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Rune Priests and Random Powers

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Probably an easy question. ;)


What happens if you have multiple Rune Priests, who choose to roll on the Divination table, and all roll the same powers?


Does the SW Codex restriction on having the same Powers hold for randomly rolled BRB powers?


How about defaulting all to the Primaris?

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IIRC the answer is no, there is no restriction from the "unique characters rule". I'll check the wording of the FAQ when I get home (can't access it at work due to the network filters).

So in the event you choose to take random powers, you can have duplicates.

I'll edit this post with the quote as soon as I get home (in about an hour).


- - - - -



Q: Can you clarify how The Leaders of the Pack works with regards to psychic powers? (p81)
A: No number of Rune Priests may share the exact same two psychic powers. [snip].  If you choose instead to take psychic powers from the disciplines in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, this restriction does not apply, as the specific powers are selected randomly.


I knew it was in there somewhere... page 6 of the SW FAQ.



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This is all I could find in the SW FAQ;

Psychic Powers

A Space Wolves Rune Priest (including Njal Stormcaller) may use the psychic disciplines found in the
Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, instead of those in Codex: Space Wolves. If he does so, generate two new powers from the Biomancy,
Divination or Telekinesis disciplines (in any combination) before armies are deployed.
No mention of Unique character rule. sad.png
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I've quoted the FAQ including a reference in my above (edited) post already.


It's about halfway down on the right hand side, page 6.  I snipped out some of the less relevant parts, but if you want to see for yourself, that's where it is.



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