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Biker Army Help Required!


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So on Friday I am participating in a 600pts doubles tournament at my local GW. As you probably have figured out from the title I will be running a Space Marine bike army but I am not very good at tactics. I know how to play 40k it's just that I don't know how to win. my partner will be running another Space Marine force with three Thunderfire Cannons (SPAM!) and is pretty good with his tactics but probably will not be comfortable in every circumstance. The tournament itself is not competitive, however there is some friendly rivalry, to get bragging rights within the store.

What I am hoping for is that you lovely folk assist me, and possibly my partner, on general and army specific tactics to help us conquer our foes in the name of the Emperor!


Cheers Scarion

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yep his side of this list is a Librarian, 2x 5 man scout squads with sniper rifles and 3 TFC and a Storm Talon and my side of the army is captain on bike, 2x5 man bike squads with 2x melta guns and a multi melta attack  bike, then a storrm talon.

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  • 5 months later...

So its a 1200 point game your more likely to see heavy infantry so I would suggest one squad of bikers be grav gun bikers. Something to put a hurt on centurions, wraiths, meganobz, sternguard etc.


As for tactics since you have 3 TFC's an opponent is going to try to spread out to minimize there effect. This should allow your more mobile bikers to group up and gain fire superiority at the point of contact. For your list I would unless there are unique victory conditions I would want to go second.


It will allow you to counter deploy your bikers since an opponent will have to take the TFC's into account on there deployment. It also leverages your talons giving you first shot on opposing fliers. I would keep two talons as hell turkeys can really hurt your list and fliers in general will give your bikers problems.


Hold rear objs with the TFC's, infiltrate onto mid objs with the scouts, and send the bikers in with talon support to contest your opponents. You have an aggressive list so make sure you stay aggressive.

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