played outside of Korea... I've heard stuff goes on at the military bases, but I've never been myself. Also, 40K has stupidly high tax on it... Maybe 90%? So the Australians might have someone they can relate to.

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