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Better vehicle for delivering Assault squad?


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With the new Kharybdis Assault Claw rules, what do you think is the better vehicle for delivering a large squad (like Beserkers, MoK CSM w/BP & CC, etc.) for Assault (as in actual close combar and not just close range shooting) by Turn 2?


The KAC or the Spartan LR?


I'm thinking, the KAC is more fragile, but the squad can still disembark on the 'far side' and get BLOS. But the KAC can also get 'Interceptored'. On the other hand, depending on deployment, the LR may not get in range by Turn 2 to allow for Assault.


Or should I just stick to Spawn, Maulerfiends, and Raptors?


Still trying to work out scenarios in my head but would appreciate opinions. Thanks!

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Man, I'm not even sure what the Spartan's rules are, but I'm going to have to say that one. Kharybdis is silly-time.


Spartan is just a 25 person Land Raider, AV14 all around like the LR, HP5, but can take Ceramite and has two Quad LasCannons (that's 4 twin linked shots).


Why is the KAC silly time? It's not that different from a regular Drop Pod - albeit bigger and more expensive.

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Spartan every day. Considering it is 2x as good at anti-tank than a standard LR and can transport a lot more, yet only costs 25% more than a standard LR, and it can even be given Frag Assault Launchers, it a winner.

But it really is a lot of eggs in one basket.


Still, I would take that one over the Kharybdis every day. To be honest I haven't even tried proxying a Kharybdis, since the rules just make it seem bad and incredibly expensive at the same time.

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Man, I'm not even sure what the Spartan's rules are, but I'm going to have to say that one. Kharybdis is silly-time.


Spartan is just a 25 person Land Raider, AV14 all around like the LR, HP5, but can take Ceramite and has two Quad LasCannons (that's 4 twin linked shots).


Why is the KAC silly time? It's not that different from a regular Drop Pod - albeit bigger and more expensive.

it would not be different from a bigger drop pod , if it cost 70pts. It is a flyer , with a ton of rules that will never work .

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Maybe 20 CSM with bp/ccw, mark of Khorne, banner of wrath and Fabius bile experimenting can make full use of that nifty assault ramp, thats like. 160 81 S6 attacks on the charge in turn 2. But only if you dont care about the points sink and that you might lose some models of that unit here and there. (yep experimenting makes them fearless, so they wont run away)

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The Spartan is a good vehicle... until you come up against grav weapons. I've used a Spartan twice and it has been destroyed twice within 2 turns by grav centurions. Also it doesn't have power of the machine spirit so you'll have to choose between delivering assault infantry or shooting. If it wasn't for the grav weapons though, the thing would be nigh unstoppable with Armoured Ceramite.


I've had better success with the Storm Eagle but that relies on good reserve rolls and taking a turn of shooting before you can hover and disembark.


I'm considering taking a vindicator next time for the grav centurions (everyone but the taudar player seems to take them).

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I was considering the Storm Eagle but it is at best a Turn 3 Assault and usually gets shot down in hover right after.


Guess it's back to Spawn and Raptors.

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The Spartan is a good vehicle... until you come up against grav weapons. I've used a Spartan twice and it has been destroyed twice within 2 turns by grav centurions. Also it doesn't have power of the machine spirit so you'll have to choose between delivering assault infantry or shooting. If it wasn't for the grav weapons though, the thing would be nigh unstoppable with Armoured Ceramite.


I've had better success with the Storm Eagle but that relies on good reserve rolls and taking a turn of shooting before you can hover and disembark.


I'm considering taking a vindicator next time for the grav centurions (everyone but the taudar player seems to take them).

Would not grav centurions be saddened by 4 twin-linked lascannons to the face? I often keep my LR filled with cc marines back for a turn or two if those extra lascannon shots will allow me to advance without being blown up. From that perspective the Spartan is twice as good as a standard LR for a fairly low increase in cost.

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Grav Centurions are limited by range and should be tied up by Spawn or Bikers or other fast moving assault elements. Remember no overwatch is awesome.


If you can't engage them, hang back for a turn and pump las shots into their faces.

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Man, I'm not even sure what the Spartan's rules are, but I'm going to have to say that one. Kharybdis is silly-time.


Why is the KAC silly time? It's not that different from a regular Drop Pod - albeit bigger and more expensive.

I can go on for days about why the Kharybdis is a ridiculous waste of points and money....Paying 7 x the price than a SM drop pod, for something which essentially has the same AV with an additional HP (which means nothing as the thing can br exploded by a random Plasma Pistol shot). 


Also it's weapons are pretty lame considering it's more expensive than a LR, and one of it's weapons can actually cause an Auto Pen when you roll a one....not a pen on an Enemy like you would expect (you pay 260pts for it after all), no you can explode yourself if you use one of it's 2 weapons.


Ridiculously stupid rules, it looks the size of the eiffel tower, yet can only transport a single Dreadnaught....etc. etc. Ive sent FW feedback on its stupid rules and shared my suggestions to them. God knows why they would make this thing a flyer as well....all we need is a DP, not some gimmicky over priced FlyerPod which doesnt work at all.

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Man, I'm not even sure what the Spartan's rules are, but I'm going to have to say that one. Kharybdis is silly-time.

Basically a censored.gif huge landraider.

the KaC is bigger, more expensive, takes up a Fast Attack spot instead of Elites where we don't have stuff that we want.

Man I wish we could swap out derpy FoC spots for stuff we want.

Or just had no chart. Can you imagine CSMs without having to take troops? It'd be badass.

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