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Rivalries within Nurgle's minions


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Here and there I found the opinion that unlike the other gods, Nurgle encourages cooperation between his minions. Is that really the case, or are there siginifcant rivalries between different warbands of the Lord of Disease? I know that Typhus doesn't really get along with Mortarion, but is that an isolated case?

BTW, if any of you have included such a rivalry in your homebrew warband, feel free to mention it here yes.gif

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I think such coorperation is more ment for Nurgle daemons rather then the actual space marines, altough i am sure a lot of plague marines have it very cozy together. Typhus doesnt seem to like a lot of people to be fair. So mortarion or necrosius vs Typhus might not be the best of examples.

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Regarding Chaos Warbands:


Mostly, they have their own agendas, so they don't necessarily cooperate with each other but aren't necessarily open rivals either. More likely they 'compete' with each other to achieve their specific agendas.


The Purge's primary agenda is to kill all life so that things can start anew again. The only reason they've aligned with Nurgle is because they think Nurgle's plagues are the fastest way to do it. They use genocidal chem-weapons that destroy everything.


The Tainted (Death Guard sub-faction) are mostly preoccupied with creating mutated things like Plague Ogryn, giant Nurgle spawn, etc. They are now connected with the Daemon Prince Mamon.


The Apostles of Contaigion (Death Guard sub-faction) are led by Necrosius who is a 'true convert' in that he has adopted Nurgle's agenda to spread diseases. They also have Zombies like Typhus. But Necrosius hates Typhus because he blames Typhus for damning the Death Guard - a grude that has persisted even after his conversion.


The Lords of Decay (once loyalist chapter - corrupted and absorbed into the Death Guard) at one point led by Mortarian and also by Typhus. Most of their activities have been more traditional direct attacks against key Imperial Positions (as opposed to Nurgle's agenda of spreading disease).


The Cleaved are abit more of a mystery. But they seem to have a stronger connection with the Daemonic occult.


All of the above (except the Cleaved) were all at Vraks at the same time at one point fighting the Imperials.


Currently, I'm running two sub-factions, an Apostles of Contgion sub-faction of Terminators / Plague Marines / Daemon Engines / Daemons; and another sub-faction of various 'regular' Marines Squads that I've built with MK III armor and painted with pre-heresy DG colors - that I haven't exactly named yet (the latter so that I can also dual play HH).


Regarding Nurgle Daemons:


As I understand it Nurgle's daemons embody different 'humanistic' aspects.


Plaguebearers are an embodiment of the banality of life and the obsessive need to keep working and organizing (yes really). So they mostly work together even through frustrating circumstances (like cataloging plague variants in the midst of combat).


Great Unclean Ones are an embodiment of Nugle's paternal affection. So they are actually mostly jolly and nurturing towards other Nurgle-kind. But as a 'parent' does, they get really mad when their charges are threathened.


Beasts of Nurgle are an embodiment of the need for socialization with each other. They're basically like a puppy aside from the fact that they are huge bulky hosts of virulent diseases that will kill anything they try to 'play' with.


Nurglings are an embodiment of mischief and squabbling. Supposedly they also find it amusing to make trouble for Plaguebearers.


Plague Drones are an embodiment of deep rooted resentment and malice borne out of the lack of affection that has been shown to them. So they probably are the 'least cooperative'

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