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Using 40k models in 30k

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I'm wondering what people's opinions on using 40k models for units that are the same rulewise in game as their 30k equivalents such as predators, land speeders, bikers ect? I'm thinking about using some land speeders in my Salamanders (Land speeders and plasma cannon are what I go loyalist for) and I was thinking just taking the regular kit and swapping the heads and shoulder pads of the crew would look good enough to make them "30k".

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I'm wondering what people's opinions on using 40k models for units that are the same rulewise in game as their 30k equivalents such as predators, land speeders, bikers ect? I'm thinking about using some land speeders in my Salamanders (Land speeders and plasma cannon are what I go loyalist for) and I was thinking just taking the regular kit and swapping the heads and shoulder pads of the crew would look good enough to make them "30k".


The heresy Predators are specifically Deimos-pattern Predators.  IE, Predators made on Deimos, one of Mars' moons (or on a FW that uses the same STC).  Other predators exist, and the standard GW Predator/Rhino is just fine.  I'm pretty sure I've seen them hiding around in the HH books here and there in the battle photos.  Ergo, they are alright.  Bikers likewise - just coming from a different planet/source is enough to explain any visual difference in what is otherwise mechanically the same.


For the Landspeeders, the FW Landspeeder is specifically the Landspeeder Javelin.  That is something entirely different from a standard Landspeeder, and both are available in 30k.


Even standard 40k terminators are suitable - with a little converting.  Indomitus plate is defined in Book 1 as being the same as Tartaros, and with the appropriate weapon swaps (combibolters instead of storm bolters, no assault cannons or CML allowed) they would be entirely suitable for 30k.


People might frown on using standard marines from a Tactical box, though.  Too much mk 7 and 8.  Most reasonable opponents wouldn't care, but you might get a little ribbing for it.  Until I get my army off the ground, I'm proxying Grey Hunters and Ultramarine Tacticals for my Luna Wolves anyway.

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The army is in amix of Mk III/IV plate with the odd beaky thrown in on sergeants and veterans, with the Terminators being Tartaros pattern, the only "40k" models being used is the whirlwind, the land speeders and the plasma cannon on the devestaors (there is something about the way MKIII plate goes with the old metal heavy weapons).

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IMO you can use whatever you want. People can do whatever they want in this hobby. If I have hang ups it effects my armies only.


But as already said most of the 40k vehicles were available in 30k.


Also, I'm another who's been converted from mkIV to MkIII (although it depends on the legion mainly)

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Well, I've got 60 or so Black Reach marines stashed away and they are certainly going to materialize as Fists and Blood Angels, probably with some head swaps, but then that's at Terra.

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Agreed, Mk III is a fantastic plate. biggrin.png

Best plate. I used to think Mk IV was, but you can't beat the brutality and strength of Mk III.

This. My first 30k purchases were two bundle packs of Legion Mk4. Oh man did I get bored with those. While it was cool to see studs, the Legion Mk3 very quickly grew on me during my next purchases.

Mk3 is by far my favorite. The brutal look is what does it for me.

Gimme a dozen suits of Mark 3 with phobos bolters, or give me a hundred suits of Mark 4 with tigrus bolters. Mark 3 will win any day.

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I'm doing my BAs to be 40k third company but also to represent the BAs as a siege of Terra force, where mk7 was available, but then, more than 50% of my company are in older armours anyway, plus im waiting for actual BA rules anyway.
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Hamster, someone would have to be drunk and stoned not to play your guys using 30k rules.


Especially those amazing Honour Guard guys you got going right now.

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According to the original Codex Ultramarines the aquila with the skull in the middle has it's roots in the age of the heresy as a personal honour symbolizing victory any mk 7 body without the belly cables you should avoid seems the plate covering was a later modification that became a hallmark of mk8. Purity seals would only be seen as Victory seals on command models. Mk 7 armour was used on Luna and Terra but not in large amounts. Crux Terminatus shoulder symbols are a total nono they came about afterwards and are supposed to contain tiny shards of the Emperors armour and as far as plastic tanks go well Forgeworld ones don't seem to be too far off in price anymore lol but they all did exist as variants from other forgeworlds.


I'd also hack off any storm bolter and avoid the standard plastic godwyn bolters and heavy weapons and the plastic mk12 Jump packs. I think even the mk5 plastic dreads existed too but I'd need to check on that one. Also late war there was alot more mixed armour due to battlefield scavenging. Good candidates for using 40k peices are Blood Angels, Imperial Fists, White Scars. You could really go all plastic on those three if needed. Incidently Raven Guard were sporting mucho mk6 by the later stages as they were the test pilots for the variant.

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Mk III are awesome, that's why I used them on my WS even it's not a Legion known for it. Mk4 aregreat but too skinny...


On the topic, I don't see any issue in using 40k models to play 30k, as long as you use WSIWYG models for your army and avoid 40k specifics (Centurions, Death company, etc...). The thing is I use 30k models because it's not playing 30k that motivates me, but modelling a proper HH army, with awesome FW minis. So reversed "problem".

I think I'm not the only one :)

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one-eye, thats fair enough, but there isn't necessarily any difference between a heresy model and a 40k model...

for example:






none of this looks specifically 40k, but it was designed for 40k from a modelling perspective.

even the mk7 painted member wouldnt look out of place at terra (where i'm pretty sure it was actually given out en mass OttoVonAwesome)

the point i'm getting at, is if the 40k army someone has can be rejigged to be wysiwig, theres a good chance it'll look no different to if they made a heresy specific rm, assuming they did one of the 1st founding legions of course. i.e. a well made model is a well made model :)

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Not to mention with things like "Balesnout pattern helmet", "Sarum pattern helmet" and another, very M VII-ish looking helmet that I am forgetting, there is a loophole where we could easily fit a Mk VII marine into even a Traitor army.
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Well Blindhamster, in fact you play 40k with 30k models. I don't see any problem with that, but it's not the initial question and it's taking the timeline in the right direction (as opposed to 30k with 40k models).


Btw, and that's a decisive argument, with your awesome talent, you can use whatever you want, your adversary will always be delighted to play against your army !! :D

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I never considered using 40k minis for 30k. The vast majority of my main army consist of RTB01 Mark VI plate, so I probably wouldn't field them in a 30k army anyway (they look a little too...bland or plain, for want of a better term)

But still, the idea of being able to indulge in a little 30k, whilst dual purposing 40k minis for 30k and 30k minis for 40k appeals a lot smile.png

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