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Indirect Fire Shenanigans


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In a recent game tourney at our local game store, our resident meta-gamer applied "Those are the rules as written bro, don't hate me for using them" tactics that blew my mind. I can't imagine this is the intended use, though I could not find a reference in rules to challenge him with. Curious to get your thoughts on this - maybe I'm wrong and this is a legit usage....


The scenario:

He deploys a TFC into the ground floor of a 3 story building. The TFC and Techmarine operator are wedged so far into the structure that the barrel of the TFC is milimeters away from one wall, and both the operator and TFC are wholly under the roof/floor of the 2nd story, and there is a solid wall (no doors or windows) obstructing the right side of the TFC. The left edge of the TFC was the table edge and , from a top-down stand point, the TFC and operator both were fully under/inside this structure. Even with a pivot, there was no logical means by which the operator could shoot this cannon downfield to the other side of the board in my (and others') opinion.


He then proceeds to rain TFC rounds on enemy units claiming indirect fire allows this.


We questioned the legitimacy of this - saying that sure indirect fire allows you to not have LOS, though you'd clearly have to be able to shoot the gun - presumably upward, so that it could arc and fire down range. As is, his cannon could not fire without 1) blowing itself up and 2) blowing up the building he was castling his men in.


He claimed this was exactly how indirect fire was written and totally legitimate to use. I raised the point that, by extension, his logic implied that a indirect fire could magically be used to shoot out of a completely enclosed box. He smiled and continued to use the cannon in this fashion for the remainder of the game.


I'd love to know of some FAQ or rule that prevents this if you know of one. Otherwise, is this a tactic that other's are seeing in use?


Seemed cheesy to me and sort of takes the fun out of an otherwise enjoyable game.

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I have to agree with the guy as much as I hate it. That is how the rules are written in the book and that is how it should be played. The box scenario would work because of the rule because of RAW, I don't know the fluff on the TFC but lets take Tau SMS for example. In that case, RAI would indicate that as long as you're not shooting at a wall it can work (say if you're shooting off the map but that's because they're guided missiles.)

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In my opinion it would depend if the structure was a building/fortification or a ruin? Did you agree with your opponent beforehand?


If it was a building/fortification did it have any fire access points?


If it was a ruin then your opponent was quite correct, all he is doing is firing from within "difficult terrain that provides a 4+ cover save".


Now this part is taken within the context of moving through walls of a ruin, but can equally be applied to shooting:


"Should troops be able to move through walls if there is no door? That's really down to what you and your opponent decide. It's perfectly acceptable to assume the combatants on both sides have brought plenty of cutting tools, acidic disintegrators or naked ferocity to muscle their way through any wall so foolish as to block their path. Indeed, the normal rules for moving through difficult terrain allow you to do just this."


So it's perfectly reasonable to assume his techmarine made a suitable hole in the wall for the TFC to fire out of.



I guess the moral of that game is to agree with your opponent beforehand on what terrain is.


On the flip side, if you had targetted him with a weapon that ignores cover then it would have been a dead techmarine.

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On the flip side, if you had targetted him with a weapon that ignores cover then it would have been a dead techmarine.


Can't target, as there's no LoS.


Unless you're using another Indirect fire weapon.


Edit: You also couldn't assault the Techmarine either.


Edit2: Time to build your own 'ruins' and bring them to games.  Just make sure the ruined wall/s are placed on board edges and you're set!

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On the flip side, if you had targetted him with a weapon that ignores cover then it would have been a dead techmarine.

Can't target, as there's no LoS.

Unless you're using another Indirect fire weapon.

I was playing a game with my small Tau force last week against Tyranids. My opponent placed his Venomthropes out of LOS behind a ruin and was extremely surprised when 12 Smart Missiles from my Broadside team zoomed round the corner of the ruin and slammed into them, also ignoring their cover and armour saves no.gif

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If the structure is a building...you can blow it up.


If the structure is "ruins", then you treat it as difficult terrain in terms of movement and assaulting.


I'd always assume the tfire cannon has smart bullets, considering the way it works. Techmarine could probably point the thing straight up, and fire up and over the ruins to hit a target.

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If the structure is a building...you can blow it up.


If the structure is "ruins", then you treat it as difficult terrain in terms of movement and assaulting.


I'd always assume the tfire cannon has smart bullets, considering the way it works. Techmarine could probably point the thing straight up, and fire up and over the ruins to hit a target.



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If it was a building, the Thunderfire unit would not be able to enter it. Only Infantry can enter Buildings, as they use Transport rules for such purposes, and the Thunderfire unit is Artillery, even the Techmarine alone.


Still, a pertinent question for IG Mortar Teams.

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As all said, perfectly legal.



If it was a ruin then your opponent was quite correct, all he is doing is firing from within "difficult terrain that provides a 4+ cover save".

To be technical, this is not true. The ground floor is area terrain and provides a 5+ cover save. The upper floors are open and don't provide any cover save. The walls provide a 4+ cover save and are difficult terrain. Going up and down floors is difficult terrain.


The more you know! :D

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If the structure is "ruins", then you treat it as difficult terrain in terms of movement and assaulting.


Except you can't move thorugh it as that would bring you within 1" of an enemy.


And you can't charge for an assault, as you have no LoS tot he target unit.


If your group accepts moving through walls you could charge through a window. If there are none then go around a bit and get behind. You could also use assault marines, you know, those guys who don't care much about walls when moving.

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There is going to be "some placement" on the other side of the walls which allows you to move into the area, then see the marine, then assault said techmarine.


The techmarine and thunderfire cannon model is not the size of a stompa. It can't possibly block two complete walls and prevent you from placing any model there.



Something to keep in mind for future games. Use the proper rules for placing terrain, and choosing sides. This will snip these issues in the bud. If they still manage a magical setup with the thunderfire cannon....


Use outflanking or infiltrating units.

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 Not legal.


  You don't need LOS- but you would need line of fire 


What is this line of fire you refer to? I don't see it in the rulebook.


I believe he is referring to how for example, sponson weapons can't fire sideways out of the barrel AKA, they can only shoot in a certain area so  I assume he means that if the gun can't actually face what it's shooting at, it can't shoot at it.

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