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Horus Heresy: Painting the Minis?


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I've decided to paint the minis that come with my Horus Heresy game. Why? Because it looks like fun, and I've been wargaming enough that the sight of naked plastic offends my sensibilities. Soon I'll end up painting my pens. teehee.gif

The question I have is this: is there anything I need to be careful of to avoid ruining the game?

I mean, presumably I should not glue any of the Imperial Guard and Titan Legions models to their bases, because IG and legion regiments can go rogue at the start of the game. Additionally, since the traitor legion models are all already colored, it won't hurt anything to prime them and then paint them back the appropriate color. However, will it hurt any for me to permanently secure them to their bases afterwards?

And what about the loyalists? Are there enough minis and bases that I can paint them and secure them to their bases without hurting the game?

Thanks in advance... I'll post pictures when I'm done!

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