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Chaos Daemon Allies Question


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Hey guys quick question on Daemon Allies for my army...


Are there any restrictions on the alliance between HQ and Troop in the allied Daemons ie. When you select and Tzeencth Allied HQ are you forced to then have the mandatory troop share the same Mark of Chaos?

Im asking as I want to run an allied Herald of Tzeentch, but dont have any desire to add Horrors/Flamers as a tax. I simply want to add a ML3 Herald for Divination and Grimoir and want most of the rest of my points invested in my CSM primary. 


Can I for instance have an Allied detachment HQ: Herald of Tzeentch Troops: Daemonettes?



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You could, though a Herald is too squishy to be running around on his own. Lord of change on the other hand is a boss.

Thanks! Yeah I understand, however I want to keep the Daemon Allies to an absolute minimum, all I want to do is have access to Divination and the Grimoir so Id have to think about either surrounding him with dispensible bodies (lots of cultists) or keeping him in cover / behind ADL. I dont expect him to survive for more than only a couple of rounds, but if I could give my Oblits / Warp Talons / Decimator a 3++ for a round or so then Im all for using it smile.png

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You can't attach any units from codex: chaos daemons into codex: chaos space marines or vice versa. So no running the herald in cultists. Your best bet would be putting him in horrors. These are very tough behind an aegis defence line (go to ground and reroll 1's should do fine). Don't put a herald alone, just a waste of points otherwise

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So 3++ on Skyshield is still the better choice? (Oblits dont need to move much anyway)

Yes but my idea wasnt to change my entire list around or suddenly turn my mostly Nurgle/Slaanesh army into Tzeentch, I dont have the $$ for that anyway. I was simply wondering whether it is possible so thats cool. I wasnt thinking of joining the Herald / Cultists, but simply have them surround him and form a barrier - All he needs to do is cast precience on my Decimators / Blight Drones and thats about it.

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Yeah, as jeske said, he'd get a 5+ cover for being screened, but has a 5+ invulnerable already, he would just be dakkad off in one shooting phase, heralds need a unit to lurk in.


Hmm...I realy want the Divination I just have a huge problem with the look of 90% of the models in the Daemon Codex...everything is seriously goofy-looking and dont give me the feel of anything other than fantasy. So its more an aesthetics thing than a rules thing. Thats why I initially thought of running the Herald by itself as I cant get myself to actually buy any Daemon models.


How about a Lord of Change? Hes damn expensive (pts-wise) but can probably run/fly around without needing a babysitter.

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Lord of change is arguably the best fmc in the book, two greater rewards and a lesser, with three psychic levels is 305 pts of win.

Cool, good to know - how survivable is he though? He only has a 4++ right? I was thinking that if I do use him, perhaps keep him at ML2 and just add the Grimoire....but thats still 250+ pts and might eat into my Primary HQ so I'll have to rethink things a bit.

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