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How are you encouraging people to join the long war?


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Sure, for painting and modelling, chaos is a prime army to play. But I only know of myself around where I play that plays CSM as primary nowadays, and I don't blame them for not doing it. Even though we are in the starter box I wouldn't call us a starter army exactly.


If the points and army disparity in DV wasen't enough, we also get a lot less stuff in our battle force than the loyalists...

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Well when I field Chaos I usually tend to be quite vocal on the cool stuff, like daemons, evil things, nastiness in general... While the majority of the people I play with are either some brand of loyalist scum or some xeno filth slowly some sense is being knocked in those thick skulls and I have seen a fair share of chaos models bought recently.


In the end I simply explain why I enjoy this faction and it helps a lot to know a full 10 years of chaos lore. I usually tend to mock the loyalists in fun and this seems to be quite an effective promotion to the younger players, who want to be a bit different from the grizzled vets. Sadly the xenos are swarming my club but that is due to nice models, nice rules and great codex books.


It bears to notice that GW is not helping here and most of the people who start with DV quickly move on the loyalist stuff since it is better in many ways compared to chaos and for a new player it is a hard thing to bankroll two armies, chaos marines and chaos daemons to stand a chance in local tournaments and campaigns as team chaos.


Sadly it happened so that most of my Chaos came to be second hand since people had vast armies in the 3.5 and 4th edition and all moved on to play loyalists and xenos, so it is a sad but cruel truth that I have 13 Obliterators, 5 Daemon Princes and 4 Defilers... people are simply unwilling to play Chaos in 40k, while in Fantasy Chaos is king.


In short, I show that I love my army, counterattack with chaos lore when fluff discussions are about and tend to show nice models and daemon engines as a centerpiece in most of my lists. Yet truth be told the new player who wants to play monsters usually goes for Tyranids which have a strong an healthy following in my area and it is easy to trade for pieces. Guard is also has the precedence when I try to explain that you need hordes of cultists to be effective and the price for the Helldrake, being a mandatory unit for Chaos, is a major deterrent as I see it, that and mostly old models. 

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I don't. They'll have a much more enjoyable time playing loyalists, so I encourage them to do that instead...

Ditto, I'd encourage them to play demons over CSM, but loyalists usually are my starter suggestion, a strong codex with multiple viable builds, bursting with character and a strong allies matrix.

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I don't.  GW's main games are hideously overpriced for the amount of enjoyment you'll get out of them.  I encourage new players to try other games - warmahordes, dropzone, malafoux, and most existing players aren't looking to start armies they don't already have.

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I don't. In my group, I'm the guy that "plays a subpar codex" and it "shows a lot of character". All it takes is for a new person to watch a game for a while and they usually wander off.


The closest to getting people to join the cause that I have done is starting to GM a Black Crusade game.

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By showing how much fun you can have modelling and painting Chaos.



Chaos is my primary army now because I love each and everyone of my models. My other army is Tau but after playing tau since 4th edition I find the freedom of painting and converting chaos more fun than my bland army of battlesuits.

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I actually have a buddy who plays DA and got sick of his situation and started a Tau army (he loves mech stuffz), then he added in a little bit of Eldar for last years NOVA Open. He then started in on a SM army and is doing pretty well in the tourney scene with them lately.
However, he has seen me do incredibly well with my CSM and loves my current army list. I play a Word Bearers army and have since second edition and it has always been a running joke of "well, if you dont like what you have Chaos would welcome you with open arms!". The other day he just stops what he is doing and literally says ":cuss it, I am gonna play CSM. Lets go up to the store and get some models.". I was in shock and we ended up going up to a few different local hobby stores we play at and I had some winnings from a tourney I had recently placed second in and got him a Heldrake (of course).

The best part was how awkward the drive to the first hobby store was, we both sat in silence and I just said "I dont even know what to say right now. . .". So yeah, helped to convert my buddy.
He has his first game this weekend. so if everyone could PM him, give him a good ole CSM welcome, and wish him luck in his game Saturday that would be great.

Elphilo is his B&C handle name. . . Feel free to be as rude as you want tongue.png

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I don't. They'll have a much more enjoyable time playing loyalists, so I encourage them to do that instead...




I would rather not afflict Chaos upon a friend. I truly have no redeeming quality to list with how CSM are portrayed currently in rules or models.

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I actually have a buddy who plays DA and got sick of his situation and started a Tau army (he loves mech stuffz), then he added in a little bit of Eldar for last years NOVA Open. He then started in on a SM army and is doing pretty well in the tourney scene with them lately.

However, he has seen me do incredibly well with my CSM and loves my current army list. I play a Word Bearers army and have since second edition and it has always been a running joke of "well, if you dont like what you have Chaos would welcome you with open arms!". The other day he just stops what he is doing and literally says ":cuss it, I am gonna play CSM. Lets go up to the store and get some models.". I was in shock and we ended up going up to a few different local hobby stores we play at and I had some winnings from a tourney I had recently placed second in and got him a Heldrake (of course).

The best part was how awkward the drive to the first hobby store was, we both sat in silence and I just said "I dont even know what to say right now. . .". So yeah, helped to convert my buddy.

He has his first game this weekend. so if everyone could PM him, give him a good ole CSM welcome, and wish him luck in his game Saturday that would be great.

Elphilo is his B&C handle name. . . Feel free to be as rude as you want tongue.png


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Say goodbye to your sanity Elphilo.

Dude, he plays DA. They are in far worse shape than we ever have been tongue.png

Welcome to the madness!

Just keep this away from the Inner Circle for me okay? Those guys don't like it when someone sees the glory that is chaos :P

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Say goodbye to your sanity Elphilo.

Dude, he plays DA. They are in far worse shape than we ever have been tongue.png

Welcome to the madness!

Just keep this away from the Inner Circle for me okay? Those guys don't like it when someone sees the glory that is chaos :P

Don't worry about them. Just throw beetroot at them. That's a stain they'll go crazy trying to shift.

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I have converted over to Chaos with a years time, and the only thing that brought me here was the ability to convert things into whatever I wanted. So if players I know, which is none that don't already have one or more armies, become interested in the game I usually keep my mouth shut. That's hard to believe, I know... I may tell them what army's I play, but I mostly let them decide what models look cool to them. They can go from there.


End of Line

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I could honestly use some encouragement to (re)join the long war.  2nd/3rd edition Chaos player here (pre-3.5 :() and I've always liked Chaos but I don't want to Heldrake spam and was never fond of Cultists or Plaguemarines as they never really fit the kind of army I wanted.  I'm not 100% sure of what the meta is but it seems to be a mix of people playing what they think is fun and a few competitive lists (have seen a Riptide or two and at least one Baneblade and/or Shadowsword).


I'm thinking of getting a small Chaos force (I don't think I'll play games above 1,500 - things seem to break down past that point) but it seems there's no way to be good with regular Chaos Marines and extras and I'd want a "pure" kind of warband.


It's either that or Necrons, which I like the look of as well but not nearly as much.

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