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Soooo, I saw these pics:




I wonder what else is coming... :D

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By the Dark Gods... they were actually telling the truth...the...truth!


that or lucky guess, new helbrute has been rumored since the Dark Vengeance release and before.  What interests me is the apparantly aligned nature of some of the options on display.  Could we possibly see white dwarf rules for marked vehicles?  Probably not, but I can hope.  I don't much care for helbrutes tactically at the moment, least-wise not until we get a functional (scatter mitigating, dedicated transport), affordable (<50 points) version of the dreadclaw, but I do like the DV brute aesthetically, and this kit is a suitably close match in terms of style to please me, and I wouldn't mind having an assortment of dread weapons in a matching style with set up magnetized options for my DV brute along with one more, so yeah, I could see myself getting this kit if it isn't too pricey.  What do loyalist dreads go for these days?  A little over us$45?  That's on the long end for me, but not entirely outside of the realm of possibility.


Mostly I just want to wait to see of the rumored chosen appear before committing to any particular purchase in my mind.


Looks like visions imho.


Yeah, check the captions. WD does single language prints, Visions puts multiple translations of the same caption under images for multilingual prints.

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I'm glad they don't have the silly toes that the DV version had, but they're still too organic for my tadte. I could probably do a kitbask conversion with one, though.

The implications though...if this thing comes, what else is coming? :)

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There may not be much coming for those who aren't fans of the mutated/corrupted look, since this kit seems to align itself very closely with the DV aesthetic.


That said, rumors are we're getting FW stuff purchasable in local stores (or local GW stores at least), as early as april, so those who prefer a more 'archaic but not mutated' look may find the FW models that do that style amazingly well are easier to get your hands on.

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There may not be much coming for those who aren't fans of the mutated/corrupted look, since this kit seems to align itself very closely with the DV aesthetic.


That said, rumors are we're getting FW stuff purchasable in local stores (or local GW stores at least), as early as april, so those who prefer a more 'archaic but not mutated' look may find the FW models that do that style amazingly well are easier to get your hands on.


The more mutated and corrupted, the better.

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Seems to suffer from the same static posing that the Centurians do. And to me looks a little flat and wide. Not sold so far. Hope other new kits will be better and have more life to them.
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The flat & wide may be more a matter of this being a scan of a two dimensional image of the model.  It does look a bit static, but in terms of depth and proportions and whatnot, I'd hold judgment until you see it in person, or at least a 360 on the website.  There have been a number of models in the past while that I've been pretty skeptical of in a front on still image, but rather impressed by once I actually got to look around it a bit more.

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Seems to suffer from the same static posing that the Centurians do. And to me looks a little flat and wide. Not sold so far. Hope other new kits will be better and have more life to them.


Admittedly there was opportunity to do more dynamic posing, but in the end they're still just Dreadnoughts. Stubby little arms and legs that don't lend themselves well to posing is rather par for the course.

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So does the nurgle one have two powerfists, or is that some kind of chainfist in the left hand?


Loving the scourge, A fist/scourge model would be excellent.


Looks like a socket joint on the waist, that Khorne dread looks a lot taller than a regular dread.


I'm presuming the last photo is a slaanesh one with TLLC?

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If we get a Chosen/Chaos Marine box of this kind of quality too, I'm gonna be one happy little heretic! biggrin.png

I'd just go for plastic replacing all the failcast, Legion/ mono god rules, and being able to do a list that doesn't call for chickens, oblits and the mark of nurgle. I'd like some flavour back. More variety on the chaos and daemon weapons. Possessed to be useful. Ancient marines that are equal to sternguard at least. Hatred of the Imperium and kits with flexibility and options on poses. And chocolate...lots of it.

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If we get a Chosen/Chaos Marine box of this kind of quality too, I'm gonna be one happy little heretic! biggrin.png

I'd just go for plastic replacing all the failcast, Legion/ mono god rules, and being able to do a list that doesn't call for chickens, oblits and the mark of nurgle. I'd like some flavour back. More variety on the chaos and daemon weapons. Possessed to be useful. Ancient marines that are equal to sternguard at least. Hatred of the Imperium and kits with flexibility and options on poses. And chocolate...lots of it.

Trust me, preaching to the heretical choir dude. I'd love me some updated Berzerkers/1000 Sons, a variety of Daemon weapons (whose brilliant idea was it to CUT the ones we had??) and Possessed that can rip loyalists to shreds - but I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high regarding anything happy.png

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For me, the ideal would be 10 man dual kit CSM chosen box that lives up to the DV standard & aesthetic, a 5 man havoc box using the same body sprue, and then FW conversion kits a la their world eaters berzerkers & death guard plague marines to make cults/possessed/etc.


But that's all pie in the sky wish listing.  In the mean time I have to say I'm not at all displeased with the above kit as pictured.

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