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More New Model Rumors


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Just give me more than one Autocannon with the Havocs. But with luck as it is, we'll get 2 Missile Launchers, 2 Heavy Bolters, a LasCannon, another Plasma Pistol and no AutoCannon - lol!

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Why do you sound like that would be a surprise?


Because some of us still have hope that maybe GW will finally do something good for Chaos? It's a forlorn hope, given the track record. 


Hope is the first step down the road of disappointment.  I really hope the havoc/chosen is true, but sadly I already have a truck bed of salt beside me. 

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Why do you sound like that would be a surprise?


Because some of us still have hope that maybe GW will finally do something good for Chaos? It's a forlorn hope, given the track record. 


Hope is the first step down the road of disappointment.  I really hope the havoc/chosen is true, but sadly I already have a truck for of salt beside me. 

Especially with the picture of an IG release in a WDW popping up now...

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Yeah but, the new IG stuff (ubertruck/stormies) does'nt go up for preorder until the 29th. So even if the dex & other bits go on sale the week before, that still leaves us with a couple of free weeks.


Here's hoping for some more Chaos stuff! :)

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There's one open week, and I find it hard to believe that there's no release planned - it would, I think, be the first week without a meaningful physical release from GW since the new weekly business started?


At the same time, I have a hard time believing its anything significant, if we're getting leaks for the following week's models first.

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New plastic, i am in dire need for new plastic.


I managed the nigh impossible, of all the chaos models only 4 spawn, abby, 3 oblits , cypher , 1 squad of sons and 1 new squad of marines remain together with the three sorcerers, everything else went on auction and was sold with great success. So i am ready for the new looks and schemes as they come. I have one of each new kits and i am eagerly waiting for some chosen and havocs to bulk my army. Hell i have even bought the how to paint alpha legion ibook and the colors to do so... so all i need is new plastic.

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Well, the news is in from those who have seen the next White Dwarf, and it is bad. No new models for pre-order in next weeks white dwarf (only physical product on show is the APO damocles warzone book; apart from that just an APO formation for imperial knights and a C:Daemons dataslate for an exalted flamer w/o charriot). No new Chosen, no new Havoks, just a dead week, model-wise. We know the following several weeks are IG stuff, after which new fantasy stuff is expected, so if more new chaos models are in the works at all, we probably won't be seeing them for several months at the earliest.

Since the Alpha Legion have, as far as I know, nothing to do with the Imperium/Tau Damocles conflict, nor the exalted flamer chaos daemons dataslate, nor the Imperial Knight apocalypse formation, I have no idea what the 'next issue: I am Alpharius' note was supposed to be from the current issue, other than simply trolling us? (no, I don't actually think they were trolling us, just saying I don't get what the point of that was?)


for 30k fans, pics have hit the internet of FW's Horus model. If you haven't seen it, it looks very nice. If I played 30k, or preferred a less-chaotic aesthetic for my 40k chaos marines, I would totally get it. As it is... oh, well. Even if it's not for me, I have to say that's one damn fine model. Almost makes me wish I did play 30k. Almost. But not really.


I have to say, this has been a very disappointing mini-wave for me, especially hot on the heels of the Imperial Knight "yes you can use it! Oh, wait no you can't!" fiasco. Without new rules, I simply cannot justify spending that much money on the helbrute model, no matter how much I may like it, and while I approve of the way the crimson slaughter are characterized in their new supplement (putting the chaos back in chaos marines), it's frustrating to me that a recent renegade warband gets the full chaos treatment while heresy vets are left largely as 'regular marines but with spikey armor' in the fluff, and regardless I cannot justify the high price of these supplements (full codex cost!) for a faction I don't actually play.

So the whole release is wasted on me, when I was all geared up, and had actually saved up the money, to dump two to three hundred bucks on some combination of knights and new plastic chaos infantry, whether they took the form of havocs, chosen, basic CSMs, whatever - so long as it brought the models more in line with the codex artwork or DV models.

Oh well. It's not like there isn't other stuff to spend that money on. I've heard good things about the new South Park game, and could use a new pair of shoes.  Oh, and there's some homestuck merch I'd like to grab - the Act 3 book is out, maybe a squiddle shirt or GT hoodie?




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Well, the news is in from those who have seen the next White Dwarf, and it is bad. No new models for pre-order in next weeks white dwarf (only physical product on show is the APO damocles warzone book; apart from that just an APO formation for imperial knights and a C:Daemons dataslate for an exalted flamer w/o charriot). No new Chosen, no new Havoks, just a dead week, model-wise. We know the following several weeks are IG stuff, after which new fantasy stuff is expected, so if more new chaos models are in the works at all, we probably won't be seeing them for several months at the earliest.


Wait, their solution to the Exalted Flamer chariot (you know, the guy who is useless because he's rocking a heavy weapon in a paper armored vehicle, so good luck ever firing that weapon) is not to FAQ the unit for the Daemon codex, but instead to charge for a dataslate that takes him him out of the chariot?  GW better stock up on electrons, because that's going to sell like hot cakes.


At least our box art is up to date, right?

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It isn't about fixing the chariot.  This in no way acknowledges that there is a problem with the chariot to begin with.  This is about giving players who built the chariot with a herald a way to use the left over flamer model on its own.


Basically, if you build the flamer chariot, you're left with a playable herald on foot, and now if you build the herald chariot, you're left with a playable exalted flamer on foot, as something distinct from simply another model in a flamer squad.


I expect it to be every bit as worthless as the flamer chariot, since it's still going to be rocking a rather short ranged heavy weapon on a rather vulnerable body.

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It isn't about fixing the chariot.  This in no way acknowledges that there is a problem with the chariot to begin with.  This is about giving players who built the chariot with a herald a way to use the left over flamer model on its own.


Basically, if you build the flamer chariot, you're left with a playable herald on foot, and now if you build the herald chariot, you're left with a playable exalted flamer on foot, as something distinct from simply another model in a flamer squad.


I expect it to be every bit as worthless as the flamer chariot, since it's still going to be rocking a rather short ranged heavy weapon on a rather vulnerable body.


Might not be quite as worthless, you at least get the ability to stick him in with some meat shields or something.  Which then have to slog it into range, then stand there a turn before he can fire, and probably get charged first.  OK, 'every bit as worthless' would seem to be accurate.

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Well I still have the kit to assemble so it would be interesting to see this dataslate before I jump on assembling it. I think that since I like the herald I will field both him and the flamer on foot with a chariot assembled if I ever want to place them upon it. I already have a plan for the blue horrors, which entails fielding them as reinforcements from the portalgyph. One thing I have a grudge with GW, the Tzeentch daemons are perhaps the nicest and the most fluffy when comes to looks and I am sorely disappointed that Tzeentch got its custom treatment in both codexes, marines and daemon, which makes for a subpar option unless you spam screamers and divination.


As for the new chaos kits, well until new chaos marines will be released I will field 2x Thousand Sons MSU instead of 20 tacticals... at least those are still the best looking cult troops of the bunch. I must say that once assembled the rest of my army I think that the Alpha Legion scheme as per guide will have a nice look to it, there is something vibrant in that purple and green as well as a great chance to practice some freehand with scales of any types.

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Too bad, chosen are one of the units that could have compelled me to spend some money over the next couple months (A proper cultist kit or new CSM being the others). I will likely get a helbrute at some point, although a FW Black Legion dread is higher on my list. In the meantime I'll keep painting and building what I've got.


Wonder what the Alpha Legion have coming up?

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Too bad, chosen are one of the units that could have compelled me to spend some money over the next couple months (A proper cultist kit or new CSM being the others). I will likely get a helbrute at some point, although a FW Black Legion dread is higher on my list. In the meantime I'll keep painting and building what I've got.


Wonder what the Alpha Legion have coming up?


Not confirmed but supposedly there's a painting guide to an Alpha Legion Helbrute in the upcoming White Dwarf Weekly, which looks to be what the "I'm Alpharius" reference is, and nothing actually worthwhile.

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Too bad, Alpha Legion are an old favorite of mine and some kind of cool articles/guides would be nice (wouldn't even have to be accompanied by a model release).


Still, from the perspective of having some cool stuff in the new White Dwarf maybe it won't be so bad. The more painting/building stuff and fewer ads the better....

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Eh, if the painting guide is decent, if might not be worthless. Alpha legion is one of those color schemes that seems completely different every time its done, and sometimes that results in something really intersting -subtle blending, that sort of thing. I don't know.


Still super disappointed to not see those chosen.

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