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Chaos space wovels


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Hello, I was planning on doing a chaos space wolves army, it would include me using Canis wolfborn but I wanted it to be under the world eater scheme of red and gold, which codex should I use and can I use models from opposite codices such as Canis in chaos or Khârn in space wolves,



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I don't think there's anything wrong with mixing and matching loyalist and traitor marines if your models are still abiding by WYSIWYG.


I don't think your army will have a particularly cohesive look, but that's your problem, shouldn't be your opponent's.

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Arguably you'd have more flexibility with the Space Wolf codex, you wouldn't have to challenge, you'd get a discount on a second special weapon in 10 grey hunters and would have Counter attack built in.


You'd also be Loyalist-Loyalists get the most support in both models and rules.  Space Wolves have drop pods as well as the full access to imperial space marine tanks.

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Cheers, I just wanted to use the ferocity of close combat that both space wolves and khorne have in common

Comon mistake actually, World Eaters are plain ol butchers, Space Wolves are patient hunters who would wear there target down before landing the final blow, like real Wolves would do.


On the table this means that Spacewolves actually do it better on midrange followed by combat where Berzerkers do Berserk stuff.

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I run a khorne army with the space wolves codex called the oncoming storm (link below) I think the concept works pretty well with the codex. My army was based around a conversion of the forge world model Zhufor the impaler to Njal Stormcaller. Fluff wise the army uses blood-magic and is heavy on rune priests. I also am starting a sub-army with thunder wolf cavalry (juggernaughts) and fenrisian wolves (dire wolves) 


I agree that using the wolves dex will give you more flexibility than a dedicated khorne list in the chaos book. you really can't just give space wolves mark of khorne if thats what you were thinking. that would give you a large advantage for no extra points cost and without any real reason in the fluff. of course in the end your opponent is king, what they say goes. 

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To reiterate, you can buy and use whatever models in your army that you want, but you may not use rules from codex chaos marines and codex wolves in the same army.


This means you can't give the mark of khorne to space wolves. Any wolves that got that far down the path of khorne would be chaos marines.

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Blood Claws may be a good bet for Berzerkers, they come with rage and counter attack, what Berzerkers or mark of Khorne guys have in codex chaos spacemarines.


But but but... not so great... and the rules change... Ahhh my friend with his 60 Zerkers with boltguns... ahhrrr

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