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Do I have this right?


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Or am I reading the codex wrong/have missed something?


 A Warpsmith; scion of Mars, renegade techmarine, privy to the secrets of the Dark Mechanicus, responsible for the care, creation and maintenance of a Warband's weaponry, master of binding daemons to machines....


...can't take a damn bike?


 What ass-hattery is this?

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6th ed chaos sm codex?


I guess Phill Kelly was afraid that giving chaos marines and option of a +2sv fast moving target which could be also runing around with +4 save would be too OP.


Compared to a Chapter Master? 2+, 3++ EW, and all that junk.



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Phil was thinking of the Warpy's well-being. Running over one's own mecha-tendril hurts.

That has to be up there with DA trip hazard robes.

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As someone said, welcome to CSM - the evil but crappy little brother of the Space Marines.


Bike? Check. Jumppack? Check. Terminator Armour? Check.

Dark Apostle;

Bike? Nope. Jumppack? Nope. Terminator Armour? Nope.

Master of the Forge;

Bike? Check.


Bike? Nope.

(Neither can take a jump pack).

Let's not even start comparing Chaos Lords to Chapter Masters, CSM to Tacticals, Chosen to Vanguard, or better yet, Honourguard, Mutilators to Assault Centurions, Thousand Sons to Sternguard, Raptors to Assault Marines, Obliterators to Centurion Devastators, and worst of all; Champion of Chaos+Veterans to ATSKNF, Combat Squads and Chapter Tactics. rolleyes.gif

Yes, I'm bitter. Luckily my new Salamander-army will most likely ease my pain. The new SM-codex actually looks fine, and after 10 years of CSM I don't feel ashamed to start something "new".

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No, you don't have this right.


You are Chaos. You don't have any rights.


Sadly, while that was intended to be snarky, it actually came out as somewhat true... or so it feels.


Not that I want to put my warpsmith on a bike, since nothing else in my army has one, but the option would have been nice.

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Seeing as mine is Khornate I actually really, really wanted to put him on a Jugger, like the Wolves can put an Ironpriest on a Thunderwolf, but the bike would have been cheaper money-wise.

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just Played my 3rd game using csm, w out any heldrakes (yes on purpose) . It's really bad guys...really bad. Actually makes me miss gavdex , and that is something I thought I would never ever say never ever.

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At least in the Gavdex, we could have mos lords in beserker units.  At the start of 6th edition, that was nasty.

I recently started playing my Corsairs as Space Sharks.  I don't think I'm going back to Chaos.  I mean I still have my straight Khorne army, (MSU beserkers, AoBF lord, Chaos terminators, and Obliterators...and the Autocannon Havoks).


Maybe it's because I've never had access to combat squads...but that stuff is so very sexy when I drop a drop pod in and then my unit splits into two separate units like some sort of far future special warfare guys.  (...like ah "Space Marines" perhaps).

They are going to have to come WAY correct on a supplement to un-:cuss the chaos codex to get me to bring my Corsairs back to chaos.

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Seeing as mine is Khornate I actually really, really wanted to put him on a Jugger, like the Wolves can put an Ironpriest on a Thunderwolf, but the bike would have been cheaper money-wise.


Great news!  You just saved yourself a bunch of money by switching to Chaos!

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You still think we're getting chaos supplements? Thats cute, I gave up on that fairy tale when they gave Sm's company level supplements and censored.gif us on knights

GW screwed us and its told us it was our fault for not making it financially viable again

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Supplement isn't going to do it. Too many structural problems. Can't fix a broken bone with any number of bandaids.


But that's veering off topic... so, what is the topic? Warpsmiths not being able to take certain Wargear choices, which are: Terminator Armor, Melee Weapons, Daemonic Steeds, and Special Issue wargear. Dark Apostles suffer the same. Lords and Sorcerers get to because... they always have. But these 'new' units are derived thematically from upgrades which could be applied to Chaos Lords and Lieutenants in 3.5 (Dark Apostle/Accursed Crozius and Servo-Arms, though the way by which to implement Servo-Arms is... vague, to say the least), so there's still no real justification.


No Warpsmith or Dark Apostle in the Eye of Terror or beyond takes to the field in Terminator Armor? None of the same ride steeds as a reward from the Gods (or as a result of Daemonsmithing, for Warpsmiths)? Not one rides a bike or takes to the skies with a jump pack or wings? Nary a single Dark Apostle or Warpsmith has the technical skill to use a meltabomb (especially egregious in the case of the Warpsmith)? No Warpsmiths or Dark Apostles of Nurgle use Blight Grenades? A Warpsmith or Dark Apostle can never Corrupt his Sigils? Not one Warpsmith or Dark Apostle accompanies his power weapon with a different melee weapon in the other hand or at his side?

It's ludicrous inconsistency for no purpose but laziness. It's not like any of those things would be overpowered.

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Phil was thinking ahead of you actually, something like, "1 Lord, 1 Sorceror, 1 Daemonprince entry. Almost done here but i should make sure that some fluff mongers get acces to older units like Warpsmith and Apostles, lets included them knowing the good players wont be using them."

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The warpsmith would see play , if he could take a bike. And fluff players won't take them either . A lord does the same thing an apostol does for less points and better stats +more upgrades . If the smith had access to gear that could make him a shoty HQ[like the loyalist versions] , maybe people would take him .

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A ranged option for warpy, access to jump-pack/wings and termie armour for the apostle and access to steeds&bikes for both would be awesome! :)



...but obviously it would never happen, we play chaos after all...

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