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For a recent tournament list I took a Captain on a bike (rather then a chapter master) with normal storm shield, artificer armour, meltabombs and the teeth of terra.  It ends up being much cheaper for an awful lot of killing power, and using the iron hands traits means they are very survivable.  I had them pick on normal meq's single handed and generally make a nuisance of themselves, whilst the captain also tanked a unit of devs, a unit of terminators and belial for 3 turns, slowly wittling them down.  In the next game the same captain fought the Transcendant C'tan for another 3 rounds, preventing it from shooting.  Not bad for 185 points.

Whats your guys thought about using a chaplain in terminator armour as your warlord? What is the best thing to give him?

The primarch's wrath :p

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Whats your guys thought about using a chaplain in terminator armour as your warlord? What is the best thing to give him?

I think a TDA chaplain would require a pretty tough bodyguard unit to be functional, TH+SS Termies spring to mind, and he buffs them as well. The problem is that even in TDA he's not particularly scary or survivable. Chaplains were a bit of a missed opportunity in the latest dex, they don't really do anything that a TDA Libby/Cap/CM doesn't but with more utility/points efficiency. They're not unplayable, especially as the TDA chaplain is such a good model, if a bit static, but are overshadowed by the far more survivable and choppy Captain/CM.

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The way I see it, if you're not going for a special character or a big beefy Cap or Master, then the Libby or the MOTF are your options.  Chaplains just aren't worth it.  MOTFs bring you a 2+ save and some AP1 close combat attacks.  A baseline Libby is cheaper and thus better for small games, and Biomancy and Telepathy both have some decent powers he can use.

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