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Warp Talon Heresy Models - Thoughts?


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Afternoon All,


I'm currently building up a heresy force of traitor marines which i'm planning to use in both Heresy games and also 40K Chaos Marines. I've built up quite a decent sized force so far (World Eaters mostly) and am now looking to diversify the force into the more interesting and underused units in the Chaos codex. Essentially I'll have at least one squad of everything by the time i'm done.


Some stuff like the Heldrake and Forge/Maulerfiend are just being ported straight over as is, with a 30K paint job. Mostly for ease, also because an equivalent doesnt exist in 30K. However, the Warp Talons are proving an interesting question. I want to use heresy marines as opposed to the GW models, but don't want to paint up 'standard' MkII, III or IV Assault marines with Lightning Claws - that is expensive above and beyond even what i'm willing to pay (to get the Ligtning Claws) Plus, the ordinary marks will be used as Raptors.


I was thinking of using the Ashen Circle Word Bearer squad as a counts as but here's where I need the advice. Would this be ok in your view as a suitable proxy? And if not, any ideas how to make this work without spending the exorbitant amount just on Lightning Claws?


Thanks in advance!

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