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you guys know there is an FAQ answering your reserves question right?


Thanks. Found it:

are manifested ‘at the start of the Psyker’s Movement
phase’ – does this mean they happen simultaneously with Reserves
rolls, Outflanking rolls etc and if so which is resolved first? (p68)
A: They do occur simultaneously – as such, the player whose
turn it is decides in what order these things occur as per
page 9 of the
Warhammer 40,000



no more off top.

This gives the answer, you roll all your reserves and use blessings before or after that, then you start moving those reserves onto the board, just as stated on page 124 in the BRB.

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dude, I will spell this out for you, I'll even use quotes.


We know form that FAQ that "at the start of the turn" is synonymous with "at the begining of the movement phase"


Right so looking at the reserves rules we have



At the start of your Turn Two, you must roll aD6 for each
unit being held in reserve - these are known as Reserve
Rolls. If the roll is a 3 or rnore, that unit arrives this turn.


So you roll and then arrive.


You are arguing that the arrival happens at a later time, there is no evidence to support this.

Furthermore reading through the REST of the rule we get this




and automatically arrives at the start of Turn Four.


So reserves for turn 4 happen at the start of the turn (those magic words being the same as for the roll)


futher supported by the ongoing reserves rules which state:



Units in Ongoing Reserve always re-enter play at
the start of their controlling player's following turn

See all the START OF TURN!!!


ergo, by YOUR logic, reserves for T1-3 would arrive AFTER any ongoing reserves, as well as at a different point in time to reserves that arrive T4.....

and that is just silly

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We know form that FAQ that "at the start of the turn" is synonymous with "at the begining of the movement phase"

Actually the "start of the turn" is the same as "before the movement phase." 


I think you are confusing "arrive from reserves" with actually deploying on the table.  Those are two seperate things.  When it passes the roll, it arrives; this means it is available and must be deployed during the movement phase.  "arrives" is just the fluff term to say it has made it to the battle field.  Nothing more.

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We know form that FAQ that "at the start of the turn" is synonymous with "at the begining of the movement phase"

Actually the "start of the turn" is the same as "before the movement phase." 


I think you are confusing "arrive from reserves" with actually deploying on the table.  Those are two seperate things.  When it passes the roll, it arrives; this means it is available and must be deployed during the movement phase.  "arrives" is just the fluff term to say it has made it to the battle field.  Nothing more.

there is no "before the movement phase" it doesn't exist.


re-read psychic powers, blessings are, "at the start of the movement phase"

And reserves are the start of the turn"

But as per the FAQ, that is the same time....seriously 


turn 4, you arrive from reserves at the "start of the turn"


Go read the whole reserve rules, guess what happens when you "arrive from reserves"



When Reserves arrive, the player picks any one of the units
arriving and deploys it, moving it onto the table as described
below. Then he picks another unit and deploys it, and so on
until all arriving units are on the table. The player can then
proceed to move his other units as normal.


so...WHEN do reserves arrive?


when they succeed a reserve roll, 


IMMEDIATELY when they succeed a reserve roll


unless you want to argue that reserves for T4 and ongoing arrive at a different time, because those one, as per my quote "arrive at the start of the turn"




Can we not do this?  It's dumb and unclear, play it however your group will play it.

Dude, Someone on the internet is WRONG!!
we are so doing this
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  • 3 weeks later...

No we're not, apparantly.


Anyway, Bell of Lost Souls is reporting another mini chaos wave following the guard release, not for chosen, havocs, or a clampack lord, but for the oblit/mutilator dual kit that was rumored to be in the works way back when our book was released (and which, frankly, is the only reason for muts to exist as a thing in the first place):




Also implies that GW has several kits done and ready for release that they're holding back to plug assorted release gaps and keep up the 1 kit per week schedule they've been on.



The contents of the rumor sound plausible, but as we've all come to recognize, anonymous sources on nat and bols aren't really anything to hang your hopes on.  And the rumor did go up on April Fools (just because bols doesn't do april fools, doesn't mean that the rumor sources they echo don't).  Obliterators were recently removed from the US store at least, in the purge of most finecast products, but then again the Mutilator box is still up.


I'm not exactly sure what this would mean for most chaos players.  There's little if any motivation to pick up mutilators, given their rules, and I'd imagine many if not most of us already have obliterators.  If we do get new oblits/muts, then I'd expect them to see a base size increase to match the loyalist centurions, so rebasing will be in order, at least.  Other than that, I've recently gotten rid of my own old metal oblits, and certainly would consider picking up some new ones if they're done in the new style.  A squad of mini Helbrutes would look pretty cool, imo.  The price (us$80 if they match centurions, and possibly more if one compares the price of the brute to that of loyalist dreads), however, might be a bit too much for me to take.  And the FW Myrmidons make some pretty great oblits in a somewhat less mutated style, while being significantly cheaper than any new plastic kit is likely to be.


So I guess color me interested but skeptical.  Skeptical both of the rumor itself and of the product's value if the rumor proves accurate.

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Hopefully this is true. I genuinely hope they make some exceptionally cool looking models.Though given the current models this wont be hard! tongue.png

I know, right??!!

I would pick up that kit in a heart beat.

@daboarder - Is this the thread to argue rulings?? No, it's a rumor thread. Respect that.

End of Line

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...They'd have to have a rules change for Mutilators for me to buy this (take away SNP, take away bulky and give them Independent Character and special Challenge rules).  I have 3 Oblits I converted.



I'd expect them to see a base size increase to match the loyalist centurions, so rebasing will be in order, at least.


I stressed about that with my Broadsides.  Then I realized-I play against a guy with an Avatar on a 40mm base-because that's the base it came with, and then I felt absolved of any stress.  I got my 3, I don't need a Crazy Huge new kit to replace them.

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Well luckily for me I have sold most of the old kits, leaving me with only three Finecast Obliterators painted in Thousand Sons colors, which were indeed scheduled to go as soon as the new kits become available, provided that there will be new models and not a repacking. I am running a program of updating my chaos army and so far the only old kits that are still in my possession are one CSM squad, a squad of Thousand Sons, Abaddon, Cypher, 4x Spawn, Obliterators. All this will go on auction as soon as it is practicable. All that I am keeping are the three chaos sorcerers which was a pain to find. 


But really, DV set the new look for team Chaos, the new daemon models too, so an update program is due. 

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I'd love a plastic obliterator kit and I'm about the only chaos player who hasn't kitbashed any of my own yet. Also, I've always been bewildered at the lack of one, since it seems like mutilators weere invented to justify a dual-purpose plastic kit in the first place, same way warptalons were.


I'd still rather have a havoc kit, but I guess they're not going to do that.

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While I definietly have my "believe it when I see it" hat on, I can help but think that new cool looking Mutilator kits would lead a person like me to get some and  fill up their elite slots with Mutilators, now that Helbrutes don't take up a force org slot, and push the "unsafe deep strike into the opponents backline" theme even harder. Maybe a Mutilator/dataslate Helbrutes/Chaos Spawn/Maulerfiend zoo list with cultist zookeepers?

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