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More New Model Rumors


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Bell of Lost Souls is reporting on a rumor that we'll be seeing two new model the week following the Helbrute/Crimson Slaughter release - New Chosen & Havocs:




There's also buzz about a fourth kit, but they don't have any clear talk of what it would be.  Cultists, maybe oblit/mut dual kit mentioned.  If I were a betting man, I'd put my money on that plastic clamshell chaos lord we heard talk about a while back.


Honestly, I'm still pretty excited for new chosen models, if the rumor proves accurate, even if Codex: word unit in our book as a troops choice and a $54 helbrute don't really do much for me.

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For me, it's just that I like cool models, I guess?  I really shouldn't encourage them, but what can I say?  I play black legion, and love my chosen conversions I've been working on, but would like a couple extra units of five, magnetized for the option of 5 man lascannon campers or plasmaspam in rhinos or inviltrating via huran.  They're not great, but they're not terrible configurations to run.  So yeah, I could see myself getting a couple 5 man boxes of chosen (or one ten man), and maybe bits ordering a couple heavy weapon sprues from the new havocs (I have no interest in buying whole kits of them unless they have entirely redone bodies, and since the basic CSMs are just repackaged I really don't expect to see that).

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Well, the battle force doesn't include them at least. Just a re-hash of old stuff with raptors and a fiend thrown in...



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I can't figure out why GW doesn't give the basic CSM squad kit the same treatment as the Tactical Squad. I know people who didn't even need extra Troops get a couple of boxes, just to play around with it and boost their bitz box, and I'm pretty sure that Chaos players would do the same if they got their own new kit.


But anyway, I look forward to seeing the Chosen/Havoc kit and whatever the fourth kit is (hoping for a squad and not a clamshell HQ) :)

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Could be, I suppose.


As for the attack force, it's not a terrible deal, if you happened to want all those models to begin with.  If I had any use at all for more basic chaos marines, I'd be sorely tempted.  Otherwise, it's worth noting that it doesn't have the new dread, either, so I wouldn't take it as evidence for or against the possibility of other forthcoming new kits.

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Wow... That attack force looks great. Not a legal force the way they've done it and the best upgrade on the CSM champ that everyone goes for.



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malisteen: I think that with all of the pictures of the new Helbrutes, they're bound to be released next month. Perhaps their non-inclusion in the Attack Force is down to GW not knowing whether or not the kits will be popular (whereas the Raptor and Fiend kits have been around for a while and have obviously sold rather well).
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malisteen: I think that with all of the pictures of the new Helbrutes, they're bound to be released next month. Perhaps their non-inclusion in the Attack Force is down to GW not knowing whether or not the kits will be popular (whereas the Raptor and Fiend kits have been around for a while and have obviously sold rather well).

You not heard of impulse buys and add on sales?

"You ok for paint, glues or this sexy new kit which isn't in the box you're already buying. And you may want another Chaos Marine squad or cultist blob too. Spray paint. Do you need a bag for that?"


Yes...I've done too many years in retail. Never sell anything complete or you have no opportunity to add any extras on.

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The battle force pics do indeed look like CS marines. Red with gold trim...


Once we see confirmation of what the next kits are, I can only hope that they are either 1. the chosen and havocs rumored, or 2. one of those and a new basic troop kit to the taste of what Battle-Brother Ludovic suggested. Or hell, maybe that will be the mysterious 4th release...


End of Line

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you know, if they have all the support options in platic and updated....maybe next time we might get lucky, and they'll do legion rules to go with new cult kits.....and maybe we'll even get a new raider variant or other transport option......in like 4-5 years..........right?.....RIGHT? ......RIGHT?

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That new Helbrute model is looking mighty fine indeed, if I do say so myself.  Man, it is such a shame that they're so lackluster in the rules right now.


Remember when you could run AV13 possessed dreads that were immune to shaken & stunned and regenerated weapon destroyed & immobilized, such that nothing less than an outright 'vehicle destroyed' result would kill them, packing some serious firepower, like twin autocannons plus havoc launcher plus dread close combat weapon with heavy flamer for anything that got close?  Or you'd take the missile launcher and sit your butt in cover so that you could only be glanced while you bombarded the enemy with heavy weaponry, meaning only a 'six' on the chart would kill you, and anything else would be ignored or could be regenerated, and you'd only ever die when your dread went loopy and charged out of his cover on his own?


Yeah, dreads with all those upgrades (three different kinds of possession at once!) were expensive to the point of not exactly being good, but they were still a major presence on the table, something worthy of such a beastly model, not to mention such a beastly price tag.


Ah, well.  Those were the days.

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It was called stature, but whatever...


Imagine an upgrade that gave +3Ws, +2S, +1T, +1W, +3I, +2A, the Daemon special rule and making him an MC as well for 100 points. Same statline and rule, same cost as now, but boy could you upgrade him differently with all the regular wepaons as well...

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