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Blood Angels revamp

Brother apocalyptic

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Just got a hold of ca 4000 pts of Blood angels from a friend, and now Im in the process of redoing everything in the army so that they all will match (have lost enough tournament points on mismatching bases and colors). Gonna do a grey toned color schemed, with some other vibrant colors (mainly red, yellow and purple) to keep it quite simple, yet eyecatching.


Elite details of the army will be done in a light grey, while the regular troops and tanks will be done in a really dark grey armor.


Hope for some critisism, comments and ideas from people. :)


Some stuff that Ive already done.

Astorath - Have some details to do on him, like scribble on the parchment

Death company model - All done



Terminator - all done, might do some touchup on the stormbolter, but havent decided yet!



Librarian - Have some freehand stuff to do on his cape (once Ive found a nice idea for what to paint). Also thinking about going over the maul again, and highlight the edges.


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Electric Paladin: Yeah.. a name is in the making, along with a short background story...


Lord commander: Plan is to make all the regular troops in the same off black as the death company, along with all the tanks. So I hope they wont look way to out of place.. :)

Sanguine knight: Dont own a drill that small atm, and the reason for that is spelled "Lazy" :P. I am gonna get that done soon.. :)


Mozley: Thanks... Im also really happy about the way he turned out... My biggest fear was that he was gonna be to monochrome... 


Painted this the other day too, just to show how the tanks will look.. Althought this will be the only death company baal in the army :P

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Been a few days since my last post.. Been busy at work... However Ive got me a model completed... 


I present Furioso Akion. Hes a bit rusted, as the planet they are currently deployed upon has high humidity, making all exposed metal areas rust quite fast. However this hasnt slowed him down in the course of battle, but only adds to his anger, making him more ferocious in battle.



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