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Blood Factoid for Blood Angels

Andurin Marvak

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I learned something pretty horrifying today, and I thought both the Khornate section of this board and we Sons of Sanguinius could find uses for it in our fluffy little creations.  In our case, specifically for assorted chapter relics.


So it turns out that you can torture a man so hard and so long that his blood actually breaks down to the point where it remains red after drying. This grisly effect lasts for at least 700 to 2,000 years, depending on how you view the origins of the Shroud of Turin. Please, before we turn this into a relgion thread, which it was not intended to be by any means, note that the Shroud is only mentioned to give the longevity of the effect a less arbitrary basis.


The effect is most easily viewed in natural sunlight.



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I was wary of posting any because most of them are links to information on the Shroud of Turin itself, and I have no desire to violate the board's rules, but looking up information on how bilirubin (the chemical released as part of this breakdown) works in forensic science ought to confirm the nature of bloodstains staying red to a certain degree, especially under sunlight.

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IMHO I should concentrate on the bilirubin aspect of this for evidence - aside from board rules, almost nothing about the Turin shroud has ever been conclusively proved one way or the other; the "blood" in this case may just be medieval iron oxide pigment. It's not really possible therefore to use the shroud as supporting evidence for this (or anything at all, really).


Not trying to be negative, interesting post with potential impact on things like blood chalices.

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In terms of the Forum, the concept of how this could work is interesting.  The issues around the Shroud of Turin are for discussions on other forums than the B+C.


The Shroud of Sanguinuis carried by Sergeant Cleutin could be a fluff example of the concept.

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On the other hand, do we even need realistic biological facts for fluff purposes. This is warhammer after all. We are talking about a genetically altered superman with wings. If anything, real life scientific facts work against us. I don't believe primarchs carry the same genetic make up as us. 

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I agree with JamesI, as I said, the Shroud was merely referenced to make the longevity of the effect less "HAVE SOME RANDOM NUMBERS".


As for having hard science, well, I guess it depends on how much technical detail you want in your fluff. I like to have an at least semi-feasible or based-loosely-on connection to reality as a starting point. For example, say we do have proof that dried blood with bilirubin released in it can last 2,000 years.


As GrunTeufel said, Primarchs are a completely different matter when it comes to bodily processes. Who's to say that the advanced way their very blood works would not allow for, oh, I don't know, Cleutin's cloth to easily last for 10,000 years?

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