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Old citadel saw: Anyone used one?


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Just getting back into the hobby after a some years out. I'm currently trying to expand my modelling toolkit and picked up this old Citadel saw from my local gaming store at a decent price.




It's design looks very similar to a jeweller's saw, but I have no idea how strong the blades that come with it are. As I intend to use it on some of my old metal figures, I'd obviously like to play it safe in case I'll end up ruining the blades or the model! The store owner seemed confident that it would do the job for plastic, but couldn't guarantee that it would cut through resin or metal and I can't seem to find much information about it online.


Does anybody on here have experience using this in the past? Can it cut through metal? Is it quality, merely usable or did I buy a dud?


Many thanks!

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I can't see the image but if its a jeweller's saw you should be able to pick up batches of blades at dirt cheap prices, even different shaped ones for different uses.  It cuts through pretty much everything I've used it on.


If its the GW razor saw, again most modelling stuff (tin / lead / resin / plastic) is fair game.  Avoid brass, steel etc as that will quickly dull the blade.



Was having image hosting issues. After a lot more searching, I managed to find a picture online that matches what I bought and uploaded it instead. 


Here's the link in case that doesn't show up in the original post.




Seems to be long out of production, though I do remember when Citadel tools came in that packaging. As it seem to be a jeweller's saw, but just made by Citadel, getting different blades for it probably would work.


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