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New chaos releases


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1) because the new chaos marines in general are getting a unifying faction-wide aesthetic to distinguish them as chaos marine models, as opposed to generic 'bad guy marines' or marines specific to this or that 30k era legion, and those players who feel their sub-faction's fluff doesn't fit that are going to have to suck it up (and buy suck it up, I mean turn to FW and their gorgeous 30k line that already represents that aesthetic better than anything GW's going to put out).


2) because it's not a 'cult' helbrute, just a thousand sons helbrute.  Magnus was never a fan of the Rubric, and it would make sense for him to have been building his legion's numbers back up with fresh, living recruits in the, what?  8 thousand?  9 thousand years since?  And some of those non-rubric thousand sons will be in dreads, and subject to all the warping influence of chaos.


3) because if it is a rubric helbrute, then just because the rubric protect the dust of the warrior within (or the husk of the psycher) doesn't mean that protection extends to the physical machinery and subsystems of the lumbering mechanical cage that carries what's left of them.  Remember, it isn't just living things that are subject to daemonic mutation when exposed to the warp.  Within the Eye, air, water, stone, and yes metal are all subject to the whim of the gods and vulnerable to daemonic infestation, and this is especially the case for weapons and war engines like the dreadnought


4) furthermore, if it is a rubric helbrute, the rubric does not replace damaged material.  Rubric marines who have their armor destroyed require new, complete armored bodies for their spirits to be summoned back into, so a ruptured rubric dreadnought is stuck waiting for repair or for an entirely new dreadnought body.  Repair is easier to come by in the eye through trade and pacts with the dark mechanicus, but when the dark mechanicus repairs the war engines of chaos, they don't have access to all the resources of the imperium, and 'fill the gaps' with warp-infused parts, possessed weaponry, and grafted daemonic flesh.


5) any number of reasons, really, but if you don't like it the old FW thousand sons dreadnought is still available, still gorgeous, and may be more to your liking.


Nailed it.


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That just makes things even better. I love all the pipes and tubes.


Now, is it time to get out of the non-mutated Thousand Sons mindset, or the non-mutated Iron Warrior mindset?


The TS need at least 2 hellbrutes.


Something that also may be of interest:



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That just makes things even better. I love all the pipes and tubes.


Now, is it time to get out of the non-mutated Thousand Sons mindset, or the non-mutated Iron Warrior mindset?


The TS need at least 2 hellbrutes.


Something that also may be of interest:




I don't like it for my Iron Warriors, I will stick with the FW and SM dreadnaughts.  If they had made the Helbrute somthing other than Chaos Dreadnaughts, like the fiends, I think I could have lived with it, I just like my Iron Warriors with less mutation and more bionics.

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I genuinely love these. This is the aesthetic i imagine most Chaos marines as these days. You obviously have to take into account the older legion dreads, but for the vast majority I reckon this sort of mutated look is how most dreads would appear.


My real issue is that helbrutes are awful. They compete with other elite slots that are worth way more. And I am a biiiggg fan of Helbrutes and dreads in general. But their sucky rules wont help sales at all.

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If they come correct with new CSM models, I'll buy some to upgrade my Beserker army, of which is a very, VERY Khornate, mutated, rip-n-tear variety.  Like, "KHORNE!  GUIDE OUR SHIPS, OUR AXES, SPEARS AND SWORDS!  GUIDE US THROUGH, STORMS THAT WHIP, AND IN BRUTAL WAAAAAAAAAAAR"

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Now, is it time to get out of the non-mutated Thousand Sons mindset, or the non-mutated Iron Warrior mindset?


Negative. Those are good bits of fluff that have deep roots. I did, however, eventually start a cult oriented Kill Team collection just to have something to do with any of the mutated and daemonic bits too pretty not to buy.

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Now, is it time to get out of the non-mutated Thousand Sons mindset, or the non-mutated Iron Warrior mindset?

I'd say, yes. Sure, non-mutated (but heavily adorned) rubrics still makes sense, but the 'Thousand sons == Rubrics 100%' is a mind set that never should have existed in the first place, and Iron Warriors anti-chaos, anti-mutation mindset was fine going into the eye, but shouldn't still be in place 10k years later, that just doesn't jive with what the Eye is.


It's long past time that chaos marines overall had a unifying aesthetic identity, rather than just being 'spiky marines', for fear that nothing more distinct could be made to fit each of nine completely separate subfactions. If the fluff of some of those subfactions needs to change to fit that new identity, so be it, the idea that the chaos legions entered the eye fully formed and haven't changed mentally or physically or philosophically in all the years since was always garbage, easily the worst idea to come out of 3rd edition.

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I have a small amount of hope, but not much expectation...


I just dislike the current CSM kit so much, especially the terrible definition between trim and legs on at least half of the marines in each box.


I'd buy 4 or more of a new kit in a heartbeat. Preferably something along the lines of the Dark Vengeance aesthetic, although I'd be satisfied with the loyalist + fancy trim look if done to the quality of the current tactical marine box.

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