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Power Of The Machine Spirit


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I know only loyalists get this rule but why? Did 10000 years of heresy and influence of the warp somehow destroy or corrupt a vehicles machine spirit, which is essentially a limited AI. I'm not looking to start a "loyalists get everything better than chaos" agreement, more a fluff reason.
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Did 10000 years of heresy and influence of the warp somehow destroy or corrupt a vehicles machine spirit, which is essentially a limited AI.


Pretty much that, the machine spirit is broken and corrupted, or otherwise replaced with something more sinister and daemonic.

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Fluff reason is that the machine spirits take lots of ritual and care to maintain, and Chaos Marines just don't have time for that bother. We get to bind daemons into our machines, or we get machines whose owners have better things to do than beg them to cooperate with gifts of incense and oils.

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