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Washes for Metallic Power-Armor

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Secret Weapon has an Armor Wash that is great. It is based on the Awesome Paint Job formula by Les. I made some when Les released his formulas, but it is rather involved and the Secret Weapon stuff is premixed! teehee.gif


If you're using GW, badab is WAAY to dark as a wash.  As a deep shade, fine.  Use Nuln oil and mix with Asurmen blue or Coeliagreenshade as required depending on what type of tint you want.  Nuln oil is nice for oil stains etc as well, though here you may want to go as far as Badab black.  Remember that heat damaged metal looks different - normally has a play of purples, browns and greens (depending on what type of metal you want to depict) so plan appropriately.  The only time I would ever go near badab black is for deep outlining - e.g. between fingers on a gauntlet.

Not sure how metallic you want the armor to be, but this site is worth checking: http://metcalfedan.webs.com/

Another very simple way to get metallic armor is to just use the Vallejo Metallic Medium, which basicly turns any paint into a metallic paint. I frequently use it with Vallejo German Grey to get a very dark metallic color.


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