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Pre-heresy Alpha Legion fluff question


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Alright, so the Legions existed before their primarchs were found - recruited from Sol and nearby systems, and then after the legion's primarch was found, they took command, and future recruits generally came from the society that the Primarchs were found within, right?


My question is regarding the pre-discovery-of-Alpharius Alpha Legionnaires.  Is there any fluff about what happened to them?  Was there a divide between pre and post Alpharius alpha legionnaires?  Alpharius was found as part of a sort of loose pirate fleet, that never did reveal their actual planetary origin, if they even had one - do I have that right?  Were subsequent ALs recruited from those pirates?  Did the pre and post groups integrate together?  Did any of the old guard grate at their primarch's shady nature and cagey tactics?  did they become privy to the pirate fleets secrets, or were they kept at a distance?  Were the old guard systematically replaced?


Were any of the Alpha Legion considered risks by their primarch when he was about to go traitor, and eliminated, as with potentially loyalist groups within some of the other traitor legions?


I'm coming up with fluff for a Heresy era vet Black Legion character not originally from the Sons of Horus, and I'm trying to find a place for them.  I've been thinking an early Alpha Legion captain, sent on a meaningless mission far to the outskirts of the galaxy by his primarch to make room within the command for new captains more to the primarch's liking, who then 'found something' while he was out there, leading him to return, rejoin the rest of his legion during the heresy, then separate from them again some time after the heresy's end.  Unfortunately, the sources I've found online aren't particularly forthcoming about the politics or faction dynamics of the legion in its early days, so I'm not sure whether my fluff fits.

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It's described in The Serpent Beneath that A&O had a "shadowy" planet of origin, that they needed to connive and plot their way into power on. Because they were the youngest legion and "fresh from the factories" so to speak, I expect the officers to be mostly terrans or from already conquered planets. Also due to their ways, they would most likely have no particular point of origin for their recruits but to select youths that fitted their needs and mentality. If any officers were considered risks to A&O they would probably end up send on suicide missions here and there,


I think that as with the other legions, the officers and rank&file longed to emulate their primarch(s) and their tactics would soon enough become the mainstray of the legion (though they had always been trained with teamwork and coordination even from the start of the legion). Remember, an important fact is that Omegons sneakyness is not what the legion is all about, that's not their battle doctrines. To hit from multiple sides with "terrifying coordination" is their hallmark, using all possible angles...and the infiltration is only one of many ways to do that. Over time I suspect that became a common way of conducting business, but it's a tool for winning, like many others. The Alpha Legion doesn't throw away any tools that they have use for, even if screwing in that screw by hand would be more "honorable" somehow...

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I think if we take HH fluff at face value. Each Alpha Legionnaire is far more dedicated and willing to sacrifice his own personality for the good of the legion. So you could easily have a high ranking terran AL who is not really down with altering his appearance, changing the way he speaks, behaves etc and becoming an imitation primarch. I mean I don't think it would be common, but your guy could be that guy.

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