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Looks nice.  Since it's largely based on the drop pod, it should also be easier to convert.


Without completely revised & heavily improved rules there is no reason to even pretend to consider it, however.

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Still in the 90$( 66 euros), but its more reasonable then the old one prices, and it looks the part.


Just hope that their will be updated rules for 40k and CSM...

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<=50pts, scatter mitigation, dedicated transport, and I'd start to strongly consider it.  able to deliver helbrute as well, and I'll strongly consider that, too.


If, like the current dreadclaw rules, any new rules fail to include scatter mitigation, or fail to make it a dedicated transport, or if, like the Kharybdis, such rules persist in charging a ton of extra points for 'assault transport' rules that it can't use due to the reserve assault restriction, area attacks that it can't use due to the need to immediately disembark or risk losing the whole squad when it inevitably pops in the enemy turn, or the ability to take off again after dropping its payload off which it can't use since it's AV is too low to survive an enemy turn (and isn't even a major benefit for this kind of transport in a game with as few turns as 40k anyway), then they might as well leave it as is.

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Betrayal I believe. Which is only for the Horus Heresy armies. Basically


Points Cost: Less than 100 points, more than 50

USR: Assault Vehicle, Deepstrike and Frag Assault Launchers

Transport Capacity: Ten models or one Dreadnought

Oh, and they can hover and fly just like the Kharybdis.

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Current rules for the dreadclaw in 40k are in Imperial Armour: Apocalypse (2013 edition)


Half the price of a drake, fly, hover, always deep strikes, fast attack slot, assault transport, capacity 10, AV12, 3hp, and that's pretty much it's full ruleset.  No scatter reduction on arrival.  There's some rules dispute over whether you have to deep strike in hover mode (the kharybdis specifically requires this), or whether you can deep strike in zooming mode, then hover and deploy in the following turn (zooming fliers crash if they don't move, and deep strikers can't move after deploying, but they do count as having moved, so it's nebulous, and several other non-hover flyers from the same book have deep strike, implying a zooming deep strike was intended to be possible at the time).


Even the more liberal reading of that rule doesn't salvage the claw, though, particularly even a zooming flier would still mishap if arriving overtop friendly models or within an inch of enemy models.  At least impassible terrain wouldn't be a mishap, so long as the model could balance over it.

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Needs to be more "Chaosy" in my opinion. But at £55 its a much better option than the Kharybdis. With the rumoured 7th edition and the new Brutes I am hoping the next Chaos Codex isn't too far away. I realise other armies need a new codex before we do, but hopefully we will get something more substantial not too long after 7th ed lands.

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Current rules for the dreadclaw in 40k are in Imperial Armour: Apocalypse (2013 edition)


Half the price of a drake, fly, hover, always deep strikes, fast attack slot, assault transport, capacity 10, AV12, 3hp, and that's pretty much it's full ruleset.  No scatter reduction on arrival.  There's some rules dispute over whether you have to deep strike in hover mode (the kharybdis specifically requires this), or whether you can deep strike in zooming mode, then hover and deploy in the following turn (zooming fliers crash if they don't move, and deep strikers can't move after deploying, but they do count as having moved, so it's nebulous, and several other non-hover flyers from the same book have deep strike, implying a zooming deep strike was intended to be possible at the time).


Even the more liberal reading of that rule doesn't salvage the claw, though, particularly even a zooming flier would still mishap if arriving overtop friendly models or within an inch of enemy models.  At least impassible terrain wouldn't be a mishap, so long as the model could balance over it.

Ah. I was unaware of these rules so I stand corrected.
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My understanding of the assault launchers is that they don't work?

Like the 'assault transport' rule, in order to use them, you have to wait around for a turn in the pod, then assault in the following turn. Mostly, this is just a way to throw a squad away, assuming they didn't scatter and mishap to begin with. Doing so is less terrible for the claw than the kharybdis (again, assuming you didn't just mishap anyway), since at least until it gets new rules the claw can come in zooming so it's a bit harder to hit for that turn, but flying isn't quite the defense it once was, and you're even more likely to lose the squad that way if it does pop, and if the kharybdis is anything to go by it won't even be an option whenever its rules are next updated.
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Im gonna be pissed as hell if all the SM variants also get access to this with the obligatory better rules than the CSM version....seeing as they already have 35pt pods AND it has the UM insignia on there, I have a feeiling that exactly how it will turn out.

Eh. The UM insignia is on the standard drop pod which is only there for size comparison.

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Im gonna be pissed as hell if all the SM variants also get access to this with the obligatory better rules than the CSM version....seeing as they already have 35pt pods AND it has the UM insignia on there, I have a feeiling that exactly how it will turn out.

Eh. The UM insignia is on the standard drop pod which is only there for size comparison.

Ah touche....I realised it now when I checked it again...but still! :P


The weird thing is...at what, 85 pts? It seems overcosted for what it does....now imagine my disbelief at FW thinkingg a bigger version of this is worth 260pts - Absurd.

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Well Turn one landing and no Scatter/mishap aside, Dreadclaws are superior to Sm Pods.


Been a Flyer, you can Zoom in the turn you DS, so its still a 24" move, while been in Flyer mode.

Its and assault vehicle with frag Launchers.


There is No Bulky restriction on it, so you can Fit termies, Warptalons and MUtilators/Oblits in it if you want.


The Dreadclaw is a nice model/unit, not a terrible one, not a fantastic one either, like the saying we have here, he as his arse stuck between two chairs, its really only need a similar Turn1 arrival like Pods, been a dedicated transport and no mishpa, or at least a scatter mitigation, and it would be a fantastic transport.

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I like the model, I'd use it if the rules were half decent rules (assault on arrival please), which I think is a major problem with the drop pod assault vehicles (the rules defeat the point of them).


I'd say I'd get it if it was 60 points, I'd be happy with that, or 80 points if it had the drop pod rules and able to assault straight out of Deep Strike.


I agree Excessus, I always imagine that the regular Drop Pod adjusted trajectory for a good landfall but these smash right into the enemy, everyone under the large blast suffers a S6 AP:2 hit, or/and the enemy models not the claw are shoved out the way like a tank shock.

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