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Rules clarification on "Drop Pod Assault"


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If I take Space marines a space marines army with one drop pod and ally in a space wolves detachment with a second drop pod do they both count for the same instance of drop pod assault causing only one to come down turn one? 

My initial reaction is yes because the rule is titled and worded the same in both books but according to the new gaming group I've found myself in these days both pods count as a single one in each army therefore allowing both to drop pod assault turn one. Has anyone else ever heard this ruling before or something similar? I'm the new guy in town and didn't want to cause much of a ruckus over it mid game but it has been itching at me after the fact. I had both my codices to check that the wording there was identical (pg 99 sm, 47 sw) but didn't have my BRB handy to see if there was any clarification in the allies section there on the matter.

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That's pretty much it.  Drop Pod Assault is calculated on an army wide basis.


You may have multiple detachments, but they are all a part of your army, not an army in their own right.

- Each Player has 1 Army.


So no matter how many detachments you have, and how your drop pods are distributed among them, only 50% (rounding up) of them will arrive on turn one.


Now your gaming group may know this and have house ruled otherwise, or they may have mis-read the rule.  It might be worth pointing the above explanation out to them, with the BRB and Codex handy (to show them how the rules are worded) and see what they say.


If they decide to stick with their house rule, then you can feel free to exploit it (but only when you play with that group).

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I can understand their point.  I don't have a Space Wolves codex to check, but the SM codex does not mention army or detachments.  It just says "chose half of your Drop Pods."  So does that rule still apply to drop pods from a different codex?  Similar models from different codices will follow the rules from the codex it was bought from in other circumstances.  DCA from C:AS are limited to power swords while DCA from C:I use power weapons yet both can be in the same army.


So in this case, since there is no wording to apply C:SM rules to the entire army, would they not each use the rule from the codex they were purchased?


Of course that argument falls flat if the wording in C:SW is similar since the same model with the same rules would all count together as "your drop pods."


Eh, either way is cool.  Just be consistent where you play.  The only rule that matters is what you and your opponent agree to.

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I can understand their point.  I don't have a Space Wolves codex to check, but the SM codex does not mention army or detachments.  It just says "chose half of your Drop Pods."  So does that rule still apply to drop pods from a different codex?  Similar models from different codices will follow the rules from the codex it was bought from in other circumstances.  DCA from C:AS are limited to power swords while DCA from C:I use power weapons yet both can be in the same army.


So in this case, since there is no wording to apply C:SM rules to the entire army, would they not each use the rule from the codex they were purchased?


Of course that argument falls flat if the wording in C:SW is similar since the same model with the same rules would all count together as "your drop pods."


Eh, either way is cool.  Just be consistent where you play.  The only rule that matters is what you and your opponent agree to.

There is no specific mention of Detachment or "friendly Drops Pods from Codex: X", so it would apply over the whole collection.


Unfortunately, your example is a poor one. Different army list options are different army list options. Angel Tactical Marines cannot take Grav weapons because their army list doesn't have it, not because they have different rules.


I do agree on consistency. Your local group can decide what it wants to do, but consistency (and knowing what the rule actually says) are the important parts.

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Both Codex: Space Marines and Codex: Space Wolves have exactly the same wording for Drop Pod Assault:



At the beginning of your first turn, choose half of your Drop Pods (rounding up) to make a Drop Pod Assault.


Neither entry makes any reference to detachment. How many Drop Pods do you (the player) have? Half that many (rounding up) can land first turn and it doesn't matter which detachment they come from.

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