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Blight Drones

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They are 40K Approved - so technically legal for all games. But to be polite, check / inform your opponent.


They are Flyer / Hover and can be taken in groups of 3, which is cool. But they are only BS2.


Like a much weaker Heldrake but with both AC and Template (and Blast) weapons.

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BS2, ew, lol Has anyone on the forum used them before?


I was thinking of buying the Imperial Armour Apocalypse book to also check out some of the other Chaos units. Besides the Blight Drones, I was thinking the Chaos Spawn and Giant Spined Chaos Beast look interesting.

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Blight Drones BS2 means that its AC and Blast aren't that great, but it also has a Template weapon that doesn't care about BS. It isn't Torrent and it isn't as strong as Heldrakes but with 3 BDs in a squad it could give you more coverage against mobs.


Only problem with Giant Chaos Spawn is it is not Beast so it is slower. But makes for a good and cheap distracting bullet-soaking MC.



Apoc book also has the following all 40K approved:


Chaos Contemptor Dread - F-AV13, can be equipped with 2 x Butcher Cannon for 8 x Str 8 AP 4 shots and also with Helfire Reactor that gives 4+ against Glancing hits. Can also take MoN for It Will Not Die


Decimator Dread - F-AV13, with 2 x Siege Claw with Heavy Flamers, can Deep Strike. Can also take MoN for It Will Not Die. And if it does die - it comes back on a roll of 6 on any turn after


Chaos Spartan Tank - Like regular Land Raider but +Ceramite, +Quad Twin-Link Las Cannon, +25 carry capacity


Chaos Storm Eagle - Flying Land Raider + Ceramite, +20 carry capacity, options for Heavy Bolter, Multi-Melta, LasCannon, AC, etc.


Chaos Relic Pred - Like regular Pred but with Str 7 AC 2 Heavy 3 Blast Plasma Cannon that does NOT get hot. Or you can take 18" range Large Blast Melta Cannon


Blood Slaughterer - Needs squad of Khorne Berserkers to field but is AV13, 3+D3 Attacks on Charge, Rampage, can Deep Strike. And on turn when you Deep Strike can still launch its Str 8 AC 3 Range 12" Impaler to pull things and essentially make them Charge you and still get 3+D3 Attacks as if you charged them



On the Apoc side, has various large daemons like An'ggrath with WS10 / S10 / T8 / W8 / I5 / A7 (+D6 on Charge) / 2+ / 3++ Flying Gargantuan Creature (what?! lol)

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While they aren't as good as the Helldrake, I've been on the receiving end of one and it isn't fun either. They have both the template and large blast of a Mawcannon, neither of which particularly care about BS. They also benefit from Daemon of Nurgle making them something of a pain in the backside to drop, especially if they then jink. Consider them a solid addition to any Death Guard force.

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With 2 Butcher Cannons (similar to Forgefiend), Contemptor is slightly tougher with AV13 and Hellfire Reactor.


But Forgefiend may be able to do slightly more damage with Ecto and with Deamonforge.


Remember that Contemptor is Elite while Forge is Heavy so you could take 3 Contemptors and 3 Forgefiends for a really heavy gunline.



Decimator is a bit of a different beast. You can equip it with ranged weapons but might as well do it with a Contemptor instead. What the Decimator can do though is Deep Strike. So keep the Seige Arms and Heavy Flamer, Deep Stike it, Flame your opponent's gun lines and can opener his buildings / armor. Even if they kill it (as long as it doesn't explode), it has a chance of getting back up. So if it is in your opponent's deployment zone, it'll be something for him to worry about.

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how can the decimator deep strike if i may ask?


Decimator has the Deep Strike Special Rule. It would do so just like Daemons (because it is a Daemon) or a Terminator squad would Deep Strike onto the board.


Keep in Reserve, roll to come in from Reserve, pick a spot, roll for Scatter.


If you happen to have a Daemon Squad on the board with an Icon of the same alignment and you Deep Strike the Decimator within 6" then it doesn't Scatter.

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But the daemon rule does not provide deep strike anymore, just an inv save and fear.


Decimator's entry in the 2013 IA:Apoc, which is the latest entry, has BOTH Daemon AND Deep Strike Special Abilities.


(Actually it has 4 abilities listed under SA: Daemon, Daemonic Resilliance, Deep Strike, Unholy Vigor)


I.e. Deep Strike is explicitly stated, and not simply inferred from the Daemon SA.

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Been a while since I've been on but don't forget about Plague Hulk


Same stats as a soul grinder but with BS2. Has deep strike, daemon of Nurgle and daemonic resilience. It has a ap3 str6 large blast that does rending as well as a str6 ap3 flamer. Basically the same cost as what the Defiler cost in the old dex

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going to be using the Imperial Armor book, but I did think about getting the Aeronautica book since it has the Hell Blade/Talon. The reason for me getting the Imperial Armor Apocalypse was for more than just the Blight Drone, I was getting it so I could have more options to choose from and more vehicle conversion possibilities.

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If they do end up being somewhat usefull I was thinking of getting another one so I can have them as a formation - benefit of that is that as per their IA:Ap rules when they form a formation they count as having an Icon of Chaos, which means the rest of my Nurgle Daemon units only scatter 1D6 when deepstriking. Nice way of getting my Oblits / GUO / Decimator close to the battle (actually the GUO and Decimator won't scatter at all as they are Daemons of Nurgle).

Also runningg a Div Sorcerer could work well as Precience on 3 of them could potentially be a work-around for the poor BS.

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