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space marine hq


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there is so much more to that question then just what is the best. Because in this game "best" is relative. you might want to ask yourself a few questions


1 How much points do I want to spend on a HQ


2 What do I want that HQ to do.


3. Do I want access to a command squad or honor guard.


4. What does the rest of my army look like?


It makes no sense to use Kantor and not use Sternguard and then have him rush off and attack an MC. So on and so forth.

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I don't want the HQ to be more than maybe 200 points as I'm going for a 1500 point list and I want my HQ to be used in supporting my units and being a bit of a power house who is melee and can take a few hits, I do like the command squad but I don't know what there used for really and how good they are
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If you're using UM chapter tactics then Tigurius is probably the best support HQ in the game, and won't break the bank. Alternatively the already mentioned inquisitor is a good choice, with better warlord traits than the SM codex, but can't use our transports. Would depend on what other units are in your list largely, as Libby/Inq really requires babysitting, as they're a bit squishy.
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I run 2 librarians in a dark angels list and they're pretty much there for rerolls, but I've lost one to perils in warp in every game! For space marines I've found a captain with a power sword and plasma pistol is flexible enough to cover most things without paying over the odds
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When saving points, I'm back and forth on whether to drop the shield or a.armor first.


My feelings is that I'm more afraid of things that ignore armor saves then small arms.


There's more to it than that, though.  The Shield's most important benefit isn't the 3++, it's the Eternal Warrior.  Codices these days are providing more and more high-strength weapons than they ever used to, not to mention MCs who all bring Smash to the table for instant access to S10.

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When saving points, I'm back and forth on whether to drop the shield or a.armor first.


My feelings is that I'm more afraid of things that ignore armor saves then small arms.

There's more to it than that, though. The Shield's most important benefit isn't the 3++, it's the Eternal Warrior. Codices these days are providing more and more high-strength weapons than they ever used to, not to mention MCs who all bring Smash to the table for instant access to S10.

It's true but now we are looking at a character who is nearly the same price as a Land Raider.

That's just really expensive for something that isn't a Greater Daemon, at least in my eyes.

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But he has all the same advantages of a GD if equipped properly, with the sole exception of Flight. e hits hard ith a hammer, and while he remains T4, between his armor and Invuln save, plus EW, he's hard to wound. Play Iron Hands for additional shennanigans and you've got an LR-cost character who can take a Wraithknight in one on one combat.
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Agreeing with Ferrus, I've tried and succeeded beating the living (and un-living) insides out of a Wraithknight w/ a fully kitted Chapter Master TWICE! Now if you want your "powerhouse" then there he is.. Costs as much as a Land Raider, yeah sure does, but can go toe-to-toe with pretty much any-goddamn-thing in the game! Add a bike or jump pack and this guy will strike fear in the hearts of your enemies before the game even starts! msn-wink.gif

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Agreeing with Ferrus, I've tried and succeeded beating the living (and un-living) insides out of a Wraithknight w/ a fully kitted Chapter Master TWICE! Now if you want your "powerhouse" then there he is.. Costs as much as a Land Raider, yeah sure does, but can go toe-to-toe with pretty much any-goddamn-thing in the game! Add a bike or jump pack and this guy will strike fear in the hearts of your enemies before the game even starts! msn-wink.gif

or run 3 of them, but a kitted chapter master is well over what he is looking to spend on one, chaplains arnt good for combat, neither are libbys. tbh a motf with a combi weapon is pretty burly in cc assuming no ap 2

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One HQ I'm looking forward to try fielding; Master of the Forge, Primarch's Wrath, Lightning Claw. 125 points, decent in CC, decent in shooting, and fairly durable. If I'm not wrong then the changes to servo-arms also help, as they're now specialist weapons.

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On the cheap you might want to look at a captain.   I have had some good success using a stock one with nothing but a pair of lightning claws or a relic blade, though without AP2, artificer armour and eternal warrior he isnt terribly deadly.   Good for smaller games or for a counter charge unit at your backfield.


If you are looking for something that really can stand up and take names, then the chapter master is the only game in town as said above.   I have send one with thunder hammer, shield eternal and artificer armour at a squad of 3 raveners (he squashed them all) and then went on to smoke a tervigon before being overwhelmed by gaunts.  That is the one and only time he has even died in a game.


I would go one step further though and add a bike if you can afford it.   12" move, relentless and T5 make a huge impact on survivability.   It is a land raider in points, but it will kill double that back as long as you pick your targets well.

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One HQ I'm looking forward to try fielding; Master of the Forge, Primarch's Wrath, Lightning Claw. 125 points, decent in CC, decent in shooting, and fairly durable. If I'm not wrong then the changes to servo-arms also help, as they're now specialist weapons.

who cares about specalist, the harness packs 2 so you get + 1 attack. like a motf will deck any non t5 or EW hq unless there ap 2 at i2+

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One HQ I'm looking forward to try fielding; Master of the Forge, Primarch's Wrath, Lightning Claw. 125 points, decent in CC, decent in shooting, and fairly durable. If I'm not wrong then the changes to servo-arms also help, as they're now specialist weapons.

who cares about specalist, the harness packs 2 so you get + 1 attack. like a motf will deck any non t5 or EW hq unless there ap 2 at i2+


Wait, what? It does? Far as I can tell, it says it packs "an extra Servo-arm", but the MotF doesn't start with one - only the Techmarine does... but the Techmarine replaces his Servo-arm with the Harness...

Now I'm confused.

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