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For me, the ideal would be 10 man dual kit CSM chosen box that lives up to the DV standard & aesthetic, a 5 man havoc box using the same body sprue, and then FW conversion kits a la their world eaters berzerkers & death guard plague marines to make cults/possessed/etc.


But that's all pie in the sky wish listing.  In the mean time I have to say I'm not at all displeased with the above kit as pictured.

Chosen/possessed dual 5 mons kit . Havock 5mons kit . CSM 10 man box , Dual dread box and the new type of army starter set . I guess GW could make something like that .




Why is it so...fleshy?

Because it shares the body with all the "other" dreads.

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One thing that I am most perturbed about is the Thousand Sons Hellbrute.


Why is it so...fleshy?


Could they be taking them in a new direction? I like my automata.

Because it's a psyker ?

Because it joined the ranks of the Legion post-heresy?

Because you decide why !

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1) because the new chaos marines in general are getting a unifying faction-wide aesthetic to distinguish them as chaos marine models, as opposed to generic 'bad guy marines' or marines specific to this or that 30k era legion, and those players who feel their sub-faction's fluff doesn't fit that are going to have to suck it up (and buy suck it up, I mean turn to FW and their gorgeous 30k line that already represents that aesthetic better than anything GW's going to put out).


2) because it's not a 'cult' helbrute, just a thousand sons helbrute.  Magnus was never a fan of the Rubric, and it would make sense for him to have been building his legion's numbers back up with fresh, living recruits in the, what?  8 thousand?  9 thousand years since?  And some of those non-rubric thousand sons will be in dreads, and subject to all the warping influence of chaos.


3) because if it is a rubric helbrute, then just because the rubric protect the dust of the warrior within (or the husk of the psycher) doesn't mean that protection extends to the physical machinery and subsystems of the lumbering mechanical cage that carries what's left of them.  Remember, it isn't just living things that are subject to daemonic mutation when exposed to the warp.  Within the Eye, air, water, stone, and yes metal are all subject to the whim of the gods and vulnerable to daemonic infestation, and this is especially the case for weapons and war engines like the dreadnought


4) furthermore, if it is a rubric helbrute, the rubric does not replace damaged material.  Rubric marines who have their armor destroyed require new, complete armored bodies for their spirits to be summoned back into, so a ruptured rubric dreadnought is stuck waiting for repair or for an entirely new dreadnought body.  Repair is easier to come by in the eye through trade and pacts with the dark mechanicus, but when the dark mechanicus repairs the war engines of chaos, they don't have access to all the resources of the imperium, and 'fill the gaps' with warp-infused parts, possessed weaponry, and grafted daemonic flesh.


5) any number of reasons, really, but if you don't like it the old FW thousand sons dreadnought is still available, still gorgeous, and may be more to your liking.

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Though not bad models per se, these are far too mutated for my liking. Defnitely glad I converted my own if this is what they're forcing onto us as an aesthetic theme.


I'm kind of worried about the havocs and chosen if the helbrute is any indication. That and the rules are terrible anyways so really it's a win win for me.

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I think you are free to go whichever direction you want - heavily mutated/not/kind of a combination - there are always build your own or the delicious FW offerings. I like the direction they are going with (DV chosen, more please) but have a funny feeling that it will be Helbrutes and no more, when it is troops I beseech the gods for so as to differentiate them from my 'spikey loyalists'. Here is hoping.
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I think you are free to go whichever direction you want - heavily mutated/not/kind of a combination - there are always build your own or the delicious FW offerings. I like the direction they are going with (DV chosen, more please) but have a funny feeling that it will be Helbrutes and no more, when it is troops I beseech the gods for so as to differentiate them from my 'spikey loyalists'. Here is hoping.


Not with me, I have to convert from plastic because I'm either stuck with this pictured gak or I have to spend money on warped resin with pitting. It's a damned if you do or don't but I'm glad I'm skilled enough to cobble something together I can call my own.

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One thing that I am most perturbed about is the Thousand Sons Hellbrute.


Why is it so...fleshy?


Could they be taking them in a new direction? I like my automata.


I was thinking the exact same thing. "All is Dust... except the Dreadnoughts!"  Seem to be the new TS slogan. Or maybe the pilot if psychic, just not enough to warrant extra rules? So he can be fleshy yet still an old-school TS.


Anyway, I think hey look really cool, but if I was designing a scary warmachine of the Dark Gods, I don't think I would have given it armour in the shape of a bodysuit and stay-ups. Cuz that's all I'm seeing. Maybe I just need to get laid?


But seriously, it can't just be me that think the bare skin thighs look really out of place?

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All in all I love the new aesthetics, WE ARE CHAOS SPACE MARINES damn it, we have been in hell for the past ten thousand years and nothing is safe from the warping influence of Chaos, not your soul, not your wargear and nor your flesh. I am sick and tired of having only the trim and horns as the only thing that marks my models as chaos...


On a side note I agree with what everyone said above. Fleshy and angular is the new look of Chaos, mutations, bones, spikes, tentacles, far too many eyes... all is good in my book but I also agree that many warbands still bear the ancient arms and armor from the Heresy Era and FW more than covers that up. Playing Thousand Sons I think that the old model range will be now more than even in line with the fluff being walking suits of ancient armor, especially if the rest of my collection will have the new look, it would only enforce the background of the XV legion... and when we speak of the fleshy hellbrute with TSons colors, well I don't think that Magnus and his officers were idle all those years and they aptly rebuilt the legion one space marine at a time. And again this only enforces the idea of the Rubic Marines for any new recruit that was elevated in the Thousand Sons ranks since the Rubic of Ahriman is not a Rubic but a standard chaos space marine devoted to the God of Change, hence changed more than any his counterpart in the other legions of old.


My wishlist would be the following:


10 men CSM kit with the DV looks

5 men Chosen/Havocs dual kit with tons of heavy and special weapon options

15 men Cultists box for hands down 10 is a bit too few...

Obliterators/Mutilators dual kit with updated looks


And above all a complete remake of the Chaos armoury with sinister and mutated vehicles ranging from the Rhino to the Land Raider.


As far as the rules go I would be more than happy if team Chaos will have some access to more USR on squad basis either trough upgrade characters or trough upgrades in points but we really need Tank Hunters, Relentless, Infiltrate, Scout and so on... hell even an updated psychic power table would be most welcome to us Tzeentchians. 


Alas, we shall see...

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One thing that I am most perturbed about is the Thousand Sons Hellbrute.


Why is it so...fleshy?


Could they be taking them in a new direction? I like my automata.


I was thinking the exact same thing. "All is Dust... except the Dreadnoughts!"  Seem to be the new TS slogan. Or maybe the pilot if psychic, just not enough to warrant extra rules? So he can be fleshy yet still an old-school TS.


Anyway, I think hey look really cool, but if I was designing a scary warmachine of the Dark Gods, I don't think I would have given it armour in the shape of a bodysuit and stay-ups. Cuz that's all I'm seeing. Maybe I just need to get laid?


But seriously, it can't just be me that think the bare skin thighs look really out of place?


Even the psychics were protected from mutation by the rubric of Ahriman, they just didn't get dusted.

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Whilst I'm not keen on the whole mutated/warped fleshy dreadnought look, especially for Thousand sons, I think we are forgetting something much more shocking.

They Painted. A. Thousand. Son. Model.

They actually remembered Thousand sons exist!

But have they done any Emperor's Children in colours other than black and pink?

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Seriously, how little does people know about how chaos warbands work? It's been 10k years! Do they really think the Thousand Sons wouldn't recruit even a single non-psychic marine to bolster their ranks like the other legions did (with or without their own geneseed)? Do they really think their ranks only consists of sorcerers and rubrics to perform all roles on the battlefield? Did you read Ahriman: Exile properly? Yes it's a mutated helbrute, but is it the marines tiny remnants of mortal flesh inside the thing that has been mutated...or the metal shell itself???


Sorry, but too many complaints (not only on this forum) about a non-issue makes me nerdrage before I've had my morning cup of soothing tea (mmm, tea)! Not directed against anyone in particular but against a general "feeling"... :)

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In the end we speak of M41, ten thousand years have passed in real time and who knows home many in the Warp. I would be sincerely surprised if not every single astartes of the original traitor legions is not completely messed up somehow, be it in flesh, soul or mind. I welcome the new aesthetics, it shows that my marines have actually spent far too much time in hell. 


As for the Thousand Sons... come on, a legion being made solely out of Rubics? We would be unable to resits even a single depredation of a fellow traitor legion let alone the horrors of the warp. No, I presume entire chapters are now bearing the Thousand Sons colors, entire companies were inducted into the XVth either via stolen geneseed, biomancy or sheer submissions so, fleshy is good and completely logical in my book. 

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Who, lots of hostility!
I agree with pretty much everything you're saying,in one regard, but part of the delicious, painful irony of the Thousand Sons was they they are dedicated to the god of change, yet they are totally incapable of themselves changing.


Also, Excessus, where in Exile does it state that the TS have non rubrics, non sorcerers? Unless you're implying that all the other renegades changed their colours? I'm pretty sure they just pledged to Ahriman's fleet, as opposed to becoming Thousand Sons.


Even in the fluff. the TS legion are made of automata. They do not need to recruit new marines, as they can summon the old ones back from the warp into new armour, as you say.

Even the psychics were protected from mutation by the rubric of Ahriman, they just didn't get dusted.


Not quite, the fleshy sorcerers can sill get mutated, and those devoted to Tzeentch  "proudly display those mutations" (Index Astartes). 


I'f it's a new direction they're taking wih the TS, then fine, I just wish they would say. What if they had painted the new sorcerer model in WE colours? Again, yes, there can be Khorne Sorcerers but it still grates.


That said, I like the idea of TS being more than just Rubrics.


Maybe it's an excuse to paint some Thousand Sons without the crests...

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