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Flint's New Plog Dilemma


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@ KrautScientist - Madchen Eier? I may have majored in Russian, but it hasn't been too long since German 102

@ Deathstrike - Thanks! And good to know.

@ Paladin - From the hand up, his axe is from the WoC marauder horsemen box. The hand and hilt are from the Emperor's Champion sword. Don't think of it as competition! We can have a friendly rivalry ^_^

@ 200Plus - Gotcha. That certainly makes sense. I do love painting tribal designs and little flourishes. It always sneaks into my models somewhere.

@ Gaurdian - Yessir, coming up.

@ infryana - Nice! There's an axe for that wink.png

@ Basswave - How'd you hear 'bout that? S'just rumors...

Jasp is right. Sssshhhhh.tongue.png

You've already heard my thoughts on the World Eater, Flint. I think you should continue with that idea. Here's why:


You already have a fairly mono colored palette with your Night Lords, the dual colors of the pre-Heresy WE's could work for you in that you'd get a break from one color while helping you work on blues to add more pretties to your NL's.


There is just so much more aggression and rawr with the 'Eaters. Because you clearly don't get enough of that while playing with the murderous children of the VIIIth!! ;)


End of Line

you could go with the carcharadons and do the armour a paler grey and make it stand out with darker tribal patterns .paler colours also seem to lend themselves better to battle damage which really gives realism and pop to a model.

also while i like the world eaters i feel the red dags could easily be confused with white scars 

hope it helps

Now that I think about it, I agree with daemonclaw that the red markings might get people confused about 'angry White Scars'. I personally wouldn't be, because World Eaters are my favorite color scheme and so I recognize them easily. I find the markings add some spice to the model.

Grey isn't boring to me.  It can go with just about ANY color.  With washes Shades you can add variation into the various grey colors.  As I said, my favorite Grey is P3's great coat grey-which is a blueish Grey.


I'm giving strong thought to painting over the Chaos Black on my Red Corsairs with Great Coat Grey, because it looks awesome Shading it with Carromberg Crimson.

That's it Honda screw the butchers needles. Who wants a shark to find your home address ;P and wait for you in the ocean... As he can't hitch to your house.... because it's to lazy to walk.... Yeeeeh.



Ohh, they have their ways... whistlingW.gif

I was going to save the big guns for later, but this looks to be getting serious...I give you Sharktopus!


And as if it couldn't get any worse, I bring the SharkOctobear


"I can do this all day long"

What the! That's must have been the most f'd threesomes of all time. Dam nature you ugly.

Haha, alright alright guys. As much fun as it has been, lets try to reign in the shark based hilarity. I don't want to try and run a plog from the "off topic" boards msn-wink.gif

@Basswave - Haha, craziness! We have an admech board? Surely you jest :P

@ Rhapsody - The Nightlords can be plenty "RAWR," you just don't see them coming first. But yeah, that's why I wanted to have plenty of World Eaters from Cuth'vasi, the death world of perpetual midnight, that causes it's inhabitants to develop corpse white eyes and slate skin... You know, to branch out and try new things ^_^

@ Deathstrike - Yeah, I just read through that thread today. That is amazing business. Since mine would be heresy era, they'd be less crazy warp magic, more just a palette swap ^_^

@ Forte - Indeed. Seems like it may be his... area of expertise

@ Kol - Hah, I'll see what I can do. I'm only one girl though.

@ Daemonclaw - One of the big draws for the Carcharadons for me was the awesome tribal Polynesian and Maori imagery. To be honest, much of my work has little "tribal" images creeping in, even the Nightlords. I'll do my best to keep my World Eaters very visually distinct from White Scars. Maybe work some blue in there.

@ Knight of the Raven - I know what you mean. I think it looks good to break up all that white.

@ Honda - HA! Do tell

@ Trevak Dal - I don't have a lot of experience with P3 to be honest. I have a single pot of Exile blue that I demoed for my Nightlords, but went with VGC Stormy Blue instead. I'll have to try my hand at some battle damage I suppose.

@ Jaspcat - Will do!

After a great deal of deliberation, I've decided to create a force consisting of parts of the World Eaters 18th Assault and 27th Armored Assault companies. They'll be a good pairing for my light recon in force Nightlords, since they're all infantry. I'll also do a good enough job making them look unique enough so they aren't confused with White Scars. I'll try varying up the red tribal marks with some blue, and avoid anything that looks like a lightning bolt. ^_^

The Carcharodons, Squad "Caetus Mors," will get a killteam/zombiecide size squad to start, comprising all different marks of armor and weapons. That'll also give me a good excuse to play around with the new tactical squad and veteran boxes, without admitting directly to any

I'll keep updates for them both here in this plog... Now I only need an awesome plog title to encapsulate steroided deathworld bezerkers versus selachine obsessed loyalist Nightlords ^_^

So, how about no more shark images... Space sharks might be fun to see though. The rest might get gone...

Agreed. I get throwing your support behind a choice but there is a line.

Wow. And that's coming from me. Something is terribly wrong here.

Helen Keller was only one girl. So no pressure. biggrin.png

Teeto hear you have come to a conclusion, and nice to hear it's the best of both worlds. Look forward to see these world eaters sounds interesting as I know very little about them.


Also... sorry we did get a bit carried away I'm very much a child at heart :).


Oh and maybe for the name... Butchers and Teeth?...

Flint and tanks.


Awesome. I look forward to seeing mighty behemoths being driven by psychopaths.



off the top of my head should be The Butcher's Tales: Of Paint, Sharks and Eaters of Worlds


...that's so melodramatic now that I look back on it


Butcher's Tales instead of Butchers Nails, get it? XD



Actually, that. Butcher's Tales.


NO! Wait! That's mine!


I am a butcher, afterall. That's me job.

Actually "Flint and Tanks" might not make a bad plog title

Sadly, until my April FW order, we may be tankless tongue.png

Anywho, I really appreciate any and all ideas for plog titles. I've got a few cool new things to put up in the next couple of days, and I want to be able to post in an awesomely named plog that deserves it

Posted · Hidden by Bryan Blaire, February 25, 2014 - Off topic image, in thread nudge already given
Hidden by Bryan Blaire, February 25, 2014 - Off topic image, in thread nudge already given



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