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New Hellbrute up for pre-order with sprue pics


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Well the pre-orders are up for those who want them.




Had a look over the sprue pics and either I'm blind or there is nothing god specific about any parts. And the Autocannons look stubby.


But please, don't let my view sway you. Look for yourself and make up your own mind.

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No, you're right. I really dig the look of this, but there are no clear god marks. Some bits lean more or less towards a certain one. Seems like it might not be the easiest thing to pose the shoulders, but it's a good looking kit overall if you like the mutated look. Of course, there could be stuff we're not seeing on the other side, but none of the painted models have a mark. 


I was a little surprised they didn't have a 360 view. Maybe the back looks terrible… ;) 

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Meh, once again mediocre quality for a rather high price. It's not bad, realy, but i would have expected more detail and something that makes me say "wow, awesome model" instead of just, "not bad". I hope the rumored new Chosen (which will simply act as a replacment for the sucky normal csms) will be more awesome or i just spend my 50 bucks on Hasegawa's rather awesome Yukikaze or one of Dragon's destroyer models (a man needs to sate his miniature adiction :D) , which are all in the same price league as the not bad but also not awesome Hellbrute but offer much more detail (and parts :D) for their cost.

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+ The model looks quite good. (Not "Wow"-good, but it looks decent enough.)


- But it's way to expensive (moneywise).


- - Not to mention how bad it is (gamewise).


I won't be buying one. I already have two old Chaos Dreads and the DV Helbrute.


Edit; This made me cringe though; http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat440160a&prodId=prod2440006a


Possessed really are Troops in the CS-supplement. That's so hilarious (in a bad way) that I scarcely could believe it at first.


I wonder why there's a Dark Apostle in that box. Maybe Possessed get some additional rule(s) when joined by a DA, but with this being GW I kinda doubt it - there is no reason for him to be there, so of course he's there. They need to get rid of all the unsold DA-kits I guess.

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But making up my mind is your job, is it not, forte??!! msn-wink.gif

I poured over the pics and kit as well on the GW site. I have to say that even if I thought the codex entry was good enough for me (the casual player) to field, the model looks super static and uninspiring. I will not be buying one. Once I get a closer look at the heads the kit comes with, I may pick them up through a bits order, but that will be at a later date.

End of Line

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Maybe Dark apostles will get a boost? It really looks like they are giving CS the WB stick


One can only hope, or maybe he boost the Possessed in some fun way (allowing them to re-roll what 'gift' they get every round?)


If Chaos Lords can buy two gifts of mutation instead of one, I'm all ears.

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Still no TL-HB and I must agree the pose is too static. The loyalist dread is very much the same way but maybe this kit is workable. The irregularly shaped missile launcher and super thick tentacle whips are meh. Organic should be an option and not a necessity for the CSM. Not every marine just walks around with tentacles and glowing warpflesh. Some of them still abhor such things. I suppose that leaves the silly old pewter dread an option.

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ehhh, it's not as cool as my old converted ones (I must say msn-wink.gif) , the hammer is kinda cool , but the old metal one had a hammer too, just needed a little converting and GS to make the pose more dramatic) , other then that it is basically the same helbrute. But no matter what the model looks like , unless they changed the "gone crazy" rules, it's not worth taking.

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I love this mini. I'd like to get myself one, but between my horrific backlog and the fact that 'brutes are lousy on the tabletop I really don't know as I can justify the cost.


It's pretty, though, and a dread with all the options in the box is an overdue first.

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Still no TL-HB

The Alpha Legion begs to differ...



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All I can see are those hanging eyes that look like balls sick.gif

Lol...now you've done it ω


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All I can see are those hanging eyes that look like balls sick.gif

I wish I could unsee that. Thank you.

On the other hand, I like the retro look they are going with for Chaos. Not sure if I will get another hellbrute though, I got too many other things I want to get for my chaos army.

Looking at the sprues, it also has some conversion potential with regular dreads for a less mutated look, or for a more mutated defiler...which is where I would probably use some of the extra weapons.

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