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Blight Drones

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But the drones are fliers, so they can't start on the table right? That would make it an unreliable delivery system since it has to come on first from a dice roll

According to their entry in the IA:Ap they count as Flyer/Hover, so I thought they are pretty much the Chaos version of a Landspeeder, which can start on the table?

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Landspeeders unfortunately don't have the flyer rule, so they don't have that option. They're fast skimmers. The hover rule lets flyers move as though they were fast skimmers. That said, feel no pain flyers are pretty hilarious on the table

Ahh thats unfortunate, Id have to reconsider how I use them then as my ignorance obviously got the better of me. Ive never used flyers before so I was hoping there's a way of getting the drones on the table without keeping them in reserve, no such luck I suppose.

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