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Anti-knight options


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So, guys, what do we have as an option to take down these knights when we face them? Without taking a knight ourselves, that is...


Spreading out our heavy options would be one and swarming it with cultists with an anti-tank IC in there would be another I guess...


Anything else?



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Deep striking oblits using the multi melta. if you have multiple squads you can come from different sides, forcing your opponent to choose a side. Even better if you also have a las pred, or something similar in front, to get 3 side danger. Instead of oblits you can also take a termicide with combis, or raptors with meltas. granted, its a lot of effort to take out 1 machine, but it's an expensive one, and potentialy the only AT option of your enemy. 


Other options include the FA slots. Vector striking helldrakes can help a lot, especially since  alot of people already take them. Nurgle Melta bikers in the same sense. Since most people already have a unit or 2 (if no drakes), and again flanking.


i think no matter what you take, you should try and flank them. this is easier against the Errant, since its shorter range, and less guns. At most it can harm 2 units (if range permits) one with the cannon, one with stubber/melee. 


other options:

Master of deception/cypher formation: melta chosen/havocs

Daemon Prince or 2

Lord of War (granted, we cant take the best for it)

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As far as allies go, I think that a bunch of barrage artillery, aimed all around a Knight, will eventually have damage coming from a blast that isn't being blocked by the Ion shield.


Beyond that, it will be a matter of trying to surround a thing that can move 12" and still swivel to shoot the hunters.



Huron to Infiltrate appropriate-weapon-equipped forces?

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For not Apoc / LoW options:


Groups of Plaguebearers - they glance on 6, spread them out to avoid stomp


Group of DPs - they are basically immune when flying it, they hit earlier and have enough attacks to bring it down


Group of of Giant Chaos Spawn


Group of of Maulerfiend with Magma Cutter


Chaos Fire Raptor


Hades Drake - rear attack


Blight Drone - rear attack


Various units with Melta or Combi-Melta - Bikes, Raptors, Chosen, Terminators

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It's important, I think, to present multiple threats. AV13 isn't that hard to beat, so pulling the Ion Shield out of alignment is going to be the key. I think that pairing a long-range AT option -- Havocs, a tri-las Predator, Oblitz -- with deep-striking/outflanking/infiltrating/jump/biker melta options to its sides is going to be the best way to get some solid hits. Termicide meltas deep strike to one side, pulling the Shield to its side armor, so that the Predator gets good looks with its lascannons, that sort of thing.


The problem is, I think, that the Rapid Fire Battle Cannon option is going to be more popular because its two shots. It's also 72" range, so it can squat in a corner with its shield up front and now it's impossible (or at least, exceedingly difficult) to get into its side or rear arcs while the Knight itself is still maintaining a good field of fire over most of the table (incidentally, also denying Vector Strikes).

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Might be worth looking into guard allies. Take a vendetta with melta vets, melta command squads and LR vanquishers. I'm not sure what the initiative on a knight but GDs should work pretty well (BT or KoS).  Another option would be the disgusting tau firebase. If we could take lords of war then brass scorpions would like make a mess of these things too wouldn't they?

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Hellbrute with Multimelta and 10 Chosen with Melta spam in a Kharybdis pod (no excuse from you guys, you can download those rules from the forgeworld site).


6 Meltas in his face on turn 2 can be kind of nasty for anything that has an armour value.

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Hellbrute with Multimelta and 10 Chosen with Melta spam in a Kharybdis pod (no excuse from you guys, you can download those rules from the forgeworld site).


6 Meltas in his face on turn 2 can be kind of nasty for anything that has an armour value.


If not for the exorbitant price tag of said model.

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Hellbrute with Multimelta and 10 Chosen with Melta spam in a Kharybdis pod (no excuse from you guys, you can download those rules from the forgeworld site).


6 Meltas in his face on turn 2 can be kind of nasty for anything that has an armour value.


If not for the exorbitant price tag of said model.


A converted Storm Raven might be OK. I'm thinking of the extension kit from Chapter House, leave off the tail, convert Chaotic weapons all over it.

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Slight curveball, Knights are scoring and a non-LOW choice and you can take 3 per choice. So sitting one on an objective is a good choice in someways:


via Jes Bickham (who is the editor of White Dwarf) on GW Digital Facebook
Some clarification on the rules we presented in White Dwarf today for some folks here: the Imperial Knights don't occupy any force organisation slots, they are not Lords of War, they are an army unto themselves. Something we forgot to say is that all Imperial Knights are scoring units, and if you're playing 3-6 as a primary detachment, pick one as your Warlord.

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I'm actually thinking in combat. A lash mauler plus something else (Giant Spawn, Magma Mauler, etc.). It will be down to one destroyer attack that still has to roll to hit.

If you can give it invisibility as well he'll only hit on 5+ as well, hehe! ;)

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I wonder how well a Lord of Skulls would stack up against a Knight?

Well for 888 points you get +3 HP, -1 bs, +1 A, -1 rear armour, +1 side armour, you swap stomp for thunderblitz (They are both super heavy walkers) 5++ (all round), IWND, Fleet, Rage, daemon forged, +1 A for every lost HP


The lord of skulls has two main ranged weapons,

Gorestorm (hellstorm template S8 AP3)

hades gatlling (48, H12, S8 AP3 Pinning)


Or swap out the gorestorm for


Ichor (48, S7 Ap2 Large blast)

Daemongore (S9 Ap3, gets hot, Instant death)


or the hades for

Skullhurler (60 S9 Ap3 Apoclyptic blast Gnaw (reroll successful saves against this)


ERGO, The lord of skulls can actually be pretty brutal, but is kinda a glass cannon


edit: and because its a lord of war it has the sieze bonus and additional points for HP's rules (that additional points for HP sucks on something that can regenerate its HP's)

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The WD mentioned that the real weakness of a knight are things that strike first with many high strenght attacks (certain monstrous creatures for example), but they specificaly mentioned escalation stuff. This is due to Knights not getting an invulnerable save in close combat. 

So in short: Flanking it with high strenght weaponry (even better if its AP 1-2, to get higher chance on explode results, for D3 HP's), and to get monsters into combat with it. 

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Is the scoring thing for knights in an army or also for those taken as ally ? if second is true , then it is a bit more problematic , because in general knights are not worth to target . Two battle cannon shots , don't do that much . They are deadly in melee , but our melee units are faster then knights . If they were LoW and gave up VPs for 3 HP lost , we could think about them as objectives , but they are not LoW.


But if they are scoring as ally , then we don't realy have good ways to counter them . We don't have pods , our Deep Strike scaters and it is not worth to not have oblits on the table turn 1 , terminators cost too to be taken in normal armies . I guess the options we have are biomancy DPs or Belfegoring a unit near it with telepathy .

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Hellbrute with Multimelta and 10 Chosen with Melta spam in a Kharybdis pod (no excuse from you guys, you can download those rules from the forgeworld site).


6 Meltas in his face on turn 2 can be kind of nasty for anything that has an armour value.

A kharybdis has capacity 20, but nothing to allow it to carry more than a single unit at a time, so that's chosen OR brute, not both. Kharybdis is also crazy expensive, points-wise, and eats a heavy. You'd get more mileage out of spending those same points on nurgle oblits & combimelt termicide, or maulers & meltabikes, or black legion melta chosenspam with huron for infiltrate, or ahriman infiltrating combimelt terminators.


I like the idea of going after it with fliers. Dakkadrakes, princes, storm eagles, fire raptors, etc. Fliers are strong for us right now, might as well go with it. Warpsmith + cultists in lascannon storm eagle, 2x baledrake, 2x fire raptor, anyone?

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I'm actually thinking in combat. A lash mauler plus something else (Giant Spawn, Magma Mauler, etc.). It will be down to one destroyer attack that still has to roll to hit.

It would still get it's Stomp attack though.


I think the best bet is two Maulerfiends with Magnacutters. You can stick invisibility on them as well to increase durability. 8 attacks between them on the charge plus melta hits should take one out in short order. However being able to take 3 in a single detachment will be a bit of a monster to deal with (especially if one has a warlord trait).

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I like the idea of going after it with fliers. Dakkadrakes, princes, storm eagles, fire raptors, etc. Fliers are strong for us right now, might as well go with it. Warpsmith + cultists in lascannon storm eagle, 2x baledrake, 2x fire raptor, anyone?


Yeah, this is probably one more thing to encourage Hadesdrakes over Baledrakes. A 4++ is still just a 50/50, and a pair of Hadesdrakes could rush the table, Meteoric Descent the side armour, then use their turret arc to attempt to overwhelm the rear armour with volume. If the Ion Shield is fixed to the rear to deal with that threat, lascannon shots from the ground forces could have a clear shot at the front or sides.

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Only melee it to finish it off, if you charge in with a Prince or something and it hits his initiative you are most certainly going to lose your models or unit. x3 WS4, str D cc attacks and then the d3 stomp attacks that are str D as well and you should want no part of that.


Wittle it down to 3 or 4 HPs and then you can charge it with a prince or a unit that can at least glance it, if you charge it sooner you are going to lose your unit.

So, pepper it up over the course of a few turns as their ranged damage isnt overwhelming (very good, but not dominating). When it is half dead or less go ahead and work to finish it off if ya need too. Otherwise you may be able to ignore it.


The games I am dreading are Relics. . . The :cussing thing can pick it up and just move back to its board edge and really forces your hand in focusing it. Or if you are a CC army you are forced to race and grab the Relic before you normally would want too just so it cannot do it. Makes for a rough game.

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The games I am dreading are Relics. . . The :cussing thing can pick it up and just move back to its board edge and really forces your hand in focusing it. Or if you are a CC army you are forced to race and grab the Relic before you normally would want too just so it cannot do it. Makes for a rough game.


I thought only infantry could pick up the relic?

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Hellbrute with Multimelta and 10 Chosen with Melta spam in a Kharybdis pod (no excuse from you guys, you can download those rules from the forgeworld site).


6 Meltas in his face on turn 2 can be kind of nasty for anything that has an armour value.


If not for the exorbitant price tag of said model.

Yeah sometimes forget not all bought a big pod ages ago. On that note a monolith also has a podlike (dat cube) form btw and is cheaper to get than the actual thing. Once you learn about proxies a new world will open for you.

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