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New to Chaos/Nurgle

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It has been a few years since I've played 40k so I could be a bit behind on the rules, I used to play Salamander Space Marines but now I'm looking on starting a Chaos Space Marine Army with the Mark of Nurgle. I bought myself a Chaos Lord and Daemon Prince and some wings, but as far as the rest of the army goes, I would like some in put.


I'm not sure if what I have planned on getting would work well in a Nurgle army, however I'm not too concerned with not having a fluffy army list, but I do want some effective units. So here's what I plan on getting and equipping my army with (I tend to go high on upgrades =P ):


Sorcerer: Mastery Level 2, Terminator Armor, Force Sword, Combi-Bolter, Sigil of Corruption, Melta Bombs, Gift of Mutation, Dimensional Key, Spell Familiar, Mark of Nurgle, Blight Grenades. 185pts


Daemon Prince: Power Armor, Wings, The Murder Sword, Mark of Nurgle. 255pts


Chaos Marine Squads 1 & 2: 4 Marines and 1 Champion w/ Close Combat Weapons, Flamer, Gift of Mutation, Power Weapon, Combi-Flamer, Mark
of Nurgle, Icon of Despair. 160pts (each)


Chaos Marine Squads 3 & 4: 4 Marines and 1 Champion w/ Close Combat Weapons, Meltagun, Gift of Mutation, Power Fist, Combi-Melta, Mark of
Nurgle. 165Pts (each)


4 Terminators and 1 Champion w/ 2 Power Fists, 4 Power Axes, 4 Combi-Plasmas, 1 Reaper Auto-Cannon, Gift of Mutation, Mark of
Nurgle, Icon of Despair. 268Pts


Warp Talons x2: 4 Warp Talons and 1 Champion w/ Gift of Mutation, Mark of Nurgle. 190Pts (each)


Forgefiend: 2 Hades Autocannons, Ectoplasma Cannon. 200Pts


Defiler: Twin-Linked Lascannon, and 2 Havoc Launchers. 232Pts


Land Raider: Havoc Launcher, Extra Armor. 272Pts






I plan on using the Daemon Prince and Warp Talon Squads to flank a side while the Sorcerer and Marine Squad 1 are in the Land Raider which will advance to deploy them, hopefully getting into close-combat to use the Dimensional Key so the Terminators can Deep Strike in safely. I will have Marine Squad 3 advancing behind the Land Raider, and Marine Squad 2 & 4 advancing behind the Defiler. I'm also thinking of using the Forgefiend to cover the Daemon Prince and Warp Talon's advance on the flank.


I know that splitting all of my units up into 5-mans makes them potentionaly weaker, but I want to use them to engage more units. One thing I was considering is turning one of the 5 man Marine Squads into a Chosen Squad with 4 Metlaguns to ride in the Land Raider with the Sorcerer, I think that would be more effective than having 4 Marine Squads.


Thoughts anyone?

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