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No new chosen/havocs means it's back to chopping up the DV dudes for me....didn't get my hopes up to high anyways.....


I don't mind the Hellbrutes, I just dislike the heads -I suppose they are to scale but I just look weird to my eye (not in a good way) I prefer the FW style helms so prob stick with them.

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they cant do that anymore mate

But SoK said he is given in to the illusion and that he wants to smash . Can't have a fluffy khorn brute without going rage on everything in front of him .


Frankly if it was the old crazed, like 3.5? Sure. :D


Thats why they would lead from the front and just run, slam into something, and go all choppy.


Really hope we find out what this is soon...

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I'm pretty sure the jeske is being sarcastic. He is making fun of GW's idea that Chaos "requires" terrible random rules to be "Chaotic" as per GW's current design philosophy.


But it worked so great in Rogue Trader...

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I personnaly prefere the Dedication rules from FW then simply a Mark with +1 in a stat.


A Dread with Rage+Rampage? yes please!( would be better on a mauler but hey...)


Eh, even if they brought those in, they're mostly over priced.  yes Rage/Rampage is fun, but it's 20 points.  IWND for 20 points is similarly expensive on a model that's probably going to die in a single round.  Slaanesh for grenades... for 15 points?  No thanks, and Tzeentch... LOL.  Soulblaze flamers and maybe re-roll to hits of 1... That's just garbage and expensive to boot!


If they just bring them over from the contemptor/decimator, that would be awful.

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You misunderstand.


I am suggesting 100 points base, with MM + IWND, Daemon, Daemonforge, and then marks on top of that.


120 points for a IWND, Daemon, Daemonforge, Rage/Rampage walker? I'd run that for laughs without a doubt.


EDIT: A wraithknight would still kick them like a point after attempt, but at least krak's could be saved against, and the unit would be splattered in response.

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Another one. This actually sounds hilarious. Would be fluffy for armies like WB to have a horde of cultists worshipping one of their Helbrutes as an avatar of the gods as it wanders around and occasionally steps on them.


This might be kinda funny depending on the rules too. For ex. getting fearless for the Cultists as long as the Hellbrute is "alive" (and taking 50 of them). OFC the Brute would need to gain some cover rule from the wimps or smth. similar.

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I'm guessing that's exactly what it will be. It makes them fearless and they give it a cover save with the tradeoff that it has a chance to fire frenzy them, or perhaps if GW doesn't feel like being censored.gif s about it it might kill them some other way that doesn't at least preclude it from firing at enemies. But there will definitely be a rule for it attacking them.

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