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Simple enough question, really - I have a ten man Rhino-rush 'Zerker squad (Dirge Casters on the Rhino) with a power axe champion; because I saw KrautScientist's conversion and it was awesome.


 Now, since the local theme in my store is MEQ-heavy with a Tau player in the mix as well, is it worth splashing points on a pair of chainaxes? Just two is sufficient, I think.


On the one hand they're THE signature WE weapon, yet on the other I wonder......



Thoughts, gentlemen?

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I keep seeing MEQ abbreviation, what does it mean? I can guess that it means that their troops saves are higher than chainaxe ap?

I don't get to play a lot btw :P if you couldn't tell. From looking at the dex and even being a huge zerker lover I could never justify spending the points on the axes, If their save is 5+ or greater = failed saves more often than not without even trying to deny the saves.


(Like I said, I don't play often so my opinion is rather mute and I could be wrong in my assumption that is what you were referring to)

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If they gave you +1 strength like Scorpian chain swords, or ap5 and rending, then I'd be all Chain Axes, all the time.


As it is?  I can't justify that purchase.  It'd be better if for the same points I could buy another bolt pistol to better make use of Gunslinger.

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i run into necron/gaurd/orks/nids/tau/other 4+ save things all time. i usually drop a few in the squad because

1. i have they models and im ocd like that

2. i usually have a few points to hash out so an axe or 2 helps (same thing i do on std chaos marines with ccw's)


remember that you choose the order of allocation for your wounds ive had several time where ive hit a cron squad, done several axe wounds to just pull the std cron warriors out of teh way before making a character take a boat load of saves from the rest of the zerkers. Nothing amazing but i look at it as another little tool in my swiss army knife style of playing.

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