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New Hellbrute up for pre-order with sprue pics


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The Dangling Majesty of Chaos. Tremble mortals and despair!

But I think its appropriate, anyone who fields dreadnoughts in this edition has balls msn-wink.gif

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I'm not gonna lie I love the new hell brute model I pre ordered one and some more raptors and I'm actually looking forward to the new supplement

Chuck a review up when you get the kit if possible.

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Maybe Dark apostles will get a boost? It really looks like they are giving CS the WB stick


One can only hope, or maybe he boost the Possessed in some fun way (allowing them to re-roll what 'gift' they get every round?)


If Chaos Lords can buy two gifts of mutation instead of one, I'm all ears.


If he's with them, and they get beast...he'll slow them back down to infantry :(

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All I can see are those hanging eyes that look like balls sick.gif

kind of explains the rage rules, I mean if you were to get hit there.....

But the price and over use of flesh and mutation just completely put me off, the price more so, as it is just ridiculous, I mean the FW ones blows it out of the water if you don't like the completely mutated look, it's nice but just not my cup of tea exactly, may be interesting to see the body with fw arms though.

A problem with the whole fleshy stuff is the rage rule is partly they go crazy due to not feeling anything, yet they would feel stuff if their shell has become flesh like.

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Chuck a review up when you get the kit if possible.

And a picture of the model from the sides & back, GW didn't do their usual 360 thing.


That fact bothers me far more than it should.



Hey, I noticed they did a full turn in the video on WDD. It looks better from the back than the DV one, in my opinion. That spine is wicked, while not looking too Necronish. 

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Forte I will totally do that for ya but with tons of pics I'm actually one of the ones that started a crimson slaughter army as well when I started chaos about 5 months ago. So I'm one of the rare few that look forward to the supplament release

Many thanks.


It's not for me really. I'm not a Hellbrute fan. But it's the sort of thing that helps out those who sit on the bench or are looking for potential parts for kit bashing and converting.

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