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... I hope for the love of all that's (un)holy that they don't pull that crap.  Sadly, I don't put it past them.  Look what happened with the Tyranids.  What's worse is it's digital only so unless you have a tablet, you're screwed.  

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Why would it be crap? I'd love for them to put out useable and good rules for the brute, I might not be willing to pay them for fixing their own broken crap, but I'd like them to fix it anyway, if you know what I mean


It would be crap because they're charging extra for something that should be in the supplement they just released, just so they can charge extra.  Look what happened with the Tyranids - the dataslates they released after should have been part of the Codex but instead they make you pay $50 for the Codex and then an extra $15 for rules to fix what doesn't work in the Codex.

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GW can keep trying to force DLC on its customers all they want, if its not worth getting people wont buy it, and if its the only way to make their poorly written rules work then people STILL wont buy it, but the internet means they will have access to itwhistlingW.gif . As such, I'd rather we get fixes than nothing at all. That is my point

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GW can keep trying to force DLC on its customers all they want, if its not worth getting people wont buy it, and if its the only way to make their poorly written rules work then people STILL wont buy it, but the internet means they will have access to itwhistlingW.gif . As such, I'd rather we get fixes than nothing at all. That is my point

Certainly agree, just seems like a really scummy move on their part. "Hey we released this new model... wait, the rules suck. I know let's charge extra for a rules update!". Back in my day that used to be called an "FAQ" and would be released for free ;)

Or they could release it in White Dwarf, and have a reason to buy that. :p

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If you don't have a tablet, you can always just print out the rules.


I'm cautiously optimistic to hear of a dataslate for brutes, but just because it will exist won't mean it will be any good.  What if it's just a formation letting you field five of our lously helbrutes with the same lousy rules?


But anyway, yeah, I'll be keeping a close eye on this.  Dataslates as paid errata sucks, yeah, but then again the Be'Lakor and Cypher slates were pretty sweet, and I don't regret getting either of those in the least... but they were for options that didn't already exist in the book....



Meh.  Cautiously optimistic.  I am not as anti-dataslate as most.

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honestly even if it just divorces them from the FOC I'll think more about including them in my lists again


I'll be honest, I was very anti-Dataslate, until the nids ones from lev2 dropped, then I started writing lists with them, and as a "core template" for a list they add a lot of cool flavour and fun and help the army with a lot of its problems. So yeah you can abuse the tau one to kingdom come, but in my opinion you will more likely see other tau setups and the dataslates get a pass from me.


If this is just take 3-5 helbrutes slate, then I hope the "bonus" is soemthing along the lines of the "daemon engine" suite of rules. I'd field 3 brutes if they had IWND, Daemon, Daemonforge.

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If you don't have a tablet, you can always just print out the rules.


I'm cautiously optimistic to hear of a dataslate for brutes, but just because it will exist won't mean it will be any good.  What if it's just a formation letting you field five of our lously helbrutes with the same lousy rules?


But anyway, yeah, I'll be keeping a close eye on this.  Dataslates as paid errata sucks, yeah, but then again the Be'Lakor and Cypher slates were pretty sweet, and I don't regret getting either of those in the least... but they were for options that didn't already exist in the book....



Meh.  Cautiously optimistic.  I am not as anti-dataslate as most.


As a recent iPad owner I like them in theory, but not when I have to pay for errata :P

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honestly even if it just divorces them from the FOC I'll think more about including them in my lists again


Would you?  I wouldn't.  Taking an elites slot is not what kills these guys, it's lackluster ranged options combined with lack of speed or delivery options to bring their short range & melee options to bear and extreme vulnerability to melta weapons and krak grenades if they do manage to get in close.  Even if they're not too pricey, they just don't do much regardless.


They're basically dying for AV13 and a non-terrible delivery option, plus maybe their havoc launchers back for ranged builds, and I don't see any of that happening any time ever, though I suppose one could run them as counts-as contemptors.  Overpriced, then, but at least they have a mechanical presence to match their physical presence.

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consider them? yes,run them? well that would depend on the game and list, I have a thing for terminators, dreads, oblits and drakes. so being able to cram some of each in a list would work for me with some cheap cultists as troops.

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GW can keep trying to force DLC on its customers all they want, if its not worth getting people wont buy it, and if its the only way to make their poorly written rules work then people STILL wont buy it, but the internet means they will have access to itwhistlingW.gif . As such, I'd rather we get fixes than nothing at all. That is my point

Preach it brother.

IWND, Daemonforge, and Daemon? x 3 for 300 points? Will Download. msn-wink.gif

Hell, I would put them in my Daemon/CSM list if they where outside the FOC, for sure.

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Consider this malisteen




6 Nurgle Termies, axes, HF


3 Nurgle termies, axes, Combi-plas


3 Nurgle termies, axes, Combi-plas


Hellbrute, PC, PF


Hellbrute, PC, PF






2 Oblits, MoN


2 Oblits, MoN


10 Cultists, flamer


10 Cultists, Autogun, HS


14 zombies


14 zombies


1850 on the nose


Actually thats pretty close to my dream list now that I think about it.....that would be AWESOME!!

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I am considering it, but while I'm sure it would look nice painted up, it's mostly looking to me like the same old same old cultists/oblits/drakes, plus some other stuff that doesn't matter much.  The terminator retinue strikes me as too expensive to be worth the risk of unaided deep strike, the helbrutes don't seem like they'll do anything to justify the points of fielding them, slots or no, and will mostly just be disappointing to play with, and I don't see anything that could be described as forward objective holders.


How about drop the big termie unit, and the brutes, combine the zombies and max them out for typhus to walk with, and throw in a couple extra maxed zombie squads, or plague marine squads in rhinos, or maybe some allied plague bearers?  Shouldn't take much more fenangling to get a soul grinder in if you want some gribbly chaos walker action.


I understand loving big deep striking terminator units, but after my experiences with Abaddon & friends....

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Oh theres plenty of tweeking the list could do with, Dropping typhus and the zombies and running more cultists would free up points to grab a baleflamer lord and combi-plas on the rest of my termies while still having about 60 pts left to throw where needed. the point was just to illistrate the kind of list I would run if the brutes didn't eat my slots so badly, and when you consider whatever bonus the formation might provide coupled with the new supplement, I see potential, whether that will be realised or not is another matter

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I just don't see the brutes actually adding to the fun of the list.  If you just like models for display, you can buy and paint them without putting them in your list?  I mean, what 250ish points were you going to run instead that that two helbrutes wouldn't be a big step down from that?


Anyway, extras are extras.  Whatever extras there may be may change things, sure.  I'm just saying, elites are our deadest force org slots, so taking up elites slots isn't what's keeping me at least from fielding them.

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Would be super fun if they were outside the FOC in a Khorne list.


Bloodthirst, Juggerheralds, Bloodcrushers, Bloodletters

Axe Jugger Lord, CSM, Rhino

3 x Helbrutes running for 2 turns and eeeeevvvvveryone smashes things for 3 turns.



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I don't see what the helbrutes are contributing to that list, that you wouldn't be way better running C:CD princes with those points instead.  Honestly, I don't see what exactly they're adding to the list, like, at all, really?  By the time they get there, the cavalry and fliers have either crushed everything, or you've lost, and the dreads aren't going to be turning anything around for you?


Guess I just don't see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch. Maybe I'm wrong, and what was really holding helbrutes back wasn't their slowness or their cripplingly low armor for a close range walker in 6e, but rather that they just ate up too many super valuable CSM elites slots.  So sure, try it out.  Just, please, if you don't already have a bunch of spare chaos dreads lying around, proxy it out for a few games before dropping 150 smackers on 'em.

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300 points, if they get some buffs (I am assuming in fantasy land where I live, GW actually updates the rules here) then they could certainly run behind/around my Rhino, and while the rest of the stuff is out immediately threatening, they are running, with an eventual meet up somewhere to all become friends.


Granted, its not top tier, but thats not why I'm here, I've finally given up that desire, and its just going to be all Khorne, all smash, all the time.

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