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Sorcerer in an assault list

Trevak Dal

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Belakor seems like a quality gimmick against knights as well, just as he's excellent in escalation or apocalypse matches.  Immune to their big guns, vector strike, guaranteed puppetmaster, more than capable of stripping the last couple hull points off of one in melee.  I'd say guaranteed invisibility would be a great defensive buff against their guns, if the knights weren't just going to ignore it with inquisitorial divination buffs.

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Good ideas here, use Halucination to stop a unit from doing anything or Puppet Master to shoot themselves instead of your linch pin assault unit running across the table.

Puppet master doesn't stop anyone shooting, and it's pretty pointless to target a unit with multiple models.


That's my main problem with telepathy, my sorcerer runs with a unit, whoever he targets with puppet master has to be shot by the rest of the unit, but puppet masters prime targets are vehicles.


Running a solo telepathy sorcerer may be ok, but T5 on a disc with only 2w may be squishy due to the lack of 2+ save.

Do read again here good sir, he didnt say puppet master stops them from shooting, he said Halucination does. 2 different powers on the same discipline. (3 and 4)

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Good ideas here, use Halucination to stop a unit from doing anything or Puppet Master to shoot themselves instead of your linch pin assault unit running across the table.


Do read again here good sir, he didnt say puppet master stops them from shooting, he said Halucination does. 2 different powers on the same discipline. (3 and 4)


The implication there was that hallucination stops them from doing anything, while puppet master stops them from being able to shoot your lynch pin unit :)

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Good ideas here, use Halucination to stop a unit from doing anything or Puppet Master to shoot themselves instead of your linch pin assault unit running across the table.

Do read again here good sir, he didnt say puppet master stops them from shooting, he said Halucination does. 2 different powers on the same discipline. (3 and 4)

The implication there was that hallucination stops them from doing anything, while puppet master stops them from being able to shoot your lynch pin unit smile.png

I worded it poorly, but I think the message was still somewhat recieved. If you can use another of their units (A) to shoot one that threatens your assault unit ( B ) its A+ work from Puppet Master. While doing this may not completely take out their unit ( B ) it can help to reduce effectiveness and also allow you and easier time to focus fire with the rest of your shooting.

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just for the record i run an unmarked ML3 sorceror, plasma pistol, force sword and sigil. i also use only the Pyromancy discipline with him as its part of his fluff. he is great against horde armies and can also take on his share of PA armies, but he does struggle against heavier armoured units. he may not be a tournament winner, but he's fun and has served me well in most of the games he's been involved in. 

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just for the record i run an unmarked ML3 sorceror, plasma pistol, force sword and sigil. i also use only the Pyromancy discipline with him as its part of his fluff. he is great against horde armies and can also take on his share of PA armies, but he does struggle against heavier armoured units. he may not be a tournament winner, but he's fun and has served me well in most of the games he's been involved in. 

With pyromancy powers, does he ever get to use that plasma pistol? ;)

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With pyromancy powers, does he ever get to use that plasma pistol? msn-wink.gif

its funny you should ask that - i actually modeled him with the pistol before i'd decided on his backstory, so unless he is within charge range he doesn't really use it that much. however, i do use it just before i charge a MC or IC as i save the warp charges for in combat to power the force sword, and its (very occasionally) useful for overwatch, although its sometimes more of a deterrent than anything else laugh.png

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I want to chip in by asking what kind of force weapon is most popular/effective.  At first there were a lot of mentions of axes, which I found strange since I1 is a huge question mark in my book for a close combat HQ with two wounds who pays out the nose for a decent I-save.


I'd run a Biomancy Libby in my C:SM with a sword to take advantage of any possible Initiative bonus from Warp Speed, though I suppose the higher possible ML of a Sorcerer alters the equation a bit.

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I generally give my Thousand Sons aspiring sorcerers axes, since they have a 4++ save and my TS needs some AP2 power, but for my regular AL sorcerer on a bike, a sword is enough. He generally doesn't end up against 2+ saves since I can pretty much choose where he goes in thanks to the bike, and to properly benefit from warp speed as well. Iron arm more than well makes up for the lack of bonus strength from the sword..though, having seen Ahriman in action with S9 and 6+1 attacks is kind awesome! :)

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I frequently use a Sorcerer in a combat list, specifically a level 3/4 with the Last Memory of the Yuranthos, plus 3 rolls on telepathy or biomancy for good measure.  The Last Memory nova is awesome and since it targets many units, it gives you the ability to pick whichever unit failed it's blind check to charge.  :)

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I frequently use a Sorcerer in a combat list, specifically a level 3/4 with the Last Memory of the Yuranthos, plus 3 rolls on telepathy or biomancy for good measure. The Last Memory nova is awesome and since it targets many units, it gives you the ability to pick whichever unit failed it's blind check to charge. smile.png

Ive thought about using the LMoY a numer of times, but I generally play against MEQ so it seems sort of unreliable to get the blind test off...do you use it against all armies or do you find it's only really usefull against Necrons / Tau?

Since Im not so big on math hammering Im intrigued to know how usefull the 18" blind would be against ie 5 units of marines....

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