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Flint's New Plog Dilemma


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Evening folks. I've been wanting to colonize a new area of plog real estate recently. Gosh knows I'm going to remain indecisive, so I need the learned experience of B&C's veterans. I've narrowed my possible choices down to two, with representatives from each of their legions. Let me know which I should get off the ground.

1.) Carcharadon Astra, Brother-Sargent Kahu Shoal

Pros - I love the Carcharadons for many, many reasons. Badass backstory, plenty of heresy era tech, awesome combat doctrine... plus loyalist Nightlords wink.png

Cons - I can see the paint scheme getting a bit boring if I don't stay on my toes, gotta learn to paint that funky little shark badge better.

2.) World Eaters 8th Assault Company, Epistolary Haekon Jed'daai
Pros - Eaters of Worlds. Still pre-heresy, still awesome, still badass
Cons - Still painting white
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I'd go with the Space Shark.  I like grey though.  If you did want to paint the world eaters, try priming in a light grey color, or painting the model a grey like Codex Grey (I don't know the new GW Paint equivalent...) and THEN white over that.

Damn you make it difficult :D


I still think you should do those destroyers ;) but do world eaters all the way.



I feel that the Night Lords overlap too much with the charcaradons personally. Plus you can do a shock and awe army if you ally your NLs and WEs

I can't tell you what you'd find more interesting (that's a matter only you can solve), but I can tell you which I like better.


World Eaters. If you're sick of white, just paint them like destroyers. Or switch to War Hounds.


Or, you know, go post-heresy. Just sayin'... ;)


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