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Okay so based off of the top line of the 6th edition character update from forge world, I take it that I should be able to take him in my normal , tournament army that allows be to bring forge world models, but I want to get a second opinion.


Here is the link to the PDF File



Please help. I'd like to know that I was right before I start fielding him in practice and look to either purchase a model of him, or start to buy things to build my on version of him.

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Does strike me as more of an oversight than anything else. And giving him typhus's plague zombie rule is a short cut that also can run into problems with rules lawyers, as that rule allows you to upgrade cultists to plague zombies in detachments 'that include Typhus'.


Again, though, the intent seems clear, so it shouldn't be a problem for regular games.


I'm curious to hear if anybody has actually used this guy, though, either as part of a zombie horde or in a more typical CSM list, and for those who have, how well did he work for you?

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Actually, at the beginning of the Vraks section (page 147 IA: Appocalypse) it states that;


'Note that all these rules, assets, and missions are intended to be used in Apocalypse games set as part of the Vraks wars, and may not be balanced outside of that area.'


So to me that screams 'opponents permission needed.'

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and since the pdf states he's an HQ for any chaos marines army, you can use him in normal games.  you wont have to worry about seeing the stamp or not on him either; they're releasing a second edition version of the siege of vraks this year, so they'll have all the stamps soon enough.

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