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On the other hand I will always advocate 1d6 instead of 2d6 for chaos Deep Strike deviation rolls. It has been stated many times in fluff that team chaos is the absolute master of warp technology of which teleportation is perhaps the most basic application. Have been reading Scars and in the scene of the Word Bearers the commander states that they have moved past empty worship and rude technological rituals so that they can truly employ teleportation in its maximum faculty with the help of sorcery and warp technology, which resulted in a precise teleportation in and out of the area. So why not give chaos this generic rule and a wide access to Deep Strike units and stratagems. Daemons do it fine, so should the chaos space marines. One rule could easily provide for our lack of drop pods and transportation...

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We've already got a lot of units that can deep strike.  'Icon of summoning: 20 points, icon, homing beacon, available to any squad that can take an icon'.  That's all it would take.

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As soon as you start to move units, apart from scout moves that are specifically during deployment, then your movement phase has started.


Well I partially do agree with both of you but what is catchy here is the Reserves rule description:


When Reserves arrive, the player picks any one of the units

arriving and deploys it, moving it onto the table as described

below. Then he picks another unit and deploys it, and so on

until all arriving units are on the table. The player can then

proceed to move his other units as normal.


Which me and the dudes I'm playing with interpret as a form of deployment that occurs before all other effects can be resolved or actions performed during the movement phase

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I agree Mali, I long for the days when I was able to summon bloodletters straight into combat and when there were no deviation rolls if the unit on the table had the same mark of chaos or a standard. Those were nice touches that helped a lot with mobility, which is the crux of the chaos space marines book. It was fluffy, it was nasty and due to that it was removed, or truth be told made a mechanic for the daemon army to make it feel unique...

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As per the preview on GW's 'what's new today' page, the Helbrute dataslate comes with not just one, but three new dataslates: The Mayhem Pack already under discussion, plus a Helcult and a Helfist Murderpack.  The chances of at least one of them not being terrible has been considerably improved, though the chances of any of them actually being good still remains somewhat limited by the lackluster rules of the helbrute itself, so I'm trying not to get too excited.  Nothing other than the names to indicate what the other formations might be about.

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ughh I hate tentacles . Always just makes me think of something a 3 yr old rolled out of play-duh rather then being chaos'y.


good luck selling those 60 base csm's on e-bay smurf , since no one uses them anymore msn-wink.gif . I n same boat , I think I have about 80 of them.

if i had the cash id take em, sliced and diced, greentuff, hey presto,plague marine

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I'm not fond of dataslates because I have neither an ipad nor, currently, a printer, so I'm stuck with "even if I buy this thing I'm not actually going to be able to take it with me to games" which makes them less than useful to me. I'm interested to see how the 'brute formations turn out, though.

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you guys know there is an FAQ answering your reserves question right?


Thanks. Found it:

are manifested ‘at the start of the Psyker’s Movement
phase’ – does this mean they happen simultaneously with Reserves
rolls, Outflanking rolls etc and if so which is resolved first? (p68)
A: They do occur simultaneously – as such, the player whose
turn it is decides in what order these things occur as per
page 9 of the
Warhammer 40,000



no more off top.

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 Third Formation Known

Helfist murderpack (because whats more over the top than that name)
honestly no idea, sounds like either a formation with a venerable leader (??) something that lets the brutes not rage (choose your rage result would be AWESOME!)
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Not Exactly new models, but apparently the Helbrute (and likely the all the reboxes) come with a new transfer sheet: http://natfka.blogspot.com/2014/03/new-chaos-marine-transfer-sheets.html
What's on it?
1) Chaos symbols in all the colors of the Rainbow
2) God Icons in various shades. Khorne and Nurgle can choose black and white, Tzeentch in white, blue and gold, and Slaanesh in about 5 or 6 different colors, though half are different shades of purple)
2) Symbols for the Red Corsairs, the Crimson Slaughter, and for ALL NINE LEGIONS (including a new variation on the Emperor's children symbol that I really like)

Overall, looks like a really good update to the sheet (though I admit that I don't use them)

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just note that units that arrive from reserve are still prevented from casting blessings and maledictions themselves.



That FAQ seems to indicate that you cannot cast blessing on units arriving from reserves either, as they occur simultaneously with rolling reserves, which occurs before actually moving reserves onto the table, no?

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rolling from reserves and then arriving is all one event, as soon as they are rolled, if the roll is successful, they move onto the board.


I am aware of the argument that they are split, but if you agree with that argument then you are trying to argue that reserves that arrive Turns 1-3 arrive at soem nebulous never defined time after the roll. Whereas reserves that arrive T4 OR from ongoing reserves arrive at a hard "start of the turn"


ergo: You roll at the "start of the turn" you arrive as soon as the roll is made, and all this occurs at the same time as the "start of the movement phase" as per the FAQ, therefore it is the player whose turn it is right to decide.



At the start of your Turn Two, you must roll aD6 for each
unit being held in reserve - these are known as Reserve
Rolls. If the roll is a 3 or rnore, that unit arrives this turn.


And later in that same rule we have
iv>and automatically arrives at the start of Turn Four.


Ongoing reserves ALSO arrive at a different time


Units in Ongoing Reserve always re-enter play at
the start of their controlling player's following turn


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I hate the way Games Workshop writes rules, and I especially hate how their refusal to keep their FAQ up to date compounds the frustration bred by their slovenly attitude towards mechanics.

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Not Exactly new models, but apparently the Helbrute (and likely the all the reboxes) come with a new transfer sheet: http://natfka.blogspot.com/2014/03/new-chaos-marine-transfer-sheets.html

What's on it?

1) Chaos symbols in all the colors of the Rainbow

2) God Icons in various shades. Khorne and Nurgle can choose black and white, Tzeentch in white, blue and gold, and Slaanesh in about 5 or 6 different colors, though half are different shades of purple)

2) Symbols for the Red Corsairs, the Crimson Slaughter, and for ALL NINE LEGIONS (including a new variation on the Emperor's children symbol that I really like)

Overall, looks like a really good update to the sheet (though I admit that I don't use them)

picked up the hellbrute today. And I must say the new decals are exallent. They even have red corsair transfers and is the same sort of size as the new eldar one. The hellbrute itself isn't really opposable but on the flip side it's really easy to magnetise, the only problem is that the scourge and thunder hammer share a part and making it almost impossible to easily magnitize, the twin combo bolters and heavy flamers options are not really magnitizable either.
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I hate the way Games Workshop writes rules, and I especially hate how their refusal to keep their FAQ up to date compounds the frustration bred by their slovenly attitude towards mechanics.

Dont we all.


but at least this time we have enough additional information to reach the conclusion that reserve rolls and arriving is one continuous event.

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Have to say that I find it pretty odd that they made the flames red on the new WB icons on the transfer sheet. Red detail on red armour? It will hardly be visible.

Oh well, I don't use them anyway. I'm really looking forward to the 22nd, those Helbrute dataslates look really interesting!

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