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Appropriate color for Marine Web / LBE gear?


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What would be the appropriate color for a PA Marine's other non-PA web or load bearing gear like magazine pouches, holsters, etc.? Especially the ones that come with the HH kits.


I realize that I can paint it to my preference but what would be the appropriate 'canon' color.


Same as the PA? Or some neutral drab color to represent more synthetic fabric?


Thanks for the opinions.

 I think pouches, holsters etc. always look classy painted in leather style browns and to a lesser extent black.  That's how I've seen them traditionally painted anyway.


The soft armor is what I see argued more often in terms of color- is it a dense vulcanized rubber? an extremely flexible ribbed metal sheet? a composite material? Who knows. 

On my Raven Guard I do the pouches in the same color as the leather on the seats of bikes and landspeeders, a medium brown.  For my Sternguard, I painted them up in white to give them more of an ornate look.



I usually use all sorts of colors of brown to represent the lack of consistency present in a Chapter that has probably accumulated war gear from across a hundred different forges or manufactory facilities that likely spans centuries or more.


Space Marines are not modern military with standard issue gear that all has to match specifications, they are armed and armored with equipment that could span millennia. Even their "new" gear could be a century or more old and come from any various number of supply points, and what product they make things from varies wildly based on materials the producers have available.


Even the HH Legions were supplied by numerous planets for gear. It's likely that even their gear wasn't consistent.


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