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How are you encouraging people to join the long war?


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I cycle through a lot of armies. I have friends who love to buy my stuff, and ebay may as well be bookmarked as a favorite...

I literally am on my 4th or 5th Chaos/Daemons army in 40K.

If you love the army, really, you can enjoy it. If I never looked online, never interacted on forums, I would be happier, I know that.

It does help get in character though. msn-wink.gif

I've pretty much taken to listening to Amon Amarth exclusively while making my Beserker army. Pursuit of Vikings is my favorite (KHORNE! Guide our ships, our Axes, spears and swords, Guide us through storms that whip-and ETERNAL WAAAAAR!!!) because I'm channeling some of the Norse WHF battle stuff into them.

They came from the very deepest part of the Eye-and their descendants entered it according to them some 100,000 years in the past, and speak of "son of Khorne" who had been a gladiator slave who was eventually released by his master in an act of sentiment. The Son of Khorne rose up, and was taken into the heavens by the Gilt Deceiver, made to wear screws in his head that made him Broken. Before the Blood Father found him, the Son of Khorne had become a slave to his rage-and it was killing him. Those that Came Before were of the Son's flesh, and after the Puppet King led his fellows against the Gilt Deceiver and his lackies-Fearsome enemies indeed, they were broken, sundered and Those that Came Before were broken on a Frozen world by one of their own-shackled by the same rage that the Son of Khorne had suffered from.

They waged war after war against their fellows-against aliens, daemons other Warbands and so many legions and empires. None remain from that Time so long ago-the Path of the Blood Father is a perilous one-but with great risk comes great rewards.

They fight for plunder, they fight to crush their enemies, to see them driven before them and to hear the lamentations of their women as they and their children are shackled up and herded as cattle and they are used as chamber slaves to attend the butchers of their husbands and worlds.

Quit stealing my jams yo! I believe its this exact aspect of really diving inot an army that makes ANY army fun to play. I dont play chaos for the pwer house that it is not (though i win most of my games and absolutly refuse to spam drakes and oblitz) I play because i can do and say things that are un-cooth and be like...."well what did you expect from khorne berserkers/noise marines

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After a victory over my friend who has played ultramarines for years i always quote Nemeroth "Will you be joining us soon brother?" And he has finally taken first steps to free himself from slavery to the false emperor by getting into daemons.

The only thing i find myself envying the loyalist dex for is the lack of drop pods in our own. But other than that IMO the chaos dex is better in many ways. 

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I would encourage people to play Chaos (I'm starting to do it myself!) But my issue isn't the codex, it's the one chaos player we have.

He's...well he's not what I'd call an upstanding gamer. Takes the whole Night lord thing a bit too seriously. Don't get me wrong if you like a legion and you have an army of them kudos to you! 

But using it as an excuse when you lose and getting angry over a game...it's not an encouraging image. You know something's gone wrong when an 11 year old child is being more of an adult than a man in his 20's playing 40k!

Still, GW Brought out the Crimson Slaughter Supplement, first one I purchased. Pleased I did it too! Always been more a fan of the Renegade side of things.

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I would encourage people to play Chaos (I'm starting to do it myself!) But my issue isn't the codex, it's the one chaos player we have.


He's...well he's not what I'd call an upstanding gamer. Takes the whole Night lord thing a bit too seriously. Don't get me wrong if you like a legion and you have an army of them kudos to you!


But using it as an excuse when you lose and getting angry over a game...it's not an encouraging image. You know something's gone wrong when an 11 year old child is being more of an adult than a man in his 20's playing 40k!


Still, GW Brought out the Crimson Slaughter Supplement, first one I purchased. Pleased I did it too! Always been more a fan of the Renegade side of things.

But Night Lords don't get angry. They flee and come back when they're ready. Maybe suggest he play Khorne or Orks next time he throws his toys out the pram.

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Hey now, my Khorne Marines are the the most standup guys, and have nothing in common with those green Dirt Road Gangbangers out of the Holler (shooting so bad it's like they're shooting sideways, sagging pants on the models, crappy, barely held together vehicles and rampantly breeding.  Are they really supposed to be Soccer Hooligans in space?)

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