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Trying to make my army more Nurgly

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So far I'm wanting on the first portion of my models to get here. I bought a Terminator Chaos Lord (mk2), a Nurgle Daemon Prince, some dragon wings, Dark Vengeance, Chaos Space Marine Battleforce, and a Chaos Land Raider (from Amazon). I've decided to go with some conversion ideas:


I would buy these for my Terminators:




And this for my Terminator Lord: http://www.reapermini.com/OnlineStore/scythe/latest/P06134D


I'm thinking I could easily have the scythes count as either a Power Maul or Ax. I'm also buying them some Meltaguns to stick on their Combi-Bolters.


Also had these helmets, backpacks, and shoulder pads in mind for converted Plague Marines:





These would be something for Combat/Spell Familiars: http://armorcast.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=1536


And finally I'm going to convert the DV Chaos Lord with one of the bikers so I can put him on a bike, use a pretty much all of the plasma weaponry to make Plasma Guns for the Chosen, and generally "Chaos-up" the Space Marines.


Two more things:


I would like to eventually get some Chaos Spawns and was wondering how these would work: http://www.hfminis.co.uk/shop?product=mawe-multi~hfsa309&category=miniatures~sci%252dfi-aliens


I'm ok with using green stuff, so I think I could try making some easy conversions like eyeballs and tentacles growing out of their backs, but would that be enough to make these guys look spawny? Or should I go for something else?


The last thing on my mind was converting a Land Speeder into a Plague Drone by making it look like a giant bio-mechanical fly, but I'd need to find pieces for giant fly wings and something that would help me create two good fly-like eyes, because that's what I know will be the hardest part for me to do. Has anyone done this before?


I plan on putting up pictures here when I finally get the models and bits I'm looking at.

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Check out spellcrow. Their plague knight stuff is fantastic.


Idk how I feel about those as spawn. The GW vampire counts line is actually fairly useful. I'm working on a hell drake out of the terrorgeist. The VC crypt ghouls have had good applications as spawn across the interwebs. They also come with the beast vampires in the same kit for more bits. Maybe get some tentacles from a bits seller or GS your own and their solid.


Titanforge has some good stuff in their "pestilence line". I'll probably get their spawn if I ever want some. Though they are a bit expensive, the detail is worth it. Also blights from the game HEresy are pretty cool, I'm not sure how large they are though.


Mantic zombies>>>>>>>GW zombies if you're in need of some undead scoring units.


I have a giant plastic fly bookmarked on my other I computer..... I'll post it later if I remember.


Hope that helps.

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Found these guys while browsing for bits:





Thought about using them as Obliterators as I like their look more than the actual Obliterator model.


Also thought of these guys as Mutilators: http://hitechminiatures.com/2_6/product/info/103

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I'll definitely check them out! Half of my miniatures arrived today (Nurgle Prince, Terminator Lord, and Battleforce), just waiting on the second half now (Dark Vengeance and Land Raider). I'll post pics once I get them assembled and finally pick out the paint scheme I want.
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Ok, here are some (fuzzy) pictures of my guys I got and have been tweaking a bit!


Put some wings on the Nurgle Prince:

Nurgle Daemon Prince

Nurgle Daemon Prince's wings

Converted the Marine Squad Heavy Bolter, the DV Terminator Assault Cannon, and both of the Cultist weapons into Autocannons. I also made a custom Power Maul for the Champion:

Havoc Squad

So far my completed easier conversions for my Chosen squad that I'm equipping with Plasma Guns:

Chosen with Plasma Guns

Here's the DV Chaos Lord. I'm trying to put him on a bike. The idea I have is that he has morphed into the bike though receiving many mutations over his years. Just the beginning stage of his conversion, however:

Chaos Lord on Bike

Chaos Lord on Bike

These are some scythes I picked up for some Terminators and my Terminator Lord/Sorcerer:

Sytches for my Terminators and Sorcerers


More to come!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Here's some more pictures of my work so far. I'm not the best with green stuff, but if you don't practice you'll never get better! lol
Here's the Rhino for one of my Marine Squads. I left the top open so that I could place a guy in there to show what squad it was transporting.

Marine Squad 1's Rhino

Marine Squad 1's Rhino

Marine Squad 1's Rhino


Here are the DV Chosen again, but the WHOLE squad! =D

DV Chosen Squad w/ Plasma Guns

This one was the first one I converted and didn't do too well of a job on, but I'm scared to try taking it apart without breaking it =/

DV Chosen w/ Plasma Gun

DV Chosen w/ Plasma Gun

DV Chosen w/ Plasma Gun

DV Chosen w/ Plasma Gun

DV Chosen w/ Plasma Gun


Here's my DV Termy Squad, I'm still waiting on Meltaguns from Forge World to stick on their Combi-Bolters.

Terminator Squad

Terminator Squad

Terminator Squad

Terminator Squad

Terminator Squad

Terminator Squad

The Champion!

Terminator Squad Champion

Terminator Squad Champion


These two were the DV Cultist heavy weaponeers, but since I scavenged their weapons to make Autocannons for a Havoc Squad, I decided to take advantage of their "butcher/executioner" visage and promote them to the Champions =]

"Butcherer" Cultist Champion 1

"Butcherer" Cultist Champion 2


DV Librarian converted Sorcerer of Nurgle.

DV Nurgle Sorcerer conversion

Could be used as Terminator Lord/Sorcerer.

Terminator Sorcerer

DV Lord on bike. I'm still in the conversion process with him. My vision is to have him morphing into the bike, so lotsa green stuff pretty much, although I don't really know how to make it look apart from being somewhat of a blob. lol, any suggestions?

DV Lord on Bike

DV Lord on Bike

DV Lord on Bike


I've always wanted a 5W Lord, so I managed to create a palanquin/throne of Nurgle, and used some extra bits to create a Lord sitting on it! The last thing I need to do is build the Nurglings holding him up. What kind of base does he go on? I'm thinking the Terminator Base, but not entirely sure. Does it matter too much what kind of base he's on?

Palanquin of Nurgle

Nurgle Lord on Palanquin

Palanquin of Nurgle (finished)

Palanquin of Nurgle (finished)

Palanquin of Nurgle (finished)

Lord on Palanquin of Nurgle (finished)

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