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Need some quick tips


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Hey there,


Soon i will be doing some small 1500 point battles. I was thinking on fielding a juggerlord and maybe Belakor or a telepathy sorcerer. But i have some questions regarding their capabilities.


What is about the maximum i can assault with a juggerlord and live? I mean he has no EW, but could he win over a wraithknight or Chapter Master (Shield eternal) if that would be benefitting the battle?


Similar, with Belakor. Can he go toe to toe with a wraithkngiht? What sort of things should i avoid with him? 


Then i got some questions regarding telepathy. 


- Can i use puppet master on a flyer?

- What are good targets for puppetmaster? 

- WHen is it worth to cast terrify?

- How does invisibility work, if i cast it on a bikesquad with my juggerlord in there? Does the lord benefit from it?


Then a last question on flyers. Can i vector strike a flyer with my helldrake, and then flame a different unit after?


Thanks in advance


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1) sure

2) single models, preferably ones with a good ranged attack option

3) on fearless units

4) yes it merely grants teh special rules, the lord can even join the squad later and still benefits.

5) yes its a standard tactic and upsets loyalists to no end

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A juggerlord (with an axe, I assume) can't handle a wraithknight efficiently. He'll be instakilled by the knight and will only wound on 6:es, not recommended.


Be'lakor on the other hand, has EW and can survive, while his sword has fleshbane for those nice 2+ to wound! :)


-Puppet master can be used on fliers, but needs to hit. No problem if Be'lakor is also flying since he'll hit on 2+ then.

-Vehicles or one-model shooting units are good targets, or units with powerful weapons that all have the same equips.

-Low-Ld units such as gaunts it can be effective against, but I'd save the warp charges for invisibility/hallucination and puppet master.

-Yes, the whole unit benefits of it, and what's better, if your juggerlord leaves the unit and goes to another, they will also benefit from the stealth+shrouded since only one model in a unit needs it! :)


I probably wouldn't go for both HQs though, at 1500p I'd choos either one or the other.


Vector strikes can be done to a different unit than you shoot at, yes. It's extremely effective at S7 and one of the reasons the drake is so strong! :)

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I know i should go for one of the other. But i got invited to the event yesterday, and i have not enough other stuff painted to fill my list with. So i got to do with what i can get, and belakor is easier/faster to paint then a 15 man footslog CSM squad, or even more cultists :)


I know my list wont be optimal (in the slightest: i will struggle with objectives, Vehicle Spam, wave serpents etc) but i just want to make sure i dont make any silly mistakes (like charging a wraithknight with the juggerlord).


Thanks for the answers so far. What are things i definitly should assault with Be'lakor? Can he cast inv/hall when he is locked in combat? Sorry, i'm abit of a noob, havent many battles under my belt yet, just looking for some fun.

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Blessings/Maledictions he can cast as normal when in combat. Watch out so Be'lakor doesn't get bogged down in hordes (or send in the juggerlord to help him). He can go to town with the wraith boys and vehicles without problem, but in many of my games with Be'lakor he doesn't end up in melee at all, just flying around buffing stuff up! Remember to use his shrouded, fly him from ruin to ruin for that nice 2+ cover save, plan his flying route in advance if possible.


Be'lakor for high T stuff and vehicles, juggerlord for hordes...

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Thanks for that. Actually made a list with a footslog unit of 15 CSM and a telepathy sorcerer, instead of Be'lakor. I will see if i can get those ready, tho i doubt that. Maybe if i sacrifice 10 cultists (just in painting time..)


What do people think about Dominate and mental fortitude?

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It is not a case of "how far" but whether or not you move Flat Out.


See "Moving Flat Out" on page 72 and "Zoom And Flat Out" on page 81


Moving Flat Out does not prevent you from using Metoric Strike because:

- it is not any form of a Tank Shock

- it is not a shooting attack

- it does not happen in the shooting phase.

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Thanks. What i'm still confused with is the wording of cruising and combat speed, and can only fire snap shots. Can a baleflamer be fired as a snap shot? if not, then how far can i maximum fly and still fire its flamer?

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Check the flyer rules about firing weapons as a flyer.



page 80, bottom right.


"can fire up to four of their weapons using their full Ballistic skill if they have moved at either Combat Speed or Cruising Speed that turn."


If it helps just forget about the whole Combat Speed vs Cruising Speed thing since that really has no bearing on a zooming flyer.  Unless you moved exactly 18" the drake is cruising anyway

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