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While I definietly have my "believe it when I see it" hat on, I can help but think that new cool looking Mutilator kits would lead a person like me to get some and  fill up their elite slots with Mutilators, now that Helbrutes don't take up a force org slot, and push the "unsafe deep strike into the opponents backline" theme even harder. Maybe a Mutilator/dataslate Helbrutes/Chaos Spawn/Maulerfiend zoo list with cultist zookeepers?

Ally with daemons, bring icons to only get 1d6 scatter with the mutis...

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...They'd have to have a rules change for Mutilators for me to buy this (take away SNP, take away bulky and give them Independent Character and special Challenge rules). I have 3 Oblits I converted.

I'd expect them to see a base size increase to match the loyalist centurions, so rebasing will be in order, at least.

I stressed about that with my Broadsides. Then I realized-I play against a guy with an Avatar on a 40mm base-because that's the base it came with, and then I felt absolved of any stress. I got my 3, I don't need a Crazy Huge new kit to replace them.

I've still got the old metal oblits on their 25mm bases, so an update is probably in order for me, if they get new models, and especially if they get centurion bases. My base size will literally be 1/4 the new size . whistlingW.gif

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Concerning the missing Oblits (and other missing models), I'd emailed Customer Service about it to confirm it wasn't a website bug and this is the reply I got:



 Hi there,
Thanks for writing in to us. Over the last week or so, items have been removed from the website as we run out of stock; to avoid back orders. Once we our re-stock arrives, then the appropriate items should once again be available.

Sorry for the confusion, but I hope this helps.

David Monroe

Games Workshop

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So yeah, missing models just means "not in stock" now, instead of them snatching them back out of your basket when you buy them.

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That is quite annoying, it would be better if the listing remained, just that it displayed as out of stock, you know, like every other web shop in the universe...

That requires GW's site to be hooked directly into the inventory system and the inventory system be automated. I don't think they've quite gotten that far to be honest. Though it'd be nice if they were.


What GW used to do was take the out of stock item out of your purchase and not charge you the money for that purchase and then send you an email about the canceled item along with a huge list of all the other out of stock items and when they'd be in stock again. This honestly seems easier somehow than all that.

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That is quite annoying, it would be better if the listing remained, just that it displayed as out of stock, you know, like every other web shop in the universe...

That requires GW's site to be hooked directly into the inventory system and the inventory system be automated. I don't think they've quite gotten that far to be honest. Though it'd be nice if they were.


What GW used to do was take the out of stock item out of your purchase and not charge you the money for that purchase and then send you an email about the canceled item along with a huge list of all the other out of stock items and when they'd be in stock again. This honestly seems easier somehow than all that.

Wouldn't it just require them to do just as much they do today, but instead of removing the item they just put a "out of stock" sign?

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Depends on how the site is coded. That might be a thing in the new version they can do easily that isn't as quick/easy as adding and removing product pages. I don't know what the site backs d looks like or how it's coded so I'm only guessing.


If rumors are true we'll know more in a few days. Hopefully this site is a bit more advanced that the old one.

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Depends on how the site is coded. That might be a thing in the new version they can do easily that isn't as quick/easy as adding and removing product pages. I don't know what the site backs d looks like or how it's coded so I'm only guessing.


If rumors are true we'll know more in a few days. Hopefully this site is a bit more advanced that the old one.

Most likely it's a lot less hard to just kill the purchase link and put up a dead out of stock button instead of the buy button...


I mean, they have to go into the code in someway to do the other thing anyway...

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Hmm three things are certain. 


1. We sorely need a new plastic kit for our troops and cult units...

2. We need a modular lord/sorcerer kit...

3. An update for our vehicles in high due...


Now three problems that will come with that:


1. A high price spike for most of our models, and being unable to use most of them in an effective way huts even more...

2. The kits have to be dual since GW is cutting its range, which means that we will always have an unit that works and another that does not and we will pay for both.

3. We can expect some units to be discontinued should the trend follow... so what you pay in gold today will be useless tomorrow... I already see Defilers as a risk...


Also a good number of our options has to be valid for Warhammer Fantasy (Daemons) but also things like mutations sprues an such. So I have no hope for a serious update for Daemon Princes, Greater Daemons, Spawn and other Daemons unless it will be viable and still it will hit us like a truck since we will be paying for fantasy options which 40k players have little to no use. 

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.....just wanted to add a breath of fresh air.....

New minis? On the way? At some point? For an army I love?

Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! woot.gif

Through the murk of darkness and hatred the seems to permeate occasionally the Chaos threads this is welcome news indeedy!


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Hmm three things are certain. 


1. We sorely need a new plastic kit for our troops and cult units...

2. We need a modular lord/sorcerer kit...

3. An update for our vehicles in high due...


I'd love to see a new Chosen/Havoc kit. 

Might be enough to go with a full Chosen army, just because the models will be awesome. 

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I think all Chaos players would be in agreement on that.  New plastic Chosen/Havocs/Obliterators/etc. = a good thing.


I'd be extra happy if they give them the Dark Vengeance treatment.

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I'd rather see chosen and havocs as separate kits myself.  Chosen deserve a more elaborate armor design befitting their elite status, while havocs should just be regular chaos marines with heavy weapons.

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I'd rather see chosen and havocs as separate kits myself.  Chosen deserve a more elaborate armor design befitting their elite status, while havocs should just be regular chaos marines with heavy weapons.


I'd be fine with that. 

I just want something to use as basic CSMs whether it's highly ornate like Chosen or more simple like Havocs. Just please move away from the silly top knots of the current kit!

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How long does it take a CSM to thread his top knot through his helmet when putting it on. Also does it ever get stuck?

I think they just magnetize it to the top of their head so they can easily swap places for it...

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I always assumed the top knots were adornments to the armor, not the marine's actual hair being threaded through the helmet. Eh, I don't know, I've always dug the top knots myself, and ornamented headgear is kind of the whole Chaos shctick if you will. Horns, batwings, top knots, those funny little WWI German helmet spikes. Hats for the hat god! Knots for the knot throne! Either case, I have no dog in this race, Havocs are easily made form CSM + weapon bits from eBay and Chosen can either be represented the same as regular CSM or by older armor marks courtesy of FW.

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I'd rather see chosen and havocs as separate kits myself.  Chosen deserve a more elaborate armor design befitting their elite status, while havocs should just be regular chaos marines with heavy weapons.


I'd be fine with that. 

I just want something to use as basic CSMs whether it's highly ornate like Chosen or more simple like Havocs. Just please move away from the silly top knots of the current kit!

Honestly, I'd take both in the same box.  Except GW wouldn't keep the price fair, so it'll never come out the way I want it.

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IMO, they can't do both in the same box, not if we're talking about both as in both styles of armor.  Both chosen and havocs could work, but only if the havocs get fancier armor than I think is appropriate, or the chosen not fancy enough.  But for the armor styles, for the looks to be cohesive, it can't just be a difference of one or two pieces, we'd be talking about basically two whole bodies for each dude, so if they actually did both armor styles, then the 'dual kit' would end up being 5 chosen + 5 havocs in one nonsensical box.

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I'd rather see chosen and havocs as separate kits myself.  Chosen deserve a more elaborate armor design befitting their elite status, while havocs should just be regular chaos marines with heavy weapons.


I'd be fine with that. 

I just want something to use as basic CSMs whether it's highly ornate like Chosen or more simple like Havocs. Just please move away from the silly top knots of the current kit!


You know...compared to the horns and stuff I've cut off and filed down, the Top Knot things (...I always thought they were more like the plumes that Knights wore) it was a MUCH simpler job.  *snip* and done.

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