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I can't figure out why GW doesn't give the basic CSM squad kit the same treatment as the Tactical Squad. I know people who didn't even need extra Troops get a couple of boxes, just to play around with it and boost their bitz box, and I'm pretty sure that Chaos players would do the same if they got their own new kit.

But anyway, I look forward to seeing the Chosen/Havoc kit and whatever the fourth kit is (hoping for a squad and not a clamshell HQ) smile.png

Oh yeah. We would.

Quite honestly it would probably be the only hobby-related thing I bought for the rest of the year. Just stacks of those fethers. All year.

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I'm not huge on that one. Whats the difference in effect really, between that and the impact of the Heldrake? A flying DP with that in todays game? Auto include.

it was more to the funnizies. the necron C'tan did the same thing.

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Well, the battle force doesn't include them at least. Just a re-hash of old stuff with raptors and a fiend thrown in...




If you look at the second termie going from the right, he has a Tentacle mutation.


Now this tentacle doesn't look loke the Old mutations sprue tentacle, but rather like the Tentacle from that Terminator Cult sprue that was leaked in 5th Ed and that we never saw in the end...


Maybe while they will be repackaging, the Termies will have this new sprue?...


Who knows?

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That tentacle arm is from the current terminators box, nothing fancy.


Also, it's an 'attack force', not a 'battle force' - more stuff, higher price point (us$205ish).  Still not a terrible deal compared to the separate costs, iirc it's about equivalent to getting the rhino for free, but you do have to actually want everything in the box for it to be worthwhile.  I'd be tempted, if not for the 10 CSMs & a rhino, which I really don't need at all.  Now, if they had done a new CSM body sprue, and those were ten new CSMs closer to the book artwork or DV models?  But they're not, so... yeah.


As for not having any new stuff - either the brute or whatever new stuff we may or more likely may not be getting in the following week, well a lot of times bundle boxes like this are used to burn through existing stock, so that doesn't exactly surprise me.


Long story short, it's actually a pretty decent box, and if I were a new player fresh off of DV, I'd strongly consider it.

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Bloody typo on that battleforce page "caused they betrayal."


Enough money to make Solomon blush and they can't afford proof readers. 


That force seems pretty reasonable to me, and I hope they do bring out another box set or two. But I think we all just assume anything Chaos is too good to be true until it happens.

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Bit meh this box . The eldar one is much better with stuff people may actualy want. Raptors , terminators are not something with or without DV will want for their army .

Which is a shame because they look cool biggrin.png

If I end up going with Chaos I'm tempted to pick it up just because it seems like a decent starting point; I know it won't be super competitive but really it seems nothing is beyond Heldrake or Zombie spam, so if you aren't going whole hog to win might as well field a fun/fluffy army anyways.

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Man, if they moved their entire line over to what the Dark Vengeance themed stuff I would be a very happy camper.

Basically would ebay all of my 60 base CSMs and start over.

Would then convert Bikers and Lords/Sorcerers to the same look as well.

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I must say I'm personally not a big fan of the Crimson Slaughter's colour-scheme. Their red is so bright it nearly looks pink.

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I must say I'm personally not a big fan of the Crimson Slaughter's colour-scheme. Their red is so bright it nearly looks pink.


Yeah, it looks a little too bright.  If I play them (still mulling about) I'd likely go with actual crimson red, not "fresh blood" red.

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Dreadaxe MC's....yes you get NO saves


Saves are not a right. I have no problem with this... I seem to remember a number of units (including the C'tan mentioned below) that didn't allow any saves in the past. Hell I even remember ranged weapons that didn't allow invulnerable saves... and while not as deadly as DP with a Dread Axe to everything... Psycannons made my Ulthwé army cry.


Also... I think many people forget that a totally tooled out DP cost a lot of points... and I mean more than even the god-tier named characters...


Was the old chaos codex scary to play against.. yes... I didn't play chaos that much in 3.5... I had too much fun playing against them with my Eldar. I had so many games that came down to one side or the other being tabled... but they key thing was that the surviving player only had 1 or 2 models left... Those were great games. I rarely have games that close  these days, except for really tight contests over objectives.

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My Khorne DP was rarely over the 225pts mark.


Lord (60),Deamonic Speed(15), Berserk Glaive(40), FnP(10), Collar(5), Deamonic rune(35), Mark of Khorne(10), Deamonic Armor(20), Grenades (1), Deamonic Stature(15), Furious Charge(15),


WS6 BS3 S5 T5 W3 I5 A4(10) LD10 2+/4++ Monstruous Creature, move like Beasts, immune to IDs, always affected by the Blood frenzy( Khorne's version of Fleet), DtW on 2+, FnP 4+ and grenades, with a Deamon weapon that gave him 10 A and a 4++.


i would exchange any of those Flying Freaks for my old DPrinces...

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That Daemon Prince is/was illegal. :P


1) More than 100 pts worth of Daemonic Gifts (You have 125)

2) More than 150 pts worth of wargear (You have 156), altough I'm not sure if veteranskills counter towards this.


Not sure why you didn't just give him Daemonic Resilience instead of Daemonic Rune. He had a 2++ save vs forceweapons anyway, and you would be 'legal' all of a sudden.

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i Count 85 pts in Deamonic gifts, Stature, Speed, Armor and Rune.


56 points in other Wargear and Marks+Veteran skills don't count in the limit.


the Collars din't give you a 2++ save, you canceled the Powers on a 2+ and where totally immune to Force weapons, not like with the Blessing of the Blood god in the 5th Deamon Codex who was a 2++ saves versus Forceweapons.


Deamonic resilience din't count in the threshold for ID's, so the rune was always more interesting, but there weren't many Weapons or Models with S10, most of the Walkers and MC's who had S10, had inferior Initiative so the DP would get them down before they striked( with 10 S7 ignore saves Attacks...), and the only ranged Weapons with S10 where some artillery stuffs, Tau Railguns and Vindis cannons.


So yeah i din't use the rune very often, but in my optimal loadout the rune was amongst it.

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Daemon Weapons counted towards the total for Daemonic Gifts, so you have to add 40 from the Glavie -> 125.


It's true though that the +1T from Daemonic Resilience was 'fake' regarding ID, I forgot about that.

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I really, really hope the chosen rumour is true but I'm inclined to believe it when I see it at this point. Then again, they did release dwarf stuff over a couple weeks, so we might see them in 7 days' time if they do exist.

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ughh I hate tentacles . Always just makes me think of something a 3 yr old rolled out of play-duh rather then being chaos'y.


good luck selling those 60 base csm's on e-bay smurf , since no one uses them anymore msn-wink.gif . I n same boat , I think I have about 80 of them.

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I could stand some of the mutations ala dark vengeance but the thing I can't stand is the "meat pipes" they've been putting on everything lately, the fiends, drakes, raptors and helbrute. If they were just pipes and cables I could be fine with it.


I'm earnest to see if these boxes come to fruition but I hope the havoc weapons aren't just giant phallic guns with pipes and daemon faces all over them.

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