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How does Abaddon view the thrice accursed


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He has already dealt with the Sons of the Eye, allying the Black Legion with them when they attacked a world, and, once victorious, killing the warband leader slowly whilst the rest of the warband knelt and gave allegiance to Abbadon, joining the ranks of the Black Legion.


From this, I would suggest that he is not going to destroy them but look to bring them back within his control.

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When he finds them, he crushes them.  After 10k years, those that were going to serve him of their own volition already does so, and their independent existence undermines his core message - unity of purpose in opposing Terra.

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Ygethmor: "My lord, the accursed True Sons have conquered Blah Blah VI. They raise blasphemous icons to the Failed Father as we speak..."


Abaddon: "What? Oh, sorry, Ygethmor; I was busy; war to coordinate, empires to crush; you know the sort of thing. The True Sons...which ones are they, then?"


Ygethmor: "Errr, they're the ones who..."


Abaddon: "...who build the bloody statues everywhere; yeah, yeah; I remember them. They've actually managed to conquer a planet? By themselves?"


Ygethmor: "Yes, my Lord..."


Abaddon: "Oh, that's so sweet! Bless their little black souls..."


Ygethmor: "But...my Lord, their actions are an affront to your authority!"


Abaddon: "Really? You think? Well, while you bother yourself with that, I'm going to obliterate this star system. I don't know; just...take one of the Blackstones or something and bomb them out of existence. Do you really need to bother me with this stuff?"


Ygethmor: "I suppose not, my Lord..."


Abaddon: "Of you toddle, then."


Ygethmor: "Yes, my Lord."


*Ygethmor slinks away.*

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Abaddon's actions when forming the Black Legion - specifically murdering every former leader of the Sons he could find and killing all who refused to fallow him, along with the lengths he went to to crush and humiliate the sons of the eye - basically devoting an entire black crusade to the endeavor - to me imply that he actually does see non-black legion sons of horus as an affront to his authority.
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When you're the boss of the Traitor Legions (stabbing each other in the front and back since M31!) you have to learn to be...philosophical about things.


The thrice accursed have never fired on Abaddon's ships and abandoned him under the guns of the Blood Angels the way Halasker and the Exalted's Night Lords did, but neither of them seemed to regard it as anything but how business is done among the Legions of the Eye, certainly not a reason to skip the party next time the Despoiler calls a Black Crusade.

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Again, the Eyes behaved in a way that would have earned any other traitor warband considerable favor from abaddon - throwing themselves into one of his crusades without reservation and fighting well. But because they're former sons of horus, their existence was an affront to abaddon's leadership, so rather than favor their alliance, at the end of the campaign abaddon slew their warlord and forced the rest into service. So yes, their existence does undercut his authority and his message, and yes, he does care, even enough to personally intercede and even dedicate an entire crusade to do so in the case of a thrice cursed warband of sufficient size.


Abaddon is the only heir of horus, the only one who can carry the title of warmaster, and former sons of horus who don't bend knee to him stand in defiance of that, and are an embarrassment in front of the other legions.

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When he finds them, he crushes them.  After 10k years, those that were going to serve him of their own volition already does so, and their independent existence undermines his core message - unity of purpose in opposing Terra.



I doubt they pose that kind of threat to him or his cause. I mean, most sane people could agree on the fact that Abaddon already succeeded. The Black Legion is not only a thing, but it's actually the thing, the remnants of the other Legions bow before him, countless daemons are bound to his will...

I mean that's it. He won.

The thrice accursed are nothing but alluvium carried by the currents of time and fate. An echo of a long forgotten past.

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The Sons of the Eye didn't pose any threat to him either, and in fact were quite willing to ally with him and aid him in his black crusades, willing to do anything he's asked of any other warband with any other ancestry, and that didn't save them.
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But their leader was supposed to overthrow Abaddon, according to his oracles.

Abaddon would've done the exact same thing if they were from the Furious Oompa Loompas warband.


Yep. If you look at the True Sons et al, if these guys are so important in terms of making examples of out of them, it doesn't stand to reason that Abaddon would wait several thousand years to do it, and let several of them carry on living. It's even less likely he'd struggle to catch them for several thousand years, given the resources he has at his disposal.


Plus, he's just not that petty. It's really not something he'd go out of his way to deal with. He's a warlord playing a thousand games of Chess at once, all in his own head, by memory, while living in Hell itself where reality bends to his will. The primary ethos behind the Black Legion is that it's not enslaved to the past - not to the Sons of Horus's legacy, nor the primarch that gave them the name. If a few scattered warbands want to carry on that legacy of what he considers abject failure, he's pretty much fine with it. He'll kill them if he crosses their paths, just like any warband that annoys him or gets in the way.


Last but not least, the Black Legion is about willingness. He doesn't curbstomp every warband and demand they follow him for kicks, as he'd have a Legion of untrustworthy A-holes. He offers destruction or union to those warbands he respects, or those of use to him. Those he can't trust (such as, say, ones that have literally worshipped Horus for several thousand years...) he'd just destroy or ignore. There's no logic, reason, or rhyme in doing otherwise.


EDIT: I'm sure there are plenty of untrustworthy A-holes, mind you, i.e. the line from Star Wars: "The Imperial senate will no longer be of any concern to us. I have just received word that the Emperor has dissolved the council permanently. The last remnants of the Old Republic have been swept away. The regional governors now have direct control over their territories. Fear will keep the local systems in line. Fear of this battle station." But it's a fine line between what an actually skilled, controlled warlord would tolerate, and what's just a liability. 


Horus isn't this respected genius in the Eye of Terror. He's the King of Failures that damned them to living in Hell. A few warbands following his memory aren't a threat to Abaddon's authority, they're a bunch of deluded exiles who don't realise, or don't care, that they're a joke to the Nine Legions.


Ygethmor: "My lord, the accursed True Sons have conquered Blah Blah VI. They raise blasphemous icons to the Failed Father as we speak..."


Abaddon: "What? Oh, sorry, Ygethmor; I was busy; war to coordinate, empires to crush; you know the sort of thing. The True Sons...which ones are they, then?"


Ygethmor: "Errr, they're the ones who..."


Abaddon: "...who build the bloody statues everywhere; yeah, yeah; I remember them. They've actually managed to conquer a planet? By themselves?"


Ygethmor: "Yes, my Lord..."


Abaddon: "Oh, that's so sweet! Bless their little black souls..."


Ygethmor: "But...my Lord, their actions are an affront to your authority!"


Abaddon: "Really? You think? Well, while you bother yourself with that, I'm going to obliterate this star system. I don't know; just...take one of the Blackstones or something and bomb them out of existence. Do you really need to bother me with this stuff?"


Ygethmor: "I suppose not, my Lord..."


Abaddon: "Of you toddle, then."


Ygethmor: "Yes, my Lord."


*Ygethmor slinks away.*



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Ygethmor: "My lord, the accursed True Sons have conquered Blah Blah VI. They raise blasphemous icons to the Failed Father as we speak..."


Abaddon: "What? Oh, sorry, Ygethmor; I was busy; war to coordinate, empires to crush; you know the sort of thing. The True Sons...which ones are they, then?"


Ygethmor: "Errr, they're the ones who..."


Abaddon: "...who build the bloody statues everywhere; yeah, yeah; I remember them. They've actually managed to conquer a planet? By themselves?"


Ygethmor: "Yes, my Lord..."


Abaddon: "Oh, that's so sweet! Bless their little black souls..."


Ygethmor: "But...my Lord, their actions are an affront to your authority!"


Abaddon: "Really? You think? Well, while you bother yourself with that, I'm going to obliterate this star system. I don't know; just...take one of the Blackstones or something and bomb them out of existence. Do you really need to bother me with this stuff?"


Ygethmor: "I suppose not, my Lord..."


Abaddon: "Of you toddle, then."


Ygethmor: "Yes, my Lord."


*Ygethmor slinks away.*

I now have the image of Abbadon treating warbands of chaos marines like kittens....

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But their leader was supposed to overthrow Abaddon, according to his oracles.

Abaddon would've done the exact same thing if they were from the Furious Oompa Loompas warband.


Yep. If you look at the True Sons et al, if these guys are so important in terms of making examples of out of them, it doesn't stand to reason that Abaddon would wait several thousand years to do it, and let several of them carry on living. It's even less likely he'd struggle to catch them for several thousand years, given the resources he has at his disposal.


Plus, he's just not that petty. It's really not something he'd go out of his way to deal with. He's a warlord playing a thousand games of Chess at once, all in his own head, by memory, while living in Hell itself where reality bends to his will. The primary ethos behind the Black Legion is that it's not enslaved to the past - not to the Sons of Horus's legacy, nor the primarch that gave them the name. If a few scattered warbands want to carry on that legacy of what he considers abject failure, he's pretty much fine with it. He'll kill them if he crosses their paths, just like any warband that annoys him or gets in the way.


Last but not least, the Black Legion is about willingness. He doesn't curbstomp every warband and demand they follow him for kicks, as he'd have a Legion of untrustworthy A-holes. He offers destruction or union to those warbands he respects, or those of use to him. Those he can't trust (such as, say, ones that have literally worshipped Horus for several thousand years...) he'd just destroy or ignore. There's no logic, reason, or rhyme in doing otherwise.


EDIT: I'm sure there are plenty of untrustworthy A-holes, mind you, i.e. the line from Star Wars: "The Imperial senate will no longer be of any concern to us. I have just received word that the Emperor has dissolved the council permanently. The last remnants of the Old Republic have been swept away. The regional governors now have direct control over their territories. Fear will keep the local systems in line. Fear of this battle station." But it's a fine line between what an actually skilled, controlled warlord would tolerate, and what's just a liability. 


Horus isn't this respected genius in the Eye of Terror. He's the King of Failures that damned them to living in Hell. A few warbands following his memory aren't a threat to Abaddon's authority, they're a bunch of deluded exiles who don't realise, or don't care, that they're a joke to the Nine Legions.


>Ygethmor: "My lord, the accursed True Sons have conquered Blah Blah VI. They raise blasphemous icons to the Failed Father as we speak..."


Abaddon: "What? Oh, sorry, Ygethmor; I was busy; war to coordinate, empires to crush; you know the sort of thing. The True Sons...which ones are they, then?"


Ygethmor: "Errr, they're the ones who..."


Abaddon: "...who build the bloody statues everywhere; yeah, yeah; I remember them. They've actually managed to conquer a planet? By themselves?"


Ygethmor: "Yes, my Lord..."


Abaddon: "Oh, that's so sweet! Bless their little black souls..."


Ygethmor: "But...my Lord, their actions are an affront to your authority!"


Abaddon: "Really? You think? Well, while you bother yourself with that, I'm going to obliterate this star system. I don't know; just...take one of the Blackstones or something and bomb them out of existence. Do you really need to bother me with this stuff?"


Ygethmor: "I suppose not, my Lord..."


Abaddon: "Of you toddle, then."


Ygethmor: "Yes, my Lord."


*Ygethmor slinks away.*





All of this. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Abbadon is probably one of the busiest and most powerful men in the universe, if some wayward little warband doesn't want to join his cause then whoopdy-freaking-do. The guy has much bigger fish to fry, and you can either have have a seat at the table or gather table scraps in the alley, either way, you aren't worth his time. 

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The Sons of the Eye were Be'Lakor's doing. He convinced Abaddon that the prophecy was about the Sons' leader who could have been a powerful asset to the Warmaster and scuppered Be'Lakor's plan of fulfilling the prophecy himself.


As an aside A-D-B is making me want Talon of Horus more and more!

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